TPM_TRL - Messages Class Treasury Ledger
The following messages are stored in message class TPM_TRL: Messages Class Treasury Ledger.
It is part of development package FTR_TREASURY_LEDGER in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Ledger".
It is part of development package FTR_TREASURY_LEDGER in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Ledger".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** TRL Construction *** |
001 | Transaction not found |
002 | Document not found |
003 | Flow not found |
004 | No flows found |
005 | No position management procedure found for position: &1 &2 |
006 | Position for &1 &2 not found |
007 | Position &1 &2 has initial value |
008 | Business transaction in position: &1 &2 |
009 | Initialization step &1 of Treasury ledger run successfully |
010 | Derived business transactions &1 calculated |
011 | No transfer data found |
012 | Company code &1 invalid |
013 | Company code &1 not found |
014 | Treasury accounting code for company code &1 not found |
015 | Reverse the key date transfer in &1 company code first |
016 | No derived business transactions were calculated |
017 | Internal message &1 &2 |
018 | No positions selected |
019 | Initializing business transactions for co. code &1 were already generated |
020 | *** Initialization *** |
021 | &3 already carried out |
022 | &3 already carried out |
023 | &3 not yet carried out |
024 | Enter transfer date |
025 | Reversal of step &1 of Treasury ledger run successfully |
026 | &3 already carried out |
027 | You can process the security account groups |
028 | Initializing business transactions in company code &1 already reversed |
029 | In company code &1, a key date transfer has already run |
030 | No entry exists for co. code: &1, valn area: &2, valn area: &3, ID no: &4 |
031 | User &1 is locking positions in company code &2 |
032 | Check sec. acct group assignment: co. code &1, sec. ID &2, sec. acct &3 |
033 | Locking conflict |
034 | No valuation currency for TAC &1, valuation area: &2 |
035 | No position currency for position: &1 &2 |
036 | Some positions have business transactions that have not been reversed |
037 | Position date (trl_date) for the business transaction has initial value |
038 | Generation date (create_date) for the bus. transaction has initial value |
039 | Generation time (create_time) for the bus. transaction has initial value |
040 | Bus. transaction cat.(bustranscat) for bus. transaction has initial value |
041 | Activity cannot be carried out because a transfer for &1 exists |
042 | Status error in Treasury ledger construction has occurred |
043 | Internal error: Interface flows w/o flow number (treasury ledger constr.) |
044 | Inconsistency in old data: Actual flows for &1v1&2, &3v2&4 |
045 | You may not use the deletion report in productive systems |
046 | Position the cursor on a position |
047 | Position change leads to short position for &1 |
048 | Update type not assigned |
049 | Internal error: Processing leads to inconsistent positions |
050 | All derived business transactions are current |
051 | No flows exist |
052 | TRL initialization for &1, co. code &2, valn area &3 is not yet complete |
053 | Int. error: Incorrect call of method:get_runtime_obj (ca_deriv_trans_trl) |
054 | Period-end closing missing: Co. code &1, sec. ID no. &2, sec. acct &3 |
055 | Issuing spread not transferred: Co. code &1, sec. ID no. &2, sec. acct &3 |
056 | Currencies of flows and position &1 &2 are different |
057 | Enter the Treasury accounting code |
058 | Enter a valuation area |
059 | Specify a date |
060 | No update types are maintained for position management procedure &1 |
061 | Update type is not assigned (see long text) |
062 | Short position in accounting code &1, val. area &2, ID No. &4, date &3 |
063 | Processing leads to inconsistent positions for &1 (case &4, &2, &3) |
064 | Differentiation parameter:&1,&2,&3,&4 for par. pos. management is missing |
065 | Internal error: TRL Manager (method process, status check: case &1 ) |
066 | Treasury accounting code could not be found |
067 | Use report RTPM_TR_DELETE |
068 | Business transaction cannot be displayed |
069 | Internal error: Class: &1, method &2 |
070 | Update type not maintained for valuation class transfer |
071 | Invalid valuation class |
072 | Transaction code has initial value |
073 | Log handler has initial value |
074 | No flows in business transaction |
075 | No business transaction selected |
