TT - Nachrichten zum Extended Computer Aided Testtool (eCATT)

The following messages are stored in message class TT: Nachrichten zum Extended Computer Aided Testtool (eCATT).
It is part of development package SECATT_MIDDLEWARE in software component BC-TWB-TST-ECA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eCATT Middleware Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Function & & not fully maintained
002Test case & created
003Table & has no entry for key &
004Releases lower than & are not permitted
005Releases higher than & are not permitted - See SAP Note 716306
006From Release & is higher than To Release &
007Entry is too long
008Invalid test case name: "&"
009Test case was changed. Save first
010Specify a session name
011This session name is not unique
012Exception "&1"(&2) was raised
013Test case & is flagged for deletion
014Table & key fields are not fully maintained
015The Occurs parameter in a loop must be at least 1
016Return code & for number allocation for file CATT
017Function &: a table is expected
018No interface (pre-)generated for this table
019Test case & saved
020Language & (no test case description)
021Invalid editor function
022Test case & not found
023& statement is missing
024All parameters of the transaction & were assigned
025No data in simulator
026Transaction & not fully maintained
027Parameter & not maintained
028Wrong dynpro ID for data held in simulator
029No RES TAB exists
030Loop processing error
031& & &: & must be defined before use
032This line cannot be processed further (Check?)
033Table & is not defined in ABAP Dictionary
034Terminate transaction?
035Delete Entire Test Case?
036Dynpro & & (field & does not exist)
037Program Errors
038Field & not in table &
039Error updating & & &
040Function &: A table is expected in field "Object"
041Test case & deleted
042Error deleting in table &. No data found for test case &
043Function & is not defined
044The dynpro & does not exist
045Error in test case &; release is reset
046Function &: A transaction is expected in field "Object"
047Function &: A test case is expected in field 'Object'
049Syntax check completed successfully
050Test case & was not deleted. RES TAB not yet called
051Overwrite function & ?
052A maximum of 999 repetitions are allowed
053& & & &
054Unknown action "&" in RS_CATT_MAINTAIN
055Function not supported for test case
056Subobject "&" does not exist (RS_CATT_MAINTAIN)
057Fields sorted by &
058Function &: A function module name is expected in field 'Object'
059Entry & not in table &. Function set Inactive
060Function module & not found
061Missing field reference was replaced with CHAR(20)
062Missing structure reference
063Error in table NAMETAB
064Unspecified error reading &
065Function call & cannot be generated. Error code &
066Use EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE or =, ><, <, <=, >, >=
067RS_CORR_INSERT system error. Exception &
068No Authorization for & from &
069RS_ACCESS_PERMISSION system error. Exception &
070No default table settings exist
071& table default settings were reset
072All table default settings were deleted
073Field &1 value &3 is not the expected value &2
074The test case to be assigned & does not exist
075No variants can be displayed for test case &
076No parameters have been defined for test case &
077A &2 is already defined in field &1
078Test case & does not exist
079Specify a test case
080Hypertext doc. maintenance call error
081Variants saved for test case &
082No variants can be copied
083Variant & does not exist
084Specified source variant & does not exist
085Specified target variant & already exists
086Copying of test case variants was canceled
087Copied variant & is available for further processing
088No variants changed
089Variant & is the first unoccupied variant
090Variant & already exists
091Tables were reset
092Test case & already exists
093There are no variants for test case &
094Function cannot be performed in display mode
095Function cannot be performed in create mode
096Choose a variant
097Variant & of test case & deleted
098No maintenance authorization; no variants of & exist
099"&" is a structure, not a table
100Specify a valid release
101Variable area is full. No more variables can be included
102Error copying long texts. Long text not copied
103Supply missing command parameters
104'&1 &2 &3 &4' not found
105Number range overflow, creation not possible
106Variant & for test case & does not exist
107Error in check: Target value from test case <> actual value in DB
108' is not a valid default value
109Error in test case; choose "Check"
110The table & key could not be completely saved
111Field name is empty
112Field & is empty
113Transaction & does not exist
114Transaction & is locked
115Menu transaction & is not allowed in test case
116You are not authorized to use transaction &
117External TCD data error & & &
118Data element & not found
119& comprises more than the character '&'
120Chain variable name assignment number overflow
121'&1 (&2)' not allowed as source because there is a &3
122'&1 (&2)' is not allowed as target because there is a &3
123Source and target cannot be in the same function
124Position the cursor on a parameter
125Choose a second field
126Appl, sub and components are not in the function area list DF14L
127Specify an application, subapplication, and component
128Tables were reset
129No ABAP Dictionary information found for &
130Specify a test case
131Procedure & does not contain a test case number &
132&th test case from procedure &
133Entry in & is not possible due to error &
134Test case & does not exist
135& test cases and & test modules were entered in &
136Recording ended
137Function not possible in this line
138No input values can be displayed for function &
139Variable & already defined
140Choose a valid line
141Procedure & not found
142No history exists for this selection.
