TRIA - Int. Rate Adj. for Derivatives, Money Market and Securities
The following messages are stored in message class TRIA: Int. Rate Adj. for Derivatives, Money Market and Securities.
It is part of development package FTT in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading".
It is part of development package FTT in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No planned record update strategy maintained for company code & |
002 | Unable to find any interest rates for reference & |
003 | Inconsistency in interest fixing and/or interest rate adjustment dates |
004 | Enter a period for the interest rate adjustment |
005 | Select either all security ID numbers or just certain ones |
006 | Select either all transaction numbers or just certain ones |
007 | Unable to find any transactions that match the selection criteria |
008 | Unable to find any ID numbers that match the selection criteria |
009 | Unable to find any open interest rate adjustments for selection crit. |
010 | Unable to reverse any interest rate adjustments |
011 | Unable to change any interest rate adjustments |
012 | Unable to find any interest rate/ price adjustment bearers |
013 | Interest rate adjustment cannot be changed |
014 | &1 &2: No interest rate exists |
015 | &1 &2: Carried out with &3% |
016 | &1 &2: Reversed |
017 | &1 &2: Interest rate adjusted manually |
018 | No interest rate adjustments available for selection |
019 | Manual rate/price adjustment created |
020 | Manual rate/price adjustment changed |
021 | Manual rate/price adjustment reversed |
022 | Planned records updated |
023 | Rate/Price adjustment processing was terminated |
024 | Reference interest rate & was fixed at 0% |
025 | Interest fixing is still open (due date &1 for reference int. rate &2) |
026 | There are no interest adjustments for transaction &1 &2 |
027 | &1 &2: Carried out with &3% (from &4) |
028 | Commodity price fixing is still open (due date &1 for commodity &2) |
029 | Securities price fixing is still open (due date &1 for securities id &2) |
030 | &1 Payment rate: Carried out with &2% |
031 | Commodity price fixing is still open (due date &1 for DCS ID &2, MIC &3) |
032 | Interest rate adjustment on &1 cannot be created before existing &2 |
033 | Interest rate fixing is open on &1 |
090 | Selected layout not found |
099 | Internal error |
100 | No values available for selection |
302 | Unable to find any commodity prices for commodity &1 &2 &3 |
303 | Inconsistency in commodity price fixing/ commodity price adjustment dates |
304 | Unable to find any commodity prices for commodity &1 curve type &2 |
305 | No exchange rate found for currency conversion &1 to &2 |
309 | Unable to find any open commodity price adjustments for selection crit. |
313 | Commodity price adjustment cannot be changed |
314 | &1 &2: No commodity price exists |
315 | &1 &2: Carried out with &3 &4 |
316 | &1 &2: Reversed |
317 | &1 &2: Commodity price adjusted manually |
318 | No commodity price adjustments available for selection |
319 | For &1 &2 no exchage rate found |
324 | Commodity price &1 &2 &3 was fixed at 0 &4 |
330 | No automatic commodity price adjustment found, which can be reversed |
402 | Unable to find any security prices for ID &1 exchange &2 price type &3 |
403 | Inconsistency in security price fixing/ security price adjustment dates |
409 | Unable to find any open security price adjustments for selection crit. |
413 | Security price adjustment cannot be changed |
414 | &1 ID &2 exchange &3 price type &4: No security price exists |
415 | &1 ID &2: Carried out with &3 &4 |
416 | &1 ID &2 exchange &3 price type &4: Reversed |
417 | &1 ID &2 exchange &3 price type &4: Security price adjusted manually |
418 | No security price adjustments available for selection |
424 | Security price for ID &1 (exchange &2, price type &3) was fixed at 0 &4 |
430 | No automatic security price adjustment found, which can be reversed |
500 | Exchange rate cannot be translated (value too large). |
501 | Fixing date could not be determined. Fixing date is not filled. |
502 | FX rate from currency &1 to currency &2 could not be determined. |
504 | Fixed registration already exists, reversal is not allowed |
505 | Registration fixing dates are inconsistent |
507 | Currency pair &1 from the FX reference doesn�t correspond to pair &2 |
511 | Unable to find any open foreign exchange rate adjustments |
512 | Reversal of fixing is not allowed |
513 | FX rate was fixed as 0 on fixing date &1 for fixing reference &2 |
514 | Currency ratio was fixed as 0 on fixing date &1 for fixing reference &2 |
515 | &1 &2: No FX rate exists |
530 | No automatic FX rate found that can be reversed |
609 | Unable to find any open price index adjustments for selection criteria. |
614 | &1 &2: No price index value exists |
630 | No automatic price index value found that can be reversed |
631 | No adjustments available for selection |