UJA_EXCEPTION - BPC: Admin exception message class
The following messages are stored in message class UJA_EXCEPTION: BPC: Admin exception message class.
It is part of development package UJA in software component EPM-BPC-NW-ADM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Admin".
It is part of development package UJA in software component EPM-BPC-NW-ADM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Admin".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Error in Admin module or a component used by Admin module |
001 | Dimension &1 is used in model &2 and cannot be deleted |
002 | Dimension &1 already exists |
003 | Error generating the technical name of the dimension |
004 | Failed to create dimension attribute &1 |
005 | Failed to create SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for dimension |
006 | Failed to activate SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for dimension &1 |
007 | Dimension name does not exist |
008 | Attribute name '&1' already exists in dimension '&2' |
009 | Error generating the technical name of the attribute |
010 | Failed to create SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for attribute |
011 | Failed to activate SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for attribute |
012 | Failed to get attribute &1 information |
013 | Failed to change SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for attribute &1 |
014 | Dimension &1 not found |
015 | Failed to delete SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for dimension |
016 | Failed to modify dimension; error in technical name of input dimension |
017 | Failed to change SAP NetWeaver BI InfoObject for dimension |
018 | Failed to get dimension &1 |
019 | Failed to read master data |
020 | Invalid reference dimension type &1 |
021 | Member &2 of dimension &1 has an invalid hierarchy parent '&3' |
022 | Parent &3 of member &2 in dimension &1 exists in two hierarchies |
023 | Failed to get environment detail information |
024 | Failed to get environment type |
025 | Failed to get model type |
026 | Failed to get dimension type |
027 | Failed to get model list of &1 |
028 | Failed to get model dimension detail |
029 | Failed to get reference dimension type |
030 | Failed to get dimension required attribute |
031 | Failed to get dimension library |
032 | Failed to get dimension attrbute list |
033 | Failed to get environment information |
034 | Failed to get model information |
035 | Failed to set model information |
036 | Failed to set dimension list |
037 | Failed to delete model data |
038 | Failed to get dimension list |
039 | Invalid value of '&2' within dimension member &1 |
040 | Failed to set environment parameters |
041 | Falied to create web folder directory |
042 | Failed to copy web folder directory |
043 | Failed to create the report for the model |
044 | Failed to get the business rule option of the model |
045 | Failed to set environment information |
046 | Failed to get model list |
047 | Failed to get environment parameters |
048 | Failed to copy Infocube data |
049 | Failed to set environment status |
050 | Failed to get model parameters |
051 | Failed to create Infoarea &1 |
052 | Failed to get formula information |
053 | Failed to set formula information |
054 | Failed to create audit table for the model |
055 | Failed to delete audit table of &1 model |
056 | Failed to modify audit table of &1 model |
057 | Failed to delete the &1 model |
058 | Failed to get environment &1 info |
059 | Parser XML file error for dimension &1: &2 |
060 | Failed to read XML file of dimension &1 |
061 | Failed to delete the comment for &1 model |
062 | Failed to modify the comment for &1 model |
063 | Dimension member &1 is an invalid member ID in dimension &2 |
064 | Failed to set business option |
065 | Invalid attribute name (&1) in dimension (&2) |
066 | Failed to get dimension &1 H&2 formula table; ErrorMsg: &3 |
067 | Failed to create dimension &1 H&2 formula table; ErrorMsg: &3 |
068 | Failed to delete dimension &1 H&2 formula table; ErrorMsg: &3 |
069 | Failed to get environment user ID |
070 | Failed to save XML file of dimension &1 |
071 | Failed to create comment table of &1 |
