TW - R3trans - Messages

The following messages are stored in message class TW: R3trans - Messages.
It is part of development package STTO in software component BC-CTS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transport Tools".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Internal error: Constant & is defined too small in &
002Constant MAX_INT_FIELD_CNT in "twexport.c" is too short.
003Constant MAX_DEVC_OBJ in "twexport.c" is too short.
004Constant LOGGING_BUFFER_SIZE in "twglobal.c" is too short.
005Constant MAX_BIND_C in "twglobal.c" is too short.
006Constant WA_LEN in "twglobal.c" is too short.
007Constant MAX_COMM_LINES in "twglobal.h" is too short.
008Constant MAXFIELD in "twimport.c" is too short.
009Constant BUFFER_SIZE in "twload.sql" is too small.
010Constant ENTRYSIZE in "twimport.c" may be too short.
011WHERE clause is too long
012Statement is too long:
013All clients not specified and no specific client specified
014No transformation table & --> & exists
015Internal error: "exp_entries" cannot be called recursively
016Table & is not described
017No table description was sent
018Internal error at commline (INPUT)
019No memory for space allocation (&)
020Nametab header is expected
021No nametab was transported for table &
022Internal error in program line: used_size (&) > buffer_size (&)
023This error cannot occur
024Program was compiled with illegal VERSION &
025No memory for sqlda allocation left
026Internal error: field_cnt mismatch
027No more space in the cursor buffer
028statement too long:
029Program terminated
030Unable to write to file (& at position &)
031Illegal record flag
032Object header is already written
033No object header was written
034No object header was written
035Program has version &.&
036File was written with &.&
037File was written with &.&
038Object header was already read
039There is no object header (file position &)
040No object header was read (file position &)
041Something unexpected was read (file position &)
042Unexpected EOF after & bytes
043The last object could be truncated
044No table description was exported for &
045Cannot close file at position & (file system full?)
046TRDIR structure is too big in twtrans.c
047Internal conversion error: Work area is & bytes too small
048& nametab is inconsistent: Table length <> initial record size
049Received entry is too short
050Illegal compression algorithm "&"
051Internal compression / decompression error
052Internal compression / decompression error
053Internal compression error
054Internal decompression error
055Undefined compression mode in tw_prc
056fseek output (&) failed
057Write overtakes read (&). File was destroyed.
058Cannot write & bytes to file at position & (file system full?)
059Cannot write to file at position & (file system full?)
060fseek input (&) failed
061Source system <> target system
062Client & does not exist. Choose another client.
063Shadow client & exists, remove from table T000
064End-of-file record missing. File incomplete.
065Result of cross-total check indicates a damaged data file (&)
100Internal error: Object directory (TADIR) does not exist
101Internal SQL error addressing object directory (TADIR)
102Documentation & has status RAW and will not be exported
103& original object cannot be replaced
104& was repaired in this system
105& version in database (&) > version in file (&)
106Illegal values for tu_p->lsm
107Deletion of documentation not implemented.
108WHERE clause is too complicated to delete (line &)
109Table & is not in nametab
110Table & table type &: Delete is not possible.
111Table & table form &: Delete is not possible.
112Table & is not in database
113Delete with BETWEEN is not implemented in RSQL
114Table &: Cannot delete with unqualified key
115No action: Source client = target client == &
116Dynpro source & was destroyed (internal error)
117Program source & was destroyed (internal error)
118Table & has invalid type &
119Table & has invalid form &
120&-& is larger than 32767 bytes. & cannot be exported.
121Problems accessing &: Work area is longer than defined in name table
122& selects more than one entry in the object directory (TADIR)
123Problems during float -> ieee conversion
124Problems with table & (rollback segments? tablespace exhausted?)
125SQL error & accessing &: &
126Transport request & does not exist
127Transport request & has type &
128Transport request & locked by &
129Transport request & has status &
130Unknown value in field PGMID
131Unknown value in field OBJFUNC &
132Empty selection &: Specify an object name
133Specify the name of function group & with at least 4 characters
134Invalid generic selection &
135Invalid selection & truncated to &
136& was not released
137Specify the source client
138No target client was specified
139"abtypes.h": Unknown type &
140Conversion problem. Unknown format of &-&.
141Delta backup is not possible because no complete backup was made
142A complete backup is being made
143Table & not generated - SQL code &
144Table & was already generated with different structure
145findadir is incomplete: & & &
146Direct selection from & is not allowed. Use & instead.
147Direct selection from & is not recommended, use & instead
148Problems accessing TADIR
149Delete from &: SQL error &:
150sap_dext called with message no. &:
151Input and output file names are identical: "&"
152Cannot open file &
162Interface does not exist: & &
163View & cannot be created by R3trans
164Index & on & cannot be created by R3trans
165Function & does not fit into the existing function group (&)
166Function & does not exist in this system
167Transport the whole function group
168Mass insert is not possible for this database management system
169Connect is not possible: &
170Function & is not implemented (line &).
