TPM0 - TR position management
The following messages are stored in message class TPM0: TR position management.
It is part of development package FTPM in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury: Position Management".
It is part of development package FTPM in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury: Position Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | _____ General messages __________________________________________________ |
001 | Posting error has occurred (Sy-Subrc = &1, DB-Action: &2) |
002 | Processing error has occurred (see long text) |
003 | Tick value for ID number & is not defined |
004 | No price found: Class &1, price date &2, price type &3, exchange &4 |
005 | Tick value for ID number & is not defined |
006 | Remaining units or assigned units are zero |
007 | Corresp. open transact. &1 is not yet settled (class &2, sec. acct &3) |
008 | Reverse position valuation for key date &1 first: Class &2, sec.acct &3 |
009 | Flows could not be reversed as at key date & |
010 | Open transaction cannot be reversed, since closes exist |
011 | No positions that can be valued found which correspond to selection |
012 | Error while posting derivatives document - see posting log |
013 | Reverse close transaction &1 of &2 first (sec.acct &3, sec.ID no. &4) |
014 | Securities acct &1, ID number &2 could not be valued |
015 | No class data found for selection criteria |
016 | Future-style settlement procedure does not apply for class & |
017 | No variation margin flows found |
018 | Reversal as at &1 not possible, since close &2 of &3 exists |
019 | Key date valuation as at & found |
020 | Amortization module for position management procedure &1 not found |
021 | Securities acct &3 was also selected for CoCd &1, ID number &2 |
022 | Securities acct &3 was not selected for CoCd &1, ID number &2 |
023 | Amortization module &1 does not meet the requirements |
024 | No flows exist |
025 | Period-end closing for CoCd &1, ID no. &2 exists after the key date |
026 | Period-end closing must still be carried out for CoCd &1, ID no. &2 |
027 | CoCd &1, ID no. &2, pos.mgmt procedure &3: No amortiz. flows generated |
028 | CoCd &1, ID no. &2, sec.acct &3: Amortiz. flows not posted successfully |
029 | Selected ID number &1 is not a bond |
030 | CoCd &1, ID no. &2, sec.acct &3: Already amortized on key date |
031 | Securities account groups not fully selected |
032 | Period-end closing has been carried out after the key date &1 |
033 | BAV reg. reporting active: Pos. indicator cannot be created automatically |
034 | Currency unit &1 does not match the futures currency unit |
100 | _____ Lot management __________________________________________________ |
101 | Single position &1 does not exist in company code &2 |
102 | No single positions were found |
103 | Deletion of single position &1 in company code &2 is not permitted |
104 | Single position with object number &1 was not found |
105 | Change to the transaction data is not permitted (see long text) |
106 | Change in position value date to &1 is not permitted |
107 | Change in no. of units to &1 is not permitted |
108 | Flow cannot be assigned to single positions |
109 | More units were assigned to the single position than units available |
110 | &1 units must be assigned, but &2 units were assigned |
111 | Assignment was checked - no errors were found |
112 | Assignment to single positions was generated automatically |
113 | &1 units to be assigned, but only &2 units available |
114 | Assignment of flows to single positions was terminated |
115 | Reassignment necessary, since underlying data has been changed |
116 | Number range interval created successfully for company code &1 |
117 | Assignment of a negative no. of units is not permitted |
201 | Acct assignment reference could not be determined (ID &1, sec. acct &2) |
202 | An account assignment reference has already been defined |
203 | Allocation of account assignment reference to position was terminated |
300 | Migration 4.0 to 5.0. New transactions exist. Reverse them |