UDM_PR_PROCESSING - Parallelisierung

The following messages are stored in message class UDM_PR_PROCESSING: Parallelisierung.
It is part of development package UDM_PARALLEL_PROCESSING in software component FIN-FSCM-COL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Parallel Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Interval &1 to &2 is being processed
002Package &1 is being processed
003&1 jobs started
101Run &1 is completed; release is not possible
102Run &1 is still active; release is not possible
103Select at least one line
104Run &1 was released
105Run &1 was terminated
106Run &1 has finished; stop is not possible
107Run &1 was not deleted
108Run &1 was deleted
109Run &1 is completed; restart is not possible
110Run &1 is still active; restart is not possible
111Restart of run &1 was terminated
112Run &1 was restarted
113You are not authorized to start the run
114You are not authorized to restart run &1
115You are not authorized to release run &1
116You are not authorized to display runs
117You are not authorized to stop run &1
118You are not authorized to delete run &1
119Select only one item
120You are not authorized to create worklists
121You are not authorized to distribute worklist items
122You are not authorized to assign collection profiles
123No worklist to be deleted were found
124None of the segments entered has been found
125None of the priorities entered have been found
127Invoice information in logistics system &1 is provided
128Provision of invoice information in log. system &1 failed
129No invoice information has been provided
130Function module &1 does not exist in logical system &2
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