072 | Failed to delete comment table of &1 |
073 | Failed to modify comment table of &1 |
074 | Detected looped nested formula in member &1 |
075 | Failed to get the parameter of &1 model |
076 | Failed to set the parameter of &1 model |
077 | Failed to read master data from dimension &1 |
078 | Model &1 does not exist within environment &2 |
079 | Version not found |
080 | Missing ID field in master data structure |
081 | Failed to set the template version of &1 |
082 | Failed to get the file path of environment &1; Error: &2 |
083 | Failed to copy master data to dimension &1 |
084 | Failed to generate the ZIP file for the dimension cache |
085 | Failed to call function &1; Error: &2 |
086 | Cannot decrease the property size of &1 |
087 | Failed to pack the ZIP file for the client |
088 | Failed to convert XML content for &1 |
089 | Failed to copy model &1 |
090 | User &1 does not exist |
091 | Failed to create journal table for &1 |
092 | Failed to delete journal table for &1 |
093 | Failed to create hierarchy &1 under dimension &2; Error Msg &3 |
094 | Duplicate node (name = &1) in hierarchy &2 |
095 | Failed to update formula of dimension &1 to model &2 |
096 | Formula of dimension member &1 contains an invalid member ID &2 |
097 | Formula of member &1 contains a nested formula in member &2 for model &3 |
098 | Dimension &1 does not have a Formula property |
099 | Failed to expand member formula for dimension &1 |
100 | Select at least three dimensions |
101 | Duplicate node &1 in hierarchy &2 in &3 |
102 | Invalid parent ID &1 in hierarchy &2 in &3 |
103 | Invalid next ID &1 in hierarchy v&2 in &3 |
104 | Invalid child ID &1 in hierarchy &2 in &3 |
105 | Failed to read hierarchy &1 of &2 |
106 | Circle reference between &1 and &2 is detected |
107 | Hierarchy &1 of &2 exceeds the maximum level &3 |
108 | Failed to delete master data of dimension &1 in BI (InfoObject: &2) |
109 | Member &1 is already being used |
110 | Failed to update master data of dimension &1 in BI (InfoObject: &2) |
111 | Failed to insert master data of dimension &1 in BI (InfoObject: &2) |
112 | Error in file service |
113 | Failed to read master data of dimension (&1) from BI (InfoObject: &2) |
114 | Invalid XML rule format |
115 | Environment ID &1 does not exist |
116 | Create model &1 failed |
117 | Create Multiprovider &1 failed |
118 | Delete Multiprovider &1 failed |
119 | Delete Model &1 failed |
120 | Model ID &1 already exists |
121 | Required dimension type does not exist in model |
122 | Value �&1� in field &2 does not exist in column &3 of table &4 |
123 | Value �&1� in field &2 does not exist in property &3 of dimension &4 |
124 | Value of field &1 cannot be blank |
125 | Record ( Seq = &1 ): &2&3&4 |
126 | Invalid rule validation method &1 |
127 | Failed to create work status table of &1 |
128 | Failed to create related folder for &1 |
129 | Failed to get template files for model &1 |
130 | Failed to read master data from dimension &1 |
131 | Failed to render current DOM |
132 | &1 of the member in the input table is not unique |
133 | Field '&1' does not exist in the input table |
134 | Invalid input hierarchy '&1' |
135 | Fundamental system data error in required attribute table |
136 | Failed to open member sheet for dimension '&1'! Error message: &2 |
137 | Rule '&1' is not supported |
138 | Field '&1' does not exist in the input rule table |
139 | Invalid rule name &1 |
140 | Reference dimension &1 for rule does not exist |
141 | No dimension (type = &1) exists in model &2 |
142 | Failed to read master data from reference dimension &1 |
143 | Attribute &1 does not exist in reference dimension &2 |
144 | Member '&1' attribute value is invalid: '&2' = '&3'. |
145 | BI InfoObject '&1' already deleted |
146 | Create environment '&1' failure |
147 | Failed to save logic file (&1) in (&2) due to file service error |
148 | Failed to delete logic file (&1) in (&2) due to file service error |
149 | Failed to delete logic lib (&1) due to internal file service error |
150 | Failed to create logic lib (&1) due to internal file service error |
151 | Failed to copy logic lib (&1) due to internal file service error |
152 | Deleted InfoObject '&1' |
153 | Member data of dimension &1 must have a required attribute '&2' |