076 | Nominal to be transferred is greater than the position |
077 | Unirs to be transferred are greater than the position |
078 | Position management procedure changed successfully |
079 | Valuation class transfer changed successfully |
080 | Fixing of scheduled derived bus. transactions carried out successfully |
081 | Test run was completed successfully |
082 | No scheduled derived business transactions were found for the selection |
083 | Business transaction reversed successfully |
084 | Valuation area has initial value |
085 | Selected position is empty |
086 | Customizing is incomplete for position management procedure &1 |
087 | Position &1 &2 is being processed by user &3 |
088 | Test: Position management procedure changed successfully |
089 | Customizing settings for position differentiation are incomplete |
090 | Internal error: No special valuation class found |
091 | Initial position management procedure is not possible |
092 | Position management procedure cannot be changed if posted BTs exist |
093 | Select a line |
094 | Errors occurred; Carry out a test run |
095 | Display not possible |
096 | Unable to display original business transaction |
097 | Internal error while generating derived business transactions |
098 | No differentiation was defined in Customizing for this position |
099 | Customizing: No controls available for editing derived bus. transactions |
100 | Update type for position reconciliation not maintained |
101 | Transfer between bonds held net and gross is not possible |
102 | Position is blocked by an initialization run for the key date &1 |
103 | You cannot use the portfolio as a differentiation criterion |
104 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Discrepancy quantity ledger / oper.val.area |
105 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Short position |
106 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Negative purchase value / negative costs |
107 | Initial account assignment reference value not possible |
108 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Inadmissible changes to initial values |
109 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Zero position with a book val.other than 0 |
110 | Assign each securities account to a securities account group |
111 | Internal error: Val.area crcy inconsistent when generating TRL positions |
112 | CoCd &1, ID &2, sec. acct &3: Inconsistent position |
113 | Co. Code &1, Loan &2: Inadmissable changing of the initial values |
114 | Co. Code &1, Loan &2: Inconsistent position |
115 | Valuation currency is not the same as the local currency |
116 | Customizing incomplete: No flow types in TZB0A for OTC transactions |
117 | Customizing incomplete: No flow types in TZB0T for OTC transactions |
118 | Customizing incomplete: No flow types in AT19 for OTC transactions |
119 | Customizing incomplete: No flow types in AT13 for OTC transactions |
120 | Customizing incomplete: No flow type texts for &1 &2 in TZB0T |
121 | Activate the BAdI FTR_TR_DISTRIBUTOR (using transaction SE19) |
122 | Backup: Determine sec. account assignments from table TRGT_BACKUPACCGR |
123 | Short position: ID no. &1, sec.acct &2, sec.acct group &3, portfolio &4 |
124 | Short position: Loan no. &1 |
125 | Local currency does not match the valuation currency |
126 | Layout &1 has not been defined |
127 | No update type assigned to position management proc. &1 in field &2 (&3) |
128 | Valuation currency does not match local currency |
129 | No totals records were generated |
130 | Product group &1 is excluded in acocunting code &2, par. val. area &3 |
131 | This report may only be run as a background job |
132 | Initialization step &2 is not defined for product group &1 |
133 | Initialization step &1 has already been executed |
134 | Initialization step &1 has not yet been executed |
135 | Valuation area &2 has not been assigned to accounting code &1 |
136 | No account assignment reference found for position &1 &2 |
137 | Reversal reason is missing |
138 | Inconsistent parameters: &1 |
139 | Error during update: &1 |
140 | No double derived business transactions were found |
141 | Def. item for purch. val. (amort. proc. &1) only permitted for securities |
142 | Transaction &1 has not yet been posted using transaction TPM10 |
143 | Enter the quantity to be transferred |
144 | Assign an update type for initialization (no. &1, product type &2). |
145 | Change differentiation to val.area &1 acctng code &2 from &3 to &4 |
