TRTM_CUSTOMIZING - Consistency Check in Customizing by TR-TM

The following messages are stored in message class TRTM_CUSTOMIZING: Consistency Check in Customizing by TR-TM.
It is part of development package FVVW in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Management: Securities".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No company code has been created
002No exchange rate calculation indicator entered for company code &1
003CoCd &1, rate calc. indicator &2: Debit/credit rate types are different
005No translation ratio has been defined for currency &1
006No exchanges have been defined
007No securities price types have been defined
008No product type has been defined for product category &1
009No valuation classes have been defined
010Valuation principle &1 has not been defined
011Valuation category &2 is not permitted in valuation class &1
012Number range interval &2 does not exist for product type &1
014External number assignment for number range interval 01
015Number range interval 01 not found
016No corporate action type is defined for corporate action category &1
018No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
019No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
020No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
021No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
022No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
023No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
024No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
026Flow type &1 is defined as relevant for posting
027No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
028Flow type &1 is defined as not relevant for posting
029Flow type & is defined as not relevant for effective interest
030Flow type &1 is defined as relevant for effective interest
031Product type &1 is not assigned to a number range
032No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
033Debit/credit indicator not filled in flow type &1
034Debit/credit indicator incompatible with activity ID in flow type &1
035CoCd &1, product type &2: CM period field set to zero
036CoCd &1, product type &2, ID no. &3: CM period equals 0
037Flow type &1: Activity indicator not equal to '01'
038CoCd &1, flow type &2: No offsetting flow assigned for incoming payment
039Flow type &1: Activity indicator not equal to 04 (offsetting flow)
040Flow type &1 (offsetting flow): Incoming payment field is not empty
041Flow type &1: Offsetting flow &2 does not have the same flow category
042Calculation category for flow type &1 is not empty (offsetting flow)
043Posting category for flow type &1 is &2, should however be 54 or 55
044Posting category for flow type &1 is &2, should however be 51
045Posting cat. is &2 for flow type &1, but should be 34 or 35 (offset.flow)
046Account determination for flow type &1 not defined
047Account determination for flow type &1 not defined (offsetting flow)
048Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
050Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
051Assign only one flow type to flow category &1 in condition group &2
052No offsetting flow assigned to flow type &1 in company code entered
053No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
054Assign only one flow type to flow category &1 in condition group &2
055Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
056No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
057Assign only one flow type to flow category &1 in condition group &2
058Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
059No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
060Assign only one flow type to flow category &1 in condition group &2
065No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
067Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
068No flow type assigned to flow category &1 in condition group &2
070Assign two flow types to flow category &1 in condition group &2
071Incoming payment assigned flow type &1 with invalid flow category &2
072Incoming payment assigned flow type &1 with flow category &2
073Manual posting assigned flow type &1 with invalid flow category &2
074Manual posting assigned flow type &1 with flow category &2
075Company code &1, product type &2: "Generate taxes" indicator not set
076There is no account determination for flow type &1
077CoCd &1, product type &2: FI posting field not correct
078CoCd &1, product type &1: No FI postings carried out
079CoCd &1, product type &2: Postings made to customer accounts
080No currency swap accounts are defined
081Transaction flow type &1 is not defined as a flow type
082Additional data with classification 1 missing for trans. flow type &1
083Flow type &1 is not defined
085Transaction flow type &1 has invalid flow category &2
086Flow type &2 with invalid flow category &3 assigned to trans.flow type &1
087Transaction flow type &1 has invalid +/- sign
088Update type &1 is assigned to several transaction flow types
089Purchase transaction type &1 was assigned sale flow type &2
090Sale transaction type &1 was assigned purchase flow type &2
091Transaction flow type &1 must be assigned two flow types
092No update type is assigned to transaction flow type &1
093Flow cat. &1 assigned flow type &3 with wrong flow cat. in cond. grp &2
094No standard position management procedure defined
095No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
096Fewer than two flow types assigned to flow category &1 in cond. group 0
097No flow type defined for flow category &1, indicator &2
098Fewer than two flow types assigned to flow category &1 in cond. group 0
099Signature of module &1 is invalid
100Signature of module &1 is invalid
101At least one posting category requires a cost center in the acct.ass.ref.
102Invalid posting category exists (posting to a subledger account)
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