154 | Member data of dimension &1 must have a '&2' field |
155 | Created Infocube &1 |
156 | Created Multiprovider &1 |
157 | Deleted Multiprovider &1 |
158 | Failed to delete Multiprovider &1 |
159 | Failed to delete Infocube &1 |
160 | Deleted Infocube &1 |
161 | Optimize model &1 failed |
162 | Created comment table |
163 | Created journal table |
164 | Created audit table |
165 | Created workstatus table |
166 | Deleted audit table |
167 | Deleted comment table |
168 | Deleted journal table |
169 | Deleted workstatus table |
170 | Changed Multiprovider &1 |
171 | Modified comment table |
172 | Modified workstatus table |
173 | Modified audit table |
174 | Attribute name '&1' is invalid; choose another |
175 | Start job failed for Copy Environment |
176 | Start job failed for Modify Model |
177 | Created Infoarea &1 |
178 | Dimension '&1' already deleted |
179 | Dimension '&1' InfoObject deleted |
180 | Created InfoObject '&1' |
181 | Dimension '&1' has no attributes |
182 | Attribute '&1' deleted |
183 | Environment '&1''s dimension library deleted |
184 | Failed to get environment list |
185 | Member of dimension '&1' must have a '&2' field |
186 | Input rule data does not match the rule name &1 |
187 | Reference dimension '&1' does not exist |
188 | Attribute name '&1' is reserved |
189 | Read attribute '&2' of reference dimension '&1' failed |
190 | Duplicate dimension type is not allowed in one model |
191 | Failed to read data from model |
192 | Failed to write data to model |
193 | Dimension '&1' DB entry deleted |
194 | InfoCube &1 does not exist in SAP NetWeaver BI |
195 | Error occured during profile creation |
196 | Error occured during team creation |
197 | Text table of dimension member must have a column '&1' |
198 | Failed to perform light optimization |
199 | No environment available to user '&1' |
200 | Failed to read data from environment '&1' |
201 | Warning: Attribute type of '&1' is not correct after transport |
202 | Rate model must be assigned |
203 | Rate and Ownership models must be assigned |
204 | Business rule must exist for model type Finance or Consolidation |
205 | Failed to unzip the file |
206 | Invalid dimension name '&1' |
207 | Invalid attribute name '&1' |
208 | Member data has duplicate field '&1' |
209 | Copied dimension &1 |
210 | Copied model &1 |
211 | Member &1 cannot be deleted |
212 | Member '&1' does not exist |
213 | Member '&1' has an invalid LANGU '&2' |
214 | Parent '&1' has different children in PARENTH&2 and PARENTH&3 |
215 | Start job failed for Copy Model |
216 | Created Infoarea of environment &1 |
217 | Generated prefix of environment &1 |
218 | Started to copy model &1 in environment &2 |
219 | Started to modify model &1 in environment &2 |
220 | Base member '&1' cannot be the parent of '&2' in PARENTH&3 |
221 | Maximum length of dimension name is 16 characters |
222 | Failed to write master data to SAP NetWeaver BI |
223 | Txt table must have a '&1' column |
224 | Environment &1 already exists |
225 | Detected duplicate member ID '&1' |
226 | Invalid hierarchy &1 |
227 | |
228 | Copy from environment &1 |
229 | Cannot modify model; dimension '&1' has no member |
230 | Failed to copy the Documents view of environment '&1' |
231 | Dimension is locked by '&1' |
232 | Member '&1' has no zero data in model '&2' |
233 | Failed to change base member to parent |
234 | Delete member failed; set environment offline and retry |
235 | Close open request for model '&1' failed |
236 | Created VirtualProvider '&1' for model '&2' |
237 | Failed to delete Virtualprovider &1 |
238 | Copied data from &1 to &2 |
239 | Modified comment table |
240 | Modified workstatus table |
241 | Modified audit table |
242 | Ownership model must contain the dimension type 'R' or 'G' |
243 | Optimization not required at this time |
244 | Invalid model name &1 |
245 | Failed to modify dimension &1 |
246 | Failed to create Infocube |
247 | User &1 begin to delete the model '&2' |
248 | Modify model &1 failed |
249 | User &1 begin to delete the environment '&2' |
250 | BW Transformation of model &1 exists; contact your BW Administrator |
251 | Finished modifying model &1 |
252 | Ownership model cannot contain both R and G type dimensions |