146 | Company code &1: &2 business transactions changed successfully |
147 | System did not find any business transactions to be changed |
148 | &1 data records were deleted, &2 corrected and &3 added |
149 | &1 data records would have been deleted, &2 corrected and &3 added |
150 | First reverse the initialization for all areas |
151 | &1 TRD business transactions were deleted |
152 | G/L account could not be determined for position &1 &2 |
153 | Deleting &1 for &2 &3 is critical |
154 | Foreign exchange valuation not possible if position in local currency |
155 | Reverse the valuation from &1 |
156 | Customizing for generating the position indicator is incorrect |
157 | Derived bus.transaction for planned bus.trans. only for OTC transactions |
158 | Are you sure that you want to select future business transactions? |
159 | Select only one business transaction |
160 | Old and new valuation classes have to be different |
161 | Error when updating data of valuation class transfer |
162 | There is a posted business transaction after the key date |
163 | Inconsistent data in parallel position management |
164 | System error - contact SAP |
165 | &1 &2 cannot be excluded from operative VA (accounting code: &3, VA: &4) |
166 | Position not differentiated by securities account group |
167 | Co. code &1, ID &2, Sec. Acct &3: Planned transaction is before key date |
168 | Security PT &1 cannot be excluded in operative valuation area |
169 | Valuation area &1 in acct code &2 does not have an initialization source |
170 | No incorrect amortization was found |
171 | Internal error ocurred while blocking a position |
172 | Loan &1 is blocked in VA &2 from valuation class transfer on &3 |
173 | Internal error occured while deleting a blocked object |
174 | The business transaction affects several positions |
175 | There is a planned business transaction before the key date |
176 | The selected position is not assigned to a position management procedure |
177 | Enter an update type |
178 | No corrections are necessary |
179 | Customizing is incomplete: No cond. types in AT11 for OTC transactions |
180 | Customizing is incomplete: No cond. types in TZK01 for OTC transactions |
181 | Business transactions are not up-to-date in AccCode:&1, ValArea: &2 on &3 |
182 | No data was converted; Key date was not defined |
183 | No logs are available to be displayed |
184 | Test run for valuation class transfer was successful |
185 | Flow &1 of TRD BT with BusTransID &2 has the wrong general val. class &3 |
186 | Reverse accrual/deferral on &1 |
187 | Position indicator for subledger position was generated automatically |
188 | Differentiation &1 has not been defined |
189 | In test run you cannot display positions after the action key date |
190 | CorpAct &1: A more up-to-date currency conversion already exists |
191 | &3 of a LIABILITY sec.acct applies to ASSET subledger position: &1,&2 |
192 | &3 of an ASSET sec.acct applies to LIABILITY subledger position: &1,&2 |
193 | Fixed, derived business transactions marked for reversal |
194 | Position management procedure: &1 does not match subledger pos.: &2, &3 |
195 | Position management procedure: &1 does not match subledger pos.: &2, &3 |
196 | Updated, derived business transactions marked for fixing |
197 | No amort. on &1; above processable value limit &2 &3 &4 |
198 | Amort.: It is not possible to manage other components as no issue price |
199 | No amort. on &1; below processable value limit &2 &3 &4 |
200 | Position is not consistent for &4 |
201 | Processing was terminated due to errors in customer enhancement |
202 | The customer enhancement passed on flows containing errors: &1 |
203 | Determine a repayment amount for CoCd &1, ID number &2 |
204 | Determine a repayment amount for CoCd &1, loan &2 |
205 | Determine a repayment amount for CoCd &1, transaction &2 |
206 | Effective interest for &1 of &2% is too large and changed to &3% |
207 | You have not defined a transfer cat. for option val. in pos.mgmt proc. &1 |
208 | Value &1 is not correct in this case |
209 | Do not assign value &1 with different plus/minus signs |
210 | Flow &1 affects the unavailable component &3 in valuation area &2 |
211 | You can only exercise listed options with "normal style" settlement type |
212 | You cannot exercise listed options "normal style" with pos. man. cat. &1 |
213 | TPM_MIGRATION has not been executed yet for &1, CoCd &2 |
214 | Key date for the position list is missing |