143VERI log & was not found
144Syntax check not supported for this type
145Enter a short text
146Parameter display in parameter name order
147Parameter display in user order
148No log data to be deleted
149Number of records deleted from test tables: K=&, L=&, M=&, N=&
150The input & must be numeric
151Recording not possible
152Maximum of 99 dynpros per transaction (currently & dynpros)
153Lower limit not specified
154The contents of &1 is different from the reference data record
155No message exists for selection '&'
156No test case found in table &
157BDC processing mode must be A, N or E
158Field & in table & contains & instead of &
159Table & does not contain the record with key &
160No authorization to run the test
161Running process & deleted from CATK with & CATL and & CATM
162Include some qualified search terms in the title
163Selection produced & test cases
164Do you want to create test plan & ?
165The execution list does not contain any executable test cases
166You are not allowed to execute in & client & (client table T000)
167No matching start process was selected
168Enterprise menu does not exist
169Company menu display error
170Test case & is not called in other test cases
171Fields chained
172No authorization
173& already exists; specify a new name
174Remote user in & needs execution authorization for all procedures
175No test case was found by the selection
176The check source must be before the check position
177Field cannot be changed
178R/2 Spooler number &
179Procedure & has already been archived
180Contents of field & deleted
181Test case & has no variants
182Test case & has & variants
183Test case variants
184Error & reading external variants from file &
185No exportable variants for test case &
186No exportable parameters with default values exist
187Test case & has no external variants
188Test case & external variants deleted
189Spaces are not allowed in names
190Parameter &: Only variable & & is permitted
191The name must contain at least two characters
192Five-character names are reserved for external variants
193The only special character allowed in the name is '_' (underscore)
194Selection & has no variants
195Enter the file names with extension, e.g. '.TXT'
196Action & was canceled
197Remotely executed test case & canceled
198New mode called
199A procedure was stored in a remote system
200Procedure & not found
201Test case & not found
202Destination & RFC error
203No maintenance destination default value specified
204The expected exception "&1"(&2) was not raised
205Cannot run in &, R/2 table T000C
206Cannot run in & client &, client table T000
207Choose a valid column
208&1&2 created
209Current Release is &2, test case &1 is only valid from &3
210Current Release is &2, test case &1 is only valid until &3
211Release in remote system is &2, test case &1 is only valid from &3
212Release in remote system is &2, test case &1 is only valid until &3
213Current R/2 release is &2, test case &1 is only valid from &3
214Current R/2 release is &2, test case &1 is only valid until &3
215No temporary lock available. Try again later
216Division by zero not allowed
217Transaction ended by 'LEAVE TO TRANSACTION'
218Generation error: RC:&1 Message:"&2" Line:&3 put in "SAPLSTTO &4"
219Dynpro "&1 &2" not found
220Syntax error: & & & &
221No dynpro specified
222OK code "&" was added
223Dynpro simulation active
224In transaction &, fields in screen & & not found. Check field list.
225The F1 help contains information about external TCD data
226No &1 dynpro exists
227The dynpro "& &" does not contain any area definitions
228SY-BINPT and CATTAKTIV are on
229CATTNEU is on
230Cursor position '&' was applied
231Test case & does not contain any transactions
232Test case & does not contain any dynpros
233Current language is &2, test case &1 is language-dependent on &3
234Variant "&" not found. Only default values are displayed
235New session could not be called
236Error in dynpro generation & &
237& test cases converted
238Subscreen dynpro "&1 &2" not found
239No variants imported
240'&1 (&2)' is not a valid target because it is not ready for input
241Invalid special characters in string
242Specify a package
243'Delete reference' only possible in function REF
244Remote only possble for REF, TCD, FUN, SETTAB, CHETAB, SETVAR TABLE
245Table read is not supported in remote access
250Mark a procedure
251Action was canceled
252Specify date
253Procedures deleted
281Specify a table
282Table & does not exist in ABAP Dictionary
283Table & is already in CATC
284Report & does not exist
285Table & is already declared in program &
286Table & was included in program &
287The test case default values cannot be deleted
288You are already processing the first parameter block
289You are already processing the last parameter block
290Variant & deleted from all parameter blocks
291Variant name cannot contain only zeros
296Dynpro field & was not checked
297Dynpro field & (expected value: &, actual value: &)
298Test module & is currently inactive
300Forbidden value for SET VAR
301Table & is locked by another user
302Table & does not exist
303Area overflow & & & &
304Error updating & & & &
305Error deleting & & & &
306Error reading CATS & & & &
307Test case & not found.
308CATA entry & not found & & &
309Overflow at test case call &
310Test case & not found.
