TPM_THXE1 - message class for effectiveness test

The following messages are stored in message class TPM_THXE1: message class for effectiveness test.
It is part of development package FTR_HEDGE_EFFECTIVITY in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Effectivity Tests for New Hedge Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000****************** Messages for Precondition Checks ********************
001Hedging relationship &1/&2: No planned dedesignation date
002Deletion of test plan start and end date is not permitted
003Layout &1 has not been defined
004No business transaction to display
005Hedging rel. &1/&2: Input data or Customizing setting is wrong or missing
006No authorization to calculate effectiveness test
007No authorization to recalculate effectiveness test
008No authorization to delete an effectiveness test
009No authorization to set an effectiveness test manually as effective
010Hedging relationship &1/&2 is revoked: No effectiveness test is possible
011Select hedging relationships that you want to display
012Hedging rel. &1/&2: MDCRS is required for prospective testing
013Hedging rel. &1/&2: Prospective test on &3 is not effective
014Hedging rel. &1/&2: Retrospective test on &3 is not effective
015Hedging rel. &1/&2: Prospective test for bus. trans. &3 is not effective
016Hedging rel. &1/&2: Retrospective test for bus. tran. &3 is not effective
017Hedging rel. &1/&2: Prospective test on &3 has errors
018Hedging rel. &1/&2: Retrospective test on &3 has errors
019Hedging rel. &1/&2: Prospective test for bus. trans. &3 has errors
020Hedging rel. &1/&2: Retrospective test for bus. trans. &3 has errors
021Hedging rel. &1/&2: With test date &3, a test exists after key date
022Hedging rel. &1/&2: Effectiveness cannot be calculated
023Hedging rel. &1/&2: Internal error: New calc. mode but status not initial
024Eff. test is used in Hedge Accounting; No recalculation permitted
025Eff.test is used in Hedge Accounting; No manual setting to eff. permitted
026Eff.test is used in Hedge Accounting; Deletion is not permitted
028Effectiveness test exists after deletion date &1; deletion not possible
029Usage status does not differ; not possible to set status to "Used"
030Hedge profile &1: Scenario is missing
031Hedge profile &1: Retrospective eff. test method is missing
032Hedge profile &1: Prospective eff. test method is missing
033Hedge profile &1: Retrospective eff. test method category is missing
034Hedge profile &1: Prospective eff. test method category is missing
035Hedge profile &1: Prospective eff. test offset calc. cat. is missing
036Hedge profile &1: Retrospective eff. test offset calc. cat. is missing
037Hedge profile &1: Date generation logic is missing for PET
038Hedge profile &1: Start date for prospective test method is missing
039Hedge profile &1: Calendar for prospective linear regression is missing
040Hedge profile &1: Holiday move type for prosp. linear regression missing
041Hedge profile &1: No. points for retrosp. linear regression is missing
042Hedge profile &1: No. time slices for retrosp. linear regression missing
043Hedge profile &1: Calendar for retrosp. linear regression is missing
044Hedge profile &1: Holiday move type for retrosp. lin. regression missing
045Hedge profile &1: Hedged item product categories are missing
046Hedge profile &1: Hedging instrument product categories are missing
047Hedge profile &1: Effectiveness test result validity is missing
048Hedge profile &1: Control para. for prosp. regression eff. test missing
049Hedge profile &1: Min. coeff. of determination missing for prosp. regr.
050Hedge profile &1: Max. coeff. of determination missing for prosp. regr.
051Hedge profile &1: Minimum slope coefficient missing for prosp. regr.
052Hedge profile &1: Maximum slope coefficient missing for prosp. regr.
053Hedge profile &1: Minimum axis coefficient missing for prosp. regr.
054Hedge profile &1: Maximum axis coefficient missing for prosp. regr.
055Hedge profile &1: Control param. for retrosp. regr. eff. test is missing
056Hedge profile &1: Min. coeff. of determination missing for retrosp. regr.
057Hedge profile &1: Max. coeff. of determination missing for retrosp. regr.
058Hedge profile &1: Minimum slope coefficient is missing for retrosp. regr.
059Hedge profile &1: Maximum slope coefficient is missing for retrosp. regr.
060Hedge profile &1: Minimum axis coefficient is missing for prosp. regr.
061Hedge profile &1: Maximum axis coefficient is missing for prosp. regr.
