UG - Messages for Repository Switch

The following messages are stored in message class UG: Messages for Repository Switch.
It is part of development package SAUS in software component BC-UPG-TLS-TLA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transport Control (Repository Switch)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000These messages are used by Upgrade/RDDIT006. Maintained in English only!
002Customer deviations: & , SUG7 Version: &
003Exception occured: & (Detailed: & )
004Export list for changing to Release &, starting from Release &
005==> Action &, time & <==
006 & active modified SAP objects to be exported
007 & active customer objects that are to be exported
008 & active generated SAP objects to be exported
009 & inactive Dictionary objects for export
010Return code & when calling &
011Objects are collected for export in &, &, &
012Objects are collected for export in &
013 & test and local objects found in the SAP name range
014 & objects from Add-ons to be exported
015 & objects from Support Packages to be exported
016 & objects relevant for documentation found in the SAP name range
017Exit code ..........: &
018Before Export method for &
019Error when updating E070 for transport &
020MODIF: No TADIR entry for & &
021MODIF: No TADIR entry for & &
022MODIF: No export of FUGR/TABL/TRAN/STOB: & &
023MODIF: Object & & & to be exported
024MODIF: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered --> SPAU/SPDD
025KEYCHECK for transport & aborted with & & &
027SWITCHED_OFF: TADIR object & & & with development class & is switched off
028 & objects to be exported
030CUSTDEV: SAP system upgrade. Saving systems: &
031CUSTDEV: TADIR object & & & with development class & does not exist
032CUSTDEV: Transport object & & & does not exist
033CUSTDEV: ADJ> Object & & & not transferred (RASE/ELEM explicitly excl.)
034CUSTDEV: ADJ> Object & & & not transferred (TOBEDELETED - MCID_MCOD)
035CUSTDEV: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered (DELIVERED, NOT_DELETED)
036CUSTDEV: ADJ> Object & & & not transferred (SAP_OBJECT in customer syst.)
037CUSTDEV: Customer append & and exchange table & lead to data loss
038CUSTDEV: Please contact the hotline
039CUSTDEV: Only the documentation of object & & & is exported
040CUSTDEV: Object & & & to be exported (Pure non-docu object)
041CUSTDEV: Object & & & to be exported (object AND docu object)
042CUSTDEV: & conflicts were found with the delivery
043CUSTDEV: & TADIR objects selected, number of entries in TADIR is &
044GENOBJ: ADJ> Partly generated object & & & is delivered
045GENOBJ: ADJ> no export of & & &
046GENOBJ: Partly gen. object & & & to be exported
047GENOBJ: & partly generated objects are recorded
048GENOBJ: Of these partly gen. objects, & are delivered with this upgrade
049GENOBJ: -> & partly generated objects to export
050GENOBJ: Generated object & & & (assigned to package &) does not exist
051GENOBJ: ADJ> Object & & & not transferred (TOBEDELETED - SRCSYS<>SYSID)
052GENOBJ: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered (DELIVERED, NOT_DELETED)
053GENOBJ: Only the documentation of object & & & is exported
054GENOBJ: Object & & & to be exported (object AND docu object)
055GENOBJ: Object & & & to be exported (Pure non-docu object)
056GENOBJ: & SAP objects have been marked as generated in TADIR;
057GENOBJ: Of these objects, & are delivered with this upgrade
058GENOBJ: -> & objects marked as generated and not delivered
059GENOBJ: Missing TADIR record for object & & & (Warning)
060GENOBJ: Missing TADIR record for object & & & (Error)
061GENOBJ: Generated object & & & belonging to Dev. class & does not exist
062GENOBJ: Object & & & to be exported (9000s Dynpro)
063GENOBJ: -> & screens of SAP objects, in the 9000 range, for export
064GENOBJ: Generated Object & & & in TADIR
065GENOBJ: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered
066GENOBJ: ADJ> Object & & & will be deleted or adjusted (Modeflag & )
067GENOBJ: ADJ> => no export of & & &
068GENOBJ: Partly generated object & & & found
069GENOBJ: -> & physical pools of SAP for export
070INACTDDIC: Domain & & & to be exported
071INACTDDIC: Table & & & to be exported
072INACTDDIC: Technical settings & & & to be exported
073INACTDDIC: Index & & & to be exported
074INACTDDIC: Data element & & & to be exported
075INACTDDIC: Pool/Cluster & & & to be exported
076INACTDDIC: Matchcode Object & & & to be exported
077INACTDDIC: Matchcode ID & & & to be exported
078INACTDDIC: View/Enqueue & & & to be exported
079INACTDDIC: Search help & & & to be exported
080INACTDDIC: Table Type & & & to be exported
090LOCTEST: TADIR object & & & with development class & does not exist
091LOCTEST: Local object & & & in package & entered in TADIR
092LOCTEST: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered
093LOCTEST: ADJ> Object & & & will be deleted or adjusted (Modeflag & )
094LOCTEST: ADJ> => no export of & & &
095LOCTEST: Object & & & to be exported
096LOCTEST: & test or local private SAP objects are recorded in TADIR
097LOCTEST: Of these objects, & are delivered with this upgrade
098LOCTEST: -> & local objects to be exported
100ADDON: Add-on &, version & should be retained without changes
101ADDON: Missing TADIR record for object & & & (Warning)
102ADDON: Missing TADIR record for object & & & (Error)
103ADDON: TADIR object & & & with development class & does not exist
104ADDON: Table & in dev. class &; original & has to be reset temporarily
105ADDON: Modification was carried out in request & & by &
106ADDON: Check whether the table exists in the database (transaction SE11)
107ADDON: Changes made to fields of this table are reset by the upgrade
108ADDON: Fragment & & & will also be entered
109ADDON: Object & & & was edited in &
110ADDON: Fragment & & & will also be entered
111ADDON: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered (DELIVERED, NOT_DELETED)
112ADDON: ADJ> Object & & & will be deleted or adjusted (Modeflag & )
113ADDON: ADJ> FUNC & located in another function group in shadow repository
114ADDON: ADJ> In the position of the function module & located in shadow &
115ADDON: ADJ> => Object & & & cannot be transferred ( & )
116ADDON: Object & & & to be exported
117ADDON: Only the documentation of object & & & is exported
118ADDON: ADJ> => no export from & & &
119ADDON: & SAP objects are contained in the included add-on components
120ADDON: of these objects & are delivered with the R/3 upgrade
121ADDON: -> & add-on objects, that were transferred
122ADDON: On the other hand & delivered objects overwrite add-on components!
