UCF7 - Nachrichten zum Flexiblen Upload

The following messages are stored in message class UCF7: Nachrichten zum Flexiblen Upload.
It is part of development package UCF7 in software component FIN-SEM-BCS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SEM-BCS: Flexible Upload".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Flexible Upload: &1 &2 &3 &4
001Field length must be greater than zero
002Field length of &1 may not exceed &2
003Character string "&2" is cut off after &3 characters
004Conversion to internal data format failed
005Row is formally incomplete: only &1 of &2 fields filled
006Row too long: Character string '&2' will be ignored
007No file was specified
008No data records were read
009Data already exists for &1 &2
010Unable to read file &1
011Existing settings will be deleted
012&1 &2 will be completely replaced
013&1 &2 will be overwritten
014&1 &2 may not be changed
015Higher level &2 of the hierarchy does not exist
016Data row has no values
017&1 of &2 data rows were ignored
018There are messages for existing data records
019Consolidation unit &1, item &2:
020Characteristic value is still initialized
021Define new mapping rules
022Data basis &1: Source data basis &2 and InfoProvider &3 are not defined
023RFC destination and/or InfoProvider not specified
024The called method was executed as defined
025Characteristic &1 has been removed from the source selection
026Source data basis &1 does not exist
027Source data basis does not exist
028Values missing for the InfoProvider and the source data basis
029The definition of the "load from data stream" method is inconsistent
030After mapping, the predecessor of the hierarchy edge is blank
031After mapping, the successor of the hierarchy edge is blank
032Data basis &1: Source data basis &2 and InfoObject &3 are not defined
033No data has been read from the source data stream
034&1: No data has been read from the source version
035Source data row has been ignored; please check field &1
036Target data row has been ignored; please check field &1
037&1 of &2 source rows were ignored
038InfoObject &1 has not been maintained
039InfoObject &1 not contained in InfoObject catalog of source data basis &2
040InfoObject catalog f. characteristics not defined in source data basis &1
041Select an entry in tree &1
042Characteristic &2 is selected but cannot be inserted in field catalog &1
043Method &1 is not a currency translation method
044Data stream type &1 does not exist in source consolidation area &2
045Hierachy and attribute selections not supported for source selections
046Data in the target selection has been deleted
047Cannot derive target data from the source data
048System cannot determine the document type
049A workflow variant is assigned to document type &1
050Flexible upload method is inconsistent; field &1 missing in catalog
051Document text is not the same for all line items
052Cannot break down hierarchy node; ambiguous values
054Field content &1 of an existing data record cannot be changed
055Task &1 does not have a method assignment dependent on consolidation unit
056Task &1: Inconsistent period categories during method assignment
057Task &1: Deleting method assignment for period category &3
058Row &V1&: Check the value &V2& of characteristic &V3&
301Cannot use value &1 as field name of a lower-level node
600Specify the data type
601Specify the characteristic to be uploaded
602Data stream for additional financial data is not available
603A data record (&2) with the same key already exists
604Current definition of copy method &1 cannot be used for the task
605Customizing settings for "Load from Data Stream" are incomplete
606Specify a currency translation method
607Cannot execute method &1: Elimination of IU profit/loss is not activated
608The independent characteristic &1 of characteristic &2 is missing
609Cannot execute method &1: Consolidation of investments is not activated
610Version combination &1 does not exist in current consolidation area
611Cannot execute method &1: Equity method is not used
612Group currency key is missing for the source or the target
613Cannot execute method &1: Location of values is the totals database
614Cannot determine the row type for &1
615Customizing for "Flexible Upload" is incomplete
616Source selection may only consist of posting levels 00, 01, and 10
617Method &1 will not be executed
618Row &1: Invalid row type
619&1 is not a valid value for &2
620Method &1: Data stream does not exist
621&1 is not defined
622The value &2 is invalid for characteristic &1
623Choose either local sorting or global sorting, not both
624&1 is invalid for the status of activity sorting
625Transaction data does not exist for activity "&1" with number &2
626Activity "&1" with number &2 is inconsistent
627Rows &1 and &2 have the same sequence number
628"Stop Here" indicator is set for the same investee in rows &1 and &2
629"Stop Here" indicator is not set for any activity for investee &1
630"Stop Here" indicator is set for both activities in rows &1 and &2
631Global sequence of activities cannot be converted to local sequence
632Update mode "Overwrite" not available for cumulative data entry
633Two entries exist for the combination of target version/group currency
634Cannot execute method &1: "Reported Equity Data" location of values
635Goodwill data cannot be copied from one group currency to another
636Restatement period in source &1 is before execution period &2
637Restatement period in target &1 is before execution period &2
638Copying between restatements is not supported for additional finan. data
639Source and target restatement in copy method are not identical
640Source restatement does not exist, target restatement is not blank
641Source restatement is not blank, target restatement does not exist
642Restatement is not specified in the target selection or mapping
643Copy with complex target selection for restatement is not possible
644Non-initial value for attribute &1
701Target selection of method is invalid
702Copy method &1 cannot be executed for these parameters
703Source selection for characteristic &1 is empty
704Source selection and inverted mapping do not intersect
705Error while copying; no suitable target selected
706&1: A copy is not necessary with the current settings
707Posting block was ignored for items and transaction types
728Decimal place separator "&2" is inappropriate for this upload method
899Definition of document type &1 is inconsistent
900Document type is initial
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