062Hedge profile &1: Prosp. date generation logic changed from "03" to "01"
063Hedge profile &1: No. points for prospective test is missing
064No designated hedging relationships exist for entered selection criteria
065Hedge profile &1: Evaluation type is empty; no eff. test is possible
066Hedging rel. &1/&2: Desig. date empty; planned desig. date used instead
067Hedging rel. &1/&2: Desig. date and planned desig. date are empty
068Eff. test has usage status "Reversed"; no changes permitted
069Eff. test not used for bus. trans. &1; reversal is not possible
070Eff. test is for bus. tran. &1 with status "Reversed"; no changes allowed
071Eff. test is for bus. tran. &1 with status "Created"; reversal not poss.
072Eff. test not used by bus. trans. &1; not possible to delete reference
073Hedging relationship &1/&2 not found
074Eff. test date falls before designation date; test is not possible
076&1/&2: Error in selecting internal image of hedging instr. or hedged item
078Eff. test not found (HR &1/&2, date: &3, bus. trans &4)
079Eff. test is used as basis for a valuation
080Eff. test is used as basis in valuation step in derived transaction
081Eff. test is used in a released business transaction
082Eff. test for previous dates is missing acc. to test plan; test not poss.
083PET is not permitted on a dedesignation date
084RET is not permitted on a designation date
085Product type &1 is not supported as a hedged item in scenario &2
086Product type &1 is not supported as a hedging instrument in scenario &2
088Hedging rel. &1/&2: No. basis points is required for prospective testing
089Hedging rel. &1/&2: Scenario is required for prospective testing
090Hedging rel. &1/&2: Shift ID is required for prospective testing
091Slope coefficient and R2 condition type are not defined
092For this process the effectiveness test method cat. &1 is not supported
093For this process, only the assessment method &1 is supported
100****************** Messages from Effectiveness Calculation **************
101Hedging rel. &1/&2: Eff. test cannot be set manually as effective
102Hedging rel. &1/&2: Eff. test is set manually as effective
103Item CV calculation function &1 not found for item CV calc. category &2
104Interface of function &1 for item CV calc. category &2 not compatible
105No item CV calculation function assigned to item CV calc. category &1
106Eff. test is already effective
107Unclassified (technical) error at selection of contract w. GUID=&1 on &2
108Position &1 &2: Position management procedure &3 has no evaluation type
109"Select Tran. on Day of Cancellatn/Settlemt" ind. not set in eval.type &1
110Hedging rel. &1/&2: Eff. test cannot be set manually as effective
111Effectiveness test for designation is missing
112Hedging rel. &1/&2: Fixed leg NPV is only supported for IR swaps
113Effectiveness test calculation not possible
118End date precedes begin date
120No document for effectiveness test found
121Begin date falls before designation?
122End date falls after dedesignation?
200Select exactly one row
201No calculation log is available
350Hedging Relationship must be designated via RTPM_TRL_INIT_HREL
400**************** Messages of Item CV Calculation ************************
401Item CV calc.: No contract currency given for financ. object &1
402No start price of security &1 at &2 for MDCR set ID &3
403No scen. price f. security &1 at &2 fr. MDCR set ID &3, start date &4
404Start date &1 > scenario date &2 (MDCR set ID: &3, sec. ID: &4)
405No currency for security price: ID: &1, pricetype: &2, date: &3
406No currency for ad-hoc security price: ID: &1, date: &2
407FX rate types at Evaluation Type or Valuation Rule differ for bid and ask
408Dividend w/o currency
409&1/&2: Purchase or sales CF w/o currency
410Adhoc market data container (&2) contains no sec.price for ID &1
411No regular security price found: ID &1, pricetype &2, date &3, exch. &4
412Internal error in dividend calc.: Initial dates
413Internal error in dividend calc.: end of term older than begin of term
414Internal error in dividend calc.: evaluation currency initial
415&1/&2: Selected start of term (&3) younger than evaluation date
416Actual dividends are different in hedging instruments # &1 and # &2
417&1/&2: No FwdRs could be found on deal
418&1/&2: Currency of actual dividend is initial.
419&1/&2: Currency of planned dividend is initial.
420No ad hoc market data container found for &1
421No test possible before rollover date.
422No scenario price found for security &1 scenario id &2
423Start date &1 > scenario date &2 (Shift Rule: &3, sec. ID: &4)
424No start price of security &1 at &2 for Shift rule ID &3
425No scen. price f. security &1 at &2 fr. Shift rule ID &3, start date &4
500********* Messages for scenario dependend precondition checks ***********
501Eff.Test not possible. Deal &1/&2 is in wrong status
601Transition Speed should be greater than -1.
800**************** Messages of Effectiveness Check ************************
801No effectiveness test found for this transaction(&3) in H.Rel. &1/&2
802No. items in MDS and no. points in linear regression do not match
803MDS is not maintained in test plan
804For this process, only the MDS category 2 is supported
999&1 &2 &3
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