253 | Dynamic table '&1' of environment '&2' is not deleted |
254 | Failed to delete Infocube &1 |
255 | Failed to read file &2 of &1 |
256 | Failed to validate hierarchy for dimension &1 |
257 | Delete the old Infocube '&1' in Modify Model |
258 | Dimension with type = &1 is missing |
259 | Property &1 is missing in dimension &2 |
260 | Deleted all dynamic tables in environment '&1' |
261 | Deleted all BI objects in environment '&1' |
262 | Deleted all database records in environment '&1' |
263 | Deleted environment '&1' |
264 | Parser xml file '&1' error: &ERROR_MSG& |
265 | Keep at least one report/non-report type model |
266 | Failed to delete environment parameters |
267 | Failed to delete model parameters |
268 | Dimension '&1' has unprocessed member data |
269 | Value &1 is not a valid property of dimension &2 |
270 | |
271 | |
272 | |
273 | Deleted Virtualprovider &1 |
274 | Failed to create filters |
275 | Failed to delete filters |
276 | Failed to retrieve filters |
277 | Type of business rule &1 is invalid |
278 | Texts are not managed for rule &1 |
279 | Technical error |
280 | Value '&1' of field &2 does not belong to &3 |
281 | Value '&1' of field &2 is not allowed |
282 | The |
283 | Dimension '&1' does not exist in model '&2' |
284 | Member '&1' of dimension '&2' cannot be deleted due to transactional data |
285 | Failed to create calculation hierarchy for dimension '&1'. (Note 1700331) |
286 | Parent member &1 in model &2 cannot contain transactional data. |
288 | Dimension &1 does not exist in application &2. |
290 | Model &1 does not support nested formulas unless HANA MDX is activated |
291 | Nested formulas are not supported |
301 | Cannot delete pre-delivered formula |
302 | Cannot change pre-delivered formula |
303 | Cannot duplicate formula name |
304 | Failed to update formula table |
305 | User is required when maintaining formulas |
306 | Formula has been saved to the table |
307 | Formula has been deleted |
308 | Formula name is required for saving the formula |
309 | Formula statement is required for saving the formula |
310 | User &1 has no authority for environment &2 |
311 | Failed to read hierarchy &1 |
312 | Audit table could not be modified |
313 | Hierarchy &1 already exists |
314 | Hierarchy &1 does not exist |
315 | Failed to update dimension &1, source prefix: &2, target prefix &3. |
316 | Failed to build hierarchy &1 |
317 | Wrong cache version of dimension &1 in environment &2; migrate |
318 | Environment &1 contains out of date cache tables; migrate |
319 | Dimension &2 is used as a referenced dimension |
320 | Dimension &1 already exists with technical name &2 |
321 | Dimension is inconsistent: Object created for &1 and used for &2 |
322 | Environment &1 already exists with the prefix &2 |
323 | Environment &1 already exists with the Infoarea name &2 |
324 | Dimension &1 already exists with the type &2 |
325 | InfoObject &1 has no corresponding Planning and Consolidation dimension |
326 | Dimension &1 is not assigned to &2 or has no corresponding InfoObject |
327 | Model &1 already exists with technical name &2 |
328 | Code of the member with index &1 has no name |
329 | Name &2 of the member with index &1 has a duplicate name |
330 | Member &2 already exists |
331 | Member &2 does not exist |
332 | Member &2 was already deleted |
333 | Parent &3 for the member &2 does not exist in hierarchy &4 |
334 | Parent &3 for the member &2 creates a cycle in hierarchy &4 |
335 | Parent &3 for the member &2 is not consistent with other hierarchies |
336 | Next value for member &2 does not exist in hierarchy &4 |
337 | Environment name &1 is invalid |
338 | Dimension does not contain property &1 |
339 | Start job failed for Delete environment |
340 | Property &1 of dimension &2 no longer exists |
341 | Member &2 is referenced and cannot be deleted |
342 | Member ID &2 is too long for the dimension |
343 | Member &2 has transactional data and cannot be deleted |
344 | Techname &1 is already used on dimension &2 |
345 | Dimension &3 - Property &1 (length=&2) is required for this type of model |
346 | Hierarchy name '&1' is invalid; choose another beginning with PARENTH |
347 | Attribute with name &1 