215 | Choose a flow relevant for amortization |
216 | Date has initial value |
217 | Transaction reference is initial |
218 | Position &1 is not affected by the transaction |
219 | Subposition &1 is inconsistent |
220 | Internal error: You cannot enter both the date and transaction |
221 | No transaction found for position &1 |
222 | Totals record not found for position &1, transaction &2 |
223 | Intragroup status was set to 'open' for transaction &1 |
224 | Reversal completed |
225 | Trans.&1 in CoCd &2 is affected since it is a processed intragroup trans. |
226 | Position with UUID &1 not found |
227 | Flow has incorrect currency (subposition of position &1 &2) |
228 | Subpos. missing for hedging instrument &1 in acctng code &2 (fisc. yr &3) |
229 | Subposition is missing for hedged item &1, acctng code &2 (fiscal yr &3) |
230 | Cannot display detail log for this amortization method |
231 | Transaction &1 in company code &2 is not active on &3 |
232 | Subposition is missing for position &1 &2 |
233 | Component &1 not initialized |
234 | Subposition with UUID &1 not found |
235 | Designated quantity has incorrect plus/minus sign on &1: &2 &3 |
236 | Quantity is designated although total quantity is zero on &1: &2 &3 |
237 | There is no valid effectiveness test for posting on &1 |
238 | Position &1 &2: Business transaction in status not updated |
239 | Position &1 &2: Effectiveness test missing |
240 | No amortization on &1; can't determine effective interest rate for &2, &3 |
241 | NPV of the cash flow for loan &1 differs by at least 10% |
242 | Amortization is not permitted for OTCs; Check position mgmnt procedure &1 |
243 | Issue Currency Changeover: nominal inconsistent, check positions for &1 |
244 | Nominal unequal to zero, adjust the nom. with TPM21 on &1 to zero. &2 &3 |
245 | Amort: For LAC effective interest settings ignored (procedure &1) |
246 | Amort: For Fiduciary Deposits Calc.Category LAC is not supported. |
247 | Position does not exist for company code &1, valuation area &2 |
248 | Inconsistent position change categories for repo transaction &1 |
249 | Adjustment of Translation Flows not supported |
250 | Transaction not found |
251 | Enter the differentiation criterion: fund |
252 | Enter the differentiation criterion: grant |
253 | Business transaction is an intragroup transaction and cannot be changed |
254 | Business transactions updated successfully |
255 | No business transactions selected for update |
256 | Number of units entered is greater than the units available |
257 | Enter a positive value |
258 | Enter a negative value |
259 | Number of units entered is greater than the free units available |
260 | Total nominal amounts entered is greater than the nominal amnts available |
261 | Amount of nominals entered is greater than the free nominals available |
262 | Amount of original nominals entered is greater than the nominals avail. |
263 | Amount of orig. nominals entered is greater than the free nominals avail. |
264 | Select one position |
265 | Independent quantity can not be transferred to a designated quantity |
266 | No business transactions were selected |
267 | Select a subposition as the target |
268 | Enter the quantity to be transferred |
269 | Chosse a subposition from the same hedging relationship as the target |
270 | Amortization for subposition is not currently supported |
271 | Total of units to be distributed exceeds the outgoing quantity |
272 | Total nominal amnts to be distributed exceeds the outgoing quantity |
273 | Total original nominal amts to be distributed exceeds outgoing quantity |
274 | Total number of units to be distributed exceeds the transferred quantity |
275 | Total nominal amnts to be distributed exceeds the transferred quantity |
276 | Total original nom. amts to be distributed exceeds transferred quantity |
277 | Total number of units to be distributed is less than outgoing quantity |
278 | Total nominal amnts to be distributed is less than outgoing quantity |
279 | Total orig. nominal amnts to be distributed is less than outgoing qty |
280 | Total number of units to be distributed is less than transferred quantity |
281 | Total nominal amnts to be distributed is less than transferred qnty |
282 | Total orig. nominal amnts to be distributed is less than transferred qty |
283 | Position components for classification are not zero |
284 | Adjust affected positions both directly and indirectly |
285 | Subposition with financial object number &1 not found |
