UC - RW3 Daten�bertragung Fehler bei der �bertragung

The following messages are stored in message class UC: RW3 Daten�bertragung Fehler bei der �bertragung.
It is part of development package BKD in software component CA-GTF-DCM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tools for (external) data transfer".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002Sender structure &1 does not exist
003Error in formula, field = &1
004Enter either a variable or a currency translation type
005A rule exists, but no receiver information exists for field &1
006No transfer rules are defined for sender structure &1
007Field &1 does not exist in the field catalog
008Translation key &1 for field &2 does not exist
009Reference field &1 does not exist in the sender structure
010Date field &1 does not exist in the sender structure
011Currency information could not be determined
012Characteristic value &1 of the field &2 is not permitted
013No value could be assigned to the field &1
014No unit could be determined for the field &1
015Unit &1 is not maintained for field &2
016Unit for field &1 cannot be converted from &2 to &3
017No currency could be determined for field &1
018The currency translation date for field &1 could not be determined
019Currency translation date is &1, fiscal year variant is &2
020Exchange rate for field &1 with date &2 not found
021From cur. &1 to cur. &2 at exchange rate type &3 with inverse flag &4
022Conversion exit &1 does not exist
023Currency information in field &1 of table &2 cannot be read
024Enter a letter for the second character
025Enter a description
026Enter a fixed value
027Currency translation type &1 does not exist
028Global variable &1 does not exist for field &2
029Field &1 no. &2 in record &3 is not filled acc. to type. Content: &4
030The summarization program for sender structure &1 cannot be generated
031No data exists
032External data transfer completed with no technical problems.
033Error occurred during posting
034Data was deleted
035Data saved
036The summarization program for the sender structure could not be generated
037The external log number cannot be determined
038The receiver record number &1 exists more than once in the database
039The sender record produces duplicate keys
040An error has occurred. Check the log
041Rule name is already in use: sender structure &1, field &2
042The rule is used in sender structure &1 for field &2
043The variable name &1 is not valid for receiver field &2
044The general rule &1 does not exist or is inconsistent
045The general rule belongs to another application
046Deletion terminated: rule &1 is still used in sender structure &2
047General rule is now defined by sender structure &1 receiver field &2
048General rule &1 for field &2 could not be found
049You can either apply or define a general rule
050The default "SUM" is set for the total operation
051Data transfer initialized for &1 from &2
052CPIC data transfer, conversion ID &1
053Open file &1
054Start of derivation
055No general rule is defined
056General rule &1 is not in use
057Messages written with log number &1
058No rules exist for &1
059The rule is not applied since no constant is entered
060The rule is not applied since no variable is entered
061The rule is not applied because no sender field is entered
062The rule is not applied because no general rule is entered
063The handling of nonassigned values has been set to default
064Segment name &1 and conversion rule &2 do not match
065The definition of the conversion rules in segment &1 is not correct
066Check conversion rules for &1: segment &2
067Record type of record no. &1 could not be determined
068Enter a value for the receiver field
069Enter a value for the sender field
070The value makes no sense without specifying the sender field
071Data transfer can only be performed for one sender program per run
072Structure &1 does not exist. Create new structure in namespace RKCTnnn
073&1 has not been transported
074DDIC information for &1 cannot be read
075Field value &1 from &2 cannot be assigned to a packed number
076The rules for &1 cannot be deleted
077Import not possible. The structure of the receiver has changed
078Import not possible. The record structure has changed.
079No rule exists for field &1
080Receive new packet of sender records
081Data transfer to R/3 terminated
082Restart: Update of receiver records
083Restart: Repeat of sender record import
084Restart: Import of sender records with errors repeated
085Recipient &1: &2
086The fiscal year variant cannot be determined. Data area: &1
087Data transfer in test run mode
088Division by 0 occurred in field &1 during formula evaluation
089Error occurred during formula evaluation for field &1
090Sender field &1 is in logical sender structure but not in physical one
091An error occurred when reading info on &1 to ABAP Dict.