311CATF record & function & is unknown
312Loop end without loop beginning & & & &
313Loop overflow & & & &
314No agreement at CHECK TABLE &
315Error in application transaction & & & &
316Error at CHECK TABLE
317Canceled by user
318CALL FUNCTION error &
319Exception condition for CALL FUNCTION
320Test case & is locked by another user
321System error locking &
322The old procedure no. & was converted to &
324Only the existence of the table entry is checked
325Transaction not found
326Error reading ' & & '
327Enter program name and dynpro number
328R/2 module is only possible in an R/2 test case (type = R)
329Error & in external application &
330No entry for specified key
331Key: &
332Field & expected value: & Actual value: &
333Table cannot be read, error code = &
334Generation error & function module &
335Exception & in function module &
336Value & = & is not numeric
337Invalid date & = &
338Condition (&) (& & &) not fulfilled
339Expected message &
340Permitted message &
341The test case does not exist
342The test case is currently inactive
343The test case is to be started manually
344The execution of VERI reports is not yet allowed
345The test case does not contain any functions; possible transport error
346Not started - time limit exceeded
347Referencing test case can only be called from Test Workbench
348The test case has been active for & minutes
349The start action was canceled in number & of & runs
350Error & in application transaction &
351Transaction & canceled by the user
352Copying of SET VAR from table &
353Error in CHECK TABLE &
354Condition not fulfilled
355Transaction & ended without message
356RFC error & &
357RFC & &
358No destination for Remote Function Call (Memory ID RF2)
360Error during SET TABLE &
361Access error, error code = &
362No table display authorization
363No change authorization for table &
364& is not a customizing table
365No table name specified
366CAT_START was canceled by user with /n
367System set to 'Unchangeable'
368No tables can be changed in the production client
369Cross-client tables are not allowed
370RFC destination & set for Memory ID &.
371& is not a client-specific table
372Remote selection not possible
373Put the cursor on an area
374Test case & is not called in other test cases
375You can only import in variant processing
377Control data is obsolete, rerecord (&1&2&3)
378Transaction & started in new session
379No errors in table
380Table is not active
381No Dictionary information available for table
382Table is too wide for SETTAB (> 984 characters)
400Specify a valid application
401Set flag to test case and/or test module
402Specify at least one use indicator
403Select test status
404Specify test date
405Specify a valid test date
406No test cases selected
407Dump no longer exists
408No test cases were added
409Activity Completed. The Log Is stored Under Number &.
500Entry in correction & is not possible due to error &
501Correction & already released
502Correction & is currently locked
503Correction & does not exist
504& is not a correction
505Correction & belongs to another user
506& is not a logical object
507Object & has no TADIR entry
508Object & locked by another correction
509Object name & is too long or not filled
550Test case - Easy mode &&&&
551Test case & has no TADIR entry
552Test case "&" is already in the favorites list
553Test case "&" is of type "&" and cannot be loaded with CATT
554Execution of tests is not permitted; see transaction SCC4
600Enter a test catalog
601Enter a test plan/test package
602Test plan & must not be deleted.
603Test catalog & does not exist.
604Test plan / packet & does not exist.
605Test catalog & already exists.
606Test catalog & already exists in another language.
607Test plan / Test package & already exists for test catalog &.
608Test plan & must not be changed.
609& already exists as an IMG structure.
610Choose a structure node.
611Enter a short text
613Enter a test case.
614Enter a document name
615Enter a variant.
616Document does not exist.
619Link to test catalog not permitted.
620Automatic status update performed.
621Automatic status update canceled.
630User & does not exist
631Assignment made.
632Error changing the table TTPLA. Assignment not made.
633Entry & not allowed
640Log & created. Display with report RSCATPRO
650Test plan & already exists for test kcatalog &.
651Test plan & does not exist.
652Copy error
653Test plan & copied to &.
654Test package & copied to &.
655Test plan deleted.
656Test package deleted.
659Test catalog & with test package & does not exist
660Test plan & does not exist.
661Test package & does not exist
662Test plan & already exists.
663Test package & already exists.
666Import of file failed
690Test packet & not available.
700Test case & not found.
701Objects entered in transport request &
702Transport request & creation error.
710Test case no. & was assigned to test case name &.
711The assignment & -> & was deleted.
720CATT & was already assigned to test case &.
750Function could not be performed
751Function could not be performed; test tool error code: &
801Fill out the language ID
802Please enter the country/region code.
803Fill out the context ID
804Releases lower than & are not permitted
805Releases higher than & are not permitted
806From Release & is higher than To Release &
807Long text not found
808Test cases of type & have no functions
820Procedure & was successfully archivd &
821Procedure & is already in the archive
822No archiviable procedures were found
850Control data is not in recorded data format (&1 # &2)
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