UJ0_UT_EXCEPTION - BPC:unit test framework message class

The following messages are stored in message class UJ0_UT_EXCEPTION: BPC:unit test framework message class.
It is part of development package UJ0_UT in software component EPM-BPC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Unit testing of UJ0".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Fail to read excel.
001Header line can not contain empty cell, sheet: &1.
002Required worksheet: &1 is missing.
003Unknown column in worksheet &1, column &2.
004Unknown data type to set data.
005Invalid memeber,sheet:&1,column:&2
006Dimension attribute &1 is missing in sheet &2
007Invalid transaction data. sheet: &1, column: &2.
008Transaction data column &1 is missing in sheet &2.
009Unknow sheet : &1.
010Base test data does not exist.
011Should not change sheet &1.
012Base data can not be deleted. sheet: &1 value:&2.
013Reading sheet &1 ...
014Fail to read sheet: &1.
015Downloading zip file ...
016Fail to write transaction data to:&1.
017Fail to update dimension: &1.
018Fail to &1 dimension member.dimension:&2 .
019Fail to create application: &1.
020Fail to modify application: &1.
021Fail to download file: &1.
022Directory does not exist: &1.
023Importing is not allowed if table is not empty.
024Fail to upload file: &1 .
025Fail to read file: &1.
026You can not delete base file.
027Upload file finished successfully.File Number:&1
029Modify file &1 finished successfully.
030Fail to set transaction data for &1.
031Fail to create dimension: &1.
032Fail to delete dimension: &1.
033Export unit test files finished successfully.
034Import unit test files finished successfully.
035Delete file & finished successfully.
036&1 was uploaded by &2 .
037&1 was modified by &2 .
038&1 was deleted by &2 .
039Load unit test file &1 finished.
040Fail to delete application: &1.
041Dimension type can't be empty: &1.
042File &1 doese not exist.
043Application type can't be empty: &1.
044Download file &1 successfully.
045&1 : Create dimension &2.
046&1 : &2 dimension member , dimension &3.
047&1 : Create application &2.
048&1 : Write transaction data to application &2.
049&1 : Rollback application &2.
050&1 : Rollback dimension &2.
051&1 : &2 into table &3.
052Operation is canceled.
053&1 : &2 dimension member , dimension &3.
054Unload unit test file &1 finished.
055Unit Test data existed,please check log.
056Checking dimension:&1
057Checking application:&1
058Inconsistent dimension &1,sheet:&2.
059Dimension member can't be empty:&1.
060UT: LOG: Message number: &1.
061UT: LOG: Exception message.
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