286 | Function not supported for this product category |
287 | Function not supported for Amortization Procedure &1 |
288 | Retrospective method can be used only for MBS |
289 | Impaired positions can not use retrospective amort. method |
290 | Retrospective method without lot-accounting is not supported |
291 | Not a valid flow. |
292 | No additional log for valuation flow. |
293 | An unexpected situation has been encountered while valuating subposition |
294 | CoCd &1, transaction &2: Not allowed changes to initial values |
295 | Underlying financial transaction is reversed |
296 | Non-Updated business transactions exist in &1 &2 |
297 | above limit &2% for &3 &4 on &1 |
298 | below limit &2% for &3 &4 on &1 |
299 | No underlying transaction for physical exercise of &1 &2 |
300 | Hedged item &1: Amounts are not equal in valuation crcy and position crcy |
301 | Init.hedging relationship for &1: Errors for securities positions |
302 | Hedge trans. &1: Amounts are not equal in valuation crcy and postion crcy |
303 | Hedged item &1: Amounts in asset position have incorrect plus/minus signs |
304 | Hedge trans.&1: Amounts in asset position have incorrect plus/minus signs |
305 | Hedged item &1: Amounts in liability pos. have incorrect plus/minus signs |
306 | Hedge trans.&1: Amounts in liability pos. have incorrect plus/minus signs |
307 | No hedging relationship found for &1/&2/&3/&4 |
308 | No designation found for hedging relationship &1/&2/&3/&4 |
309 | Hedging relationship &1/&2/&3/&4: Designation posting failed |
310 | Hedging relationship &1/&2/&3/&4: Designation posting executed |
311 | Hedging relationship &1/&2/&3/&4: Reversal of designation failed |
312 | Hedging relationship &1/&2/&3/&4: Reversal of designation executed |
313 | Reverse initialization of hedging relationships |
314 | No hedging relationship found |
315 | Hedging relationships initialized for &1 |
316 | Valuation area &1 and accounting code &2 are not assigned |
317 | Status &1 of hedging relationship &2/&3 cannot be processed |
318 | Initialization of hedging relationships reversed for &1 |
319 | Spot Maturity missing in Delivery of Deal &1 Company Code &2 |
320 | CoCode &1, Transaction &2: Inconsistent position |
321 | Please choose Short Attribute Value. |
322 | Please choose Medium Attribute Value. |
323 | Attribute Values are only available for Short and Medium Attributes. |
324 | Position attributes of lots cannot be adjusted using BAdI |
325 | Position indicator cannot be changed due to different lot attributes |
326 | Position management procedure cannot be changed for &1, &2 |
327 | Flow Is Not an Amortization Flow |
328 | Flow Is Not an Amortization Flow Created by Valuation/Impairment |
329 | No Amortization Log Found |
330 | No Log found |
331 | CoCode &1, Transaction &2: Planned business transaction before key date |
332 | Reverse the valuation class transfer from &1 |
333 | Incorrect step procedure assigned to position &1 &2 |
334 | Position has a step proc. assigned that is not allowed for UoV |
335 | Incorrect step procedure assigned to position &1 &2 |
336 | Position management procedure &1 does not match subledger pos. &2, &3 |
340 | Cannot determine eff. int. rate for &2 &3, full amortization on &1 |
341 | No corresponding position management procedure for liability is defined |
342 | Multiple identifiers found for position &1 &2 |
343 | Messages related to update of derived business transactions |
344 | Differentiation &1 for product group &2 offers limited functionality |
345 | Amounts from &1 component were transferred to &2 component |
350 | Position values are not zero |
352 | Update type for Derived Business Transaction missing (payment &1, org &3) |
353 | Enter the differentiation criterion: WBS Element |
354 | Enter the differentiation criterion: Cost Center |
355 | Enter the differentiation criterion: Profit Center |
356 | Enter the differentiation criterion: Functional Area |
370 | PMP derviation: source position for &1 &2 not found |
371 | PMP derivation: source position for &1 &2 not unique |
400 | Traded currency not defined in transaction &1 company code &2 |
401 | Position currency not found (company code &1 transaction &2 val area &3) |
897 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
898 | Internal error in modularization unit &1 |
899 | Internal error &1 &2 &3 &4 |
997 | Temporary message < to be deleted > |
998 | *** Internal: Do not change message 999 *** |
999 | Internal error |