171Error reading log file...
172Different control files & and &
173Illegal values for tu_p->foreign_languages
174No dump destination for SQL trace available
175Database trace is not possible for this database management system
177SQL error &
178Incompatible versions of transport programs...
179Problems during ieee -> float conversion.
180This file appears not to contain transport data
181Unexpected record length & at file position &
182Substitution char 0x& ("&") by 0x& ("&") is very dangerous
188& not found. The object will NOT be deleted in the target system.
190& & has no active version
191Dangerous selection &1
192Unknown nametab version &
193& original object overwritten because of unconditional mode &_
194& repaired object overwritten because of unconditional mode &
195& truncated: '&' -> '&'
196trfunction "W": Object type & not allowed
197Object exists in client &1, will not be deleted. See SAP Note 3355.
198Components of &1 still exist in the system
200Dynpro source code broken; could not import D023S entries
201Table &1: Key fields &2 and &3 switched. Nothing deleted.
202Language &1, selection &2 conflicts with master language &3
203Import of transport request &1 not allowed; you can lift this lock
205& specified with invalid language: & &
206Garbage character & found in &.&
300TDEVC is obsolete: Missing development class &
301& (line &).
302& & (line &).
303Client 0 has a special function
304Languages specified with function REMOVE.
305No action taken
306Table & is not client-specific
307Unable to delete &
308Transport & was not released because of exit code >= &
309No action taken
310Documentation export was not implemented.
311Screen & has & lines.
312Screen & has & columns.
313& is a table pool. Individual tables are exported.
314&-&: Client selection was ignored.
315&-& is not a key field (line &).
316&-& field could not be considered (line &).
317Table &: Specified language & is not in language selection list.
318& must be exported as object "DYNPRO".
319& must be exported as object "REPORT".
320& must be exported as object "DOCU".
321& must be exported as object "&"
322No action required: Table & is not client-specific
323& selection with special client "&". No other clients are selected here.
324& selection with illegal client "&"
325& selection with special client "&" will be overwritten
326No float conversion with baseline 4.
327Table & does not exist
328Don"t know how to & &s (line &).
329Unknown object & &
330& not found; object also deleted in target system
331& & selection is not nice.
332Please use &
333Ambiguous: &
334Dangerous selection "&". "%" is a special character in SQL.
335ROLLBACK failed (&)
336Cannot write to log file
337Cannot generate - table & not in NTAB.
338No further ADIR checks.
339Illegal client & ignored.
340Unknown function "&", correction required
341Import of obsolete documentation is not possible.
342Name table & &
343Cannot recognize input...
344This command file was already imported. Skipping ...
345Cannot recognize input: Function &
346No action taken
347& remarks written to discard file "&".
348SQL error accessing documentation
349DOCUT& & & & not imported.
350Screen & has & lines.
351Screen & has & columns.
352Command file &: Target system is &, here is &
353Interface does not exist: & &
354Command file has & "&".
355Table & does not exist
356Different name tables for table & (field &).
357Different name tables for table & (field &).
358Table &: Entry in DB is & byte& &er than in file.
359Function DELETE_OLD not implemented for &
360Don"t know how to & a & object
361Inline screen generation not implemented.
362& entries in this table were already deleted
363Cannot open file &.
364No translation for table &.
365Test mode - Mass insert is not executed
366The HEAD entry in TADIR is missing
367There were no backup activities until now
368Program was compiled with TEST option.
369Running in TEST mode. All data base changes are reset
370No restart possible. This step must be repeated completely.
371Check your local system ID:
372HEAD SYST entry in TADIR is &
373Oracle SID is &
374The system is not installed correctly
375Time statistics are deactivated in "?/dbs/init&.ora".
376Unknown object header.
377Unknown object header was read - skipping...
378Input buffer & bytes too small
379Cannot interpret data
380Conversion is superfluous.
381Problems during REPOT conversion.
382No float conversion with baseline 4.
383Package changed; new transport layer is &1
384Object directory entry (TADIR) changed; new package is &1
385Language group &1 only contains lowercase letters
400DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the CHECK-DATA function
401DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the NT2FIELDS function
402DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the DB_LEN function
403DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the TW_COPY_DATA function
404DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the TW_SET_DATA_VALUES function
405DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the TW_GET_TABLE_HANDLE function
406DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the TW_INIT_TABLE_LENGTH function
407DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Internal error in the TW_LINK_VALUES function
408DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: tw_table_access call with unknown function
409DY-DB-ACCESS-ERROR: Incorrect nametab entry for TADIR.PGMID
500Source system == target system
501Character set on this machine : &
502Character set on the data file: &
504& & was deleted
505& table entries deleted.
506Totally & Object& deleted.