123ADDON: Only the documentation of object & & & is exported
124ADDON: Object & & & to be exported
125ADDON: TADIR object & & & with development class & does not exist
126ADDON: Fragment & & & is active in the original version
127ADDON: All fragments of & & &, type & are already set to standard again
128ADDON: Transport object & & & does not exist
129ADDON: No fragment exists of transport object & & &
130ADDON: ADJ> FUNC & located in another function group in shadow repository
131ADDON: ADJ> In the position of the function module & located in shadow &
132ADDON: ADJ> => Object & & & cannot be transferred
133ADDON: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered
134ADDON: ADJ> Object & & & will be deleted or adjusted (Modeflag & )
135ADDON: ADJ> => no export from & & &
136ADDON: Only the documentation of object & & & is exported
137ADDON: Object & & & to be exported
138ADDON: Add-On &, Release & not found in compinfo -> Add-On will be saved
139ADDON: Add-On &, Release & : Start=Export -> only Support Packages saved
140SUPPACKS: Error while determining Support Packages for component &
141SUPPACKS: Objects from Support Package & are being checked
142SUPPACKS: Objects from SPAM Package & are being checked
143SUPPACKS: Error when reading command file &
144SUPPACKS: Object & & & to be exported (Deletion)
145SUPPACKS: XPRA & & & to be exported
146SUPPACKS: Object & & & to be exported
147SUPPACKS: Object & & & to be exported
148SUPPACKS: ADJ> Object & & & is delivered
149SUPPACKS: Return code & when calling &
150SUPPACKS: & & & not saved because TADIR object & does not exist
151SUPPACKS: & & & saved, but FUGR & not found.
152SUPPACKS: N-Version of & & deleted
153SUPPACKS: Transport & is archived and cannot be read (see longtext)
154ADDON: TADIR object & & & (development class & ) rescued as deletion
160CRMGEN: & & & not saved because of RDDIT006_CRM_GENERATED_OBJECTS
161CRMGEN: & & in SMODILOG deleted ( & records)
162CRMTCIBGEN: & & & not saved because of RDDIT006_CRM_TCIB_GEN_OBJECTS
163CMSGEN: error occured when reading request CMS_CHANGE_DOC_OBJ
164CMSGEN: & & & not saved because of request CMS_CHANGE_DOC_OBJ
165CRMGEN: & & & not saved because of BEFB_UPGRADE_PREP
166BWGEN: & & & not saved because DIOB & will be deleted
167FSHGEN: error retrieving FSH-MM generated objects
168& & & &
170ADDON: Add-On &, Full task &, Command File & will be saved
171ADDON: Transport & was already archived and cannot be read (see longtext)
172ADDON: No transports found in fulltask & for AddOn &
180SUPP_ADD_CONT: & Collect table contents for export
181SUPP_ADD_CONT: & & & to be exported
182 & objects (table content) from Add-ons to be exported
183 & objects (table content) from Support Packages to be exported
190INIT: Modifications of component & will be saved
191INIT: SPAM-Update will be saved
192INIT: Support Packages of component & will be saved
193INIT: This is a delta-upgrade for component &
194INIT: Release of component & will not change during the upgrade
195INIT: TCIs of component & will be saved
200CUSTDEV: no export for object type without exchange parts: &1 &2
201CUSTDEV: no docu export for object type without docu part: &1 &2
202CUSTDEV: cust obj where clause:
203CUSTDEV: FUGR_FUGX where clause:
220GENOBJ: ADJ> => no export of objects in package: &1
300AUTOADJ: transport request generated ==> &1
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