092Sender program &1 has been started for variant &2 by CPIC
093Data will be written to the database
094File already imported from &1 on &2 for sender structure &3
095Check the currency translation key &1
096The general rule &1 cannot be reassigned to &2
097The length of the transferred structure and the sender structure differ
098Sender field and converted sender field are of different type
099Enter either a sender field or a value for the constant
100Monitor information for data transfer ***********************************
101End of posting: &1
102Number of sender records with errors: &1
103Number of receiver records with errors: &1
104&1 sender records imported at &2
105The transfer rules for &1 are inconsistent
106&1 receiver records created at &2
107&1 logs were deleted, &2 could not be deleted
108Transfer completed with errors at &1
109<< Recipient structure fields >>
110- field &1 type &2 length &3 decim. &4
111<< Sender structure fields >>
112<< Recipient field: &1 >>
113- Validation is activated
114- special conversion routine: &1
115- non-assigned fields are indicated as errors
116- variable: &1
117- general rule &1 is used
118- the values on the database are overwritten
119- total operation: &1
120- target currency: &1
121- target unit: &1
122- source unit: &1
123- reference field: &1
124- conversion unit: &1
125- formula: &1
126- recipient field value (unconverted): &1
127- rule: &1
128- option group: &1
129- sender field: &1
130- from offset: &1
131- to length: &1
132- option: Sign &1 option &2 from &3 to &4
133A receiver record exists more than once
134Error in formula component: &1
135&1 already being processed by &2
136Data transfer can only be performed for one sender program per run
137Receive new packet of sender records
138Data transfer to R/3 terminated
139Max. sender structure length of 4096 bytes was exceeded
140QUEUE could not be opened
142Data transfer to R/3 terminated
143Only time bases 1,2,3 and 5 are supported
144Enter a source currency field or a fixed source currency
145Enter a date field or a key date
146Check if field &1 is contained in table &2
147Enter a time base
148&1 in record nr. &2 cannot be converted to a packed number
149Enter an exchange rate type
150Rule maintenance not possible since data is sent to &1
151File &1 could not be deleted
152Only the first 90 fields are displayed
153No logs exist
154Could not set the lock for generating the program
155&1 blocks saved
170Choose ONE row for this operation
200Data is not saved, since rules still exist for &1
201The table is locked by &1
202Select a row
203Name has already been assigned. Choose another name
204Enter a meaning
205Enter a segment
206Enter a conversion rule
322Structure & does not exist
323Error when deleting structure &
324Object & not in Table TADIR
325Check and amend the transfer rules
330Select a valid line
520Enter exactly three characters from (A,B,...,Y,Z,0,1,..,9)
702Only numeric entries allowed here
703Enter correct date
704Conversion is not supported
711Choose a sender structure or check off &
713Enter either file name or logical file name
714Enter missing formatting entries
723CPIC password error occurred
727CPIC: Communication link dissolved
733CPIC &: Communication link problems - no data received
734CPIC &: Communication link problems - incomplete data received
735Receiver field &1 no longer exists
738The total operation 'COUNT' is not appropriate for currencies
741Characteristic value & is invalid
746Currency translation method incorrect: Target currency field not required
747Currency translation method & does not exist
750Error occurred during conversion from &1 to a field of type &2
754Offset and length &1 are greater/equal to sender field &3 length &2
755&1 is an invalid table name or &2 is an invalid field in the DDIC
760Specify an offset less than or equal to 55
761Specify an offset less than or equal to &1
762Enter the missing data on sender field &1
766Enter numerical values only
769Enter values for receiver field &1 and rule 'GROUP'
771Field lengths of receiver &1 and sender field &2 are different
772Field types of receiver &1 and sender field &2 are incompatible
776Field types for characteristic &1 and sender field &2 are different
777Unit/currency is preset -> Translate if necessary
778Unit/currency does not exist in check table &
779Offset is greater than/equal to sender field &2 length &1
780Error occurred while reading DDIC table &1
782Sender field &1 is invalid
786Sender fields must be different for multiple 'COMBINE' rules.
790Upper limit must be higher than lower limit
792Selection conditions must not overlap
793Type &1 of sender field &2 not allowed
794Purely numeric sender field names are not allowed
795Rules for characteristic &1 must still be entered.
796Formulas must still be maintained for a key figure
797Rules must still be maintained for a characteristic
799The sender structure does not contain character-like fields
800No data exists
801No variant &2 is defined for program &1
802Variant &2 is not allowed for program &1
803Report &1 with variant &2 started
804Sender field & no longer exists -> Reorganize rules
805Program start was not possible & &
872Sender structure & does not exist
887Currency translation for &1 not possible
900**** XPRA 4.0 ***********************************************************
901Receiver structure for sender structure &1 cannot be determined
902Sender structure &1 cannot be found
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