507DOCUT& & &
508DYNP& & &
509REPO& & &
510& & was deleted
511& & from & & deleted.
512& & - & deleted.
513& & was deleted
514& & from & & deleted.
515& & - & deleted.
516& obsolete screen text & deleted
517& & &
518& & &
519Starting the export now ...
520already copied: &
521Skipping to next tadir bracket.
522& bytes copied.
523Duration: & (& bytes/sec).
524Duration: &.
525& DOCUT &
526& name table & &
527Totally & Object& &
528& ACTIVATE command & &
529& DELETE command & &
530& GENERATE command & &
531& entries from & &
532Totally & tabentries &
533& table entries &
534& obsolete entries deleted from TADIR.
535Name table & &
536& entries from & &
537trfunction: "&" (&)
538trstatus : "&"
539tarsystem : &
540korrdev : &
541User : &
542Date : & - &
543Command file "DEVC&" &.
544& released.
545COMMIT (&d).
546ROLLBACK (&d).
547Secret ROLLBACK (&d).
548================== STEP & =====================
549Date&time : &
550Function : &
551Data file : &
552Input file : &
553Output file : &
555Name tables: &
556From client : Default
557From client : &
558To client : &
559Clients: All
560Clients: Default
561Client : &
562Replace : &
563User : &
564Date : &
565Language : &
566Interfaces : YES
567Compression : &
568Translate : &
569Language: &
570Replace: 0x& -> 0x&
5710x& -> 0x&
572& : "&"
573Status: &
574Mode : &
575& & name = "&"
576& & name between "&" and "&"
577and class = &
579&& from &
580Generic key = "&"
581& & & "&"
582Use & "&".
583RELEASE "&".
584Data file : &
585Backup info:
586&&: BACKUP & -
587Directory: &
588Data file: & &
589Exit code: &
590Table & not generated (test mode).
591Table & generated.
592Table & was already generated.
593Table & not generated (needs no SQL table).
594===> Unconditional mode is active - continuing ...
595& entries from & (&) deleted.
596Importing command files ...
597Skipping file to position &
598& name table &
599Used command file &
600Table description &
603& & & was already imported successfully
604& rejected.
605& DOCUT &.
606& name table & &.
607Totally & Object& &.
608& COMML deleted.
609Totally & object& deleted.
610& table entries deleted.
611Totally & object& activated.
612Totally & object& generated.
613& entries for & &.
614& table entries &.
615& ADIC & &.
616This is a &.
617& entries for & &.
618Converting &(&) to &(&).
619Field is not in NTAB.
620Existing Field Imported Field
621Key part: "&" "&"
622Format : "&" "&"
623Length : & &
624Screen & - & activated (LOADs deleted).
625Try to import & again now.
626MASS-INSERT: Importing data into the data base:
627File "&&&" (table &).
628Mass insert completed - log files "&*&".
629Mass insert can be completed using "&".
630Connected to &.
631This step must be repeated completely.
632This step was already completed successfully.
633Disconnected from database
634& version &.& (release &-&).
635Control file: &
636Date&time : &
637End of transport.
638SQL trace activated
639SQL trace deactivated
640Destination: "&"
641Use "tkprof" for analyze
642: & entries.
643Table is not in the name table.
644Data base table exists.
645Data base table does not exist.
646According to NTAB, table should be transparent, DB table does not exist.
647According to NTAB, table should be not transparent, DB table exists.
648Number of fields in name table: &
649Data base: &
650Name table data base
651Name: & & &
652Keypart: & & &
653Type: & & &
654Length: & & &
655Decimal places: & & &
656Offset: & &
657Keypart: & &
658Type: & &
659Length: & &
660Decimal places: & &
661Unsuccessful statement:
662Export was executed on & at & by &.
663& bytes &.
664Transport overhead &.& %.
665Data compressed to &.& %.
666Duration: & (& bytes/sec).
667Duration: &.
668Data file is &.
669File was created with initial export.
670File was created with total export.
671File was created with backup all.
672File was created with backup delta.
674Start import & ...
675End of import &
676End import & (with warnings)
677& was not imported in this step
678Start export & ...
679End of export &
680End of export & (with warnings)
681& not exported
682Deleting & ...
683& deleted
684& was not deleted
685Start copy & ...
686End copy &
687End copy & (with warning messages)
688Insert into view: Key &1 of Table &2 is not part of view &3 (&4)
690& &
697End of import & (only client-specific parts)
698End of import & (with warnings, only client-specific parts)
699End of import & (does not contain any client-specific parts)
702Internal error for twrtab call: Table cache too small for view &1
703Internal error for twrtab call: Table cache for READ_FOR_UPDATE
704Table cache is too small for view &1, increase the value
705& not found. The object is NOT marked as deleted.
706& not found. The object is marked as deleted.
710& &
711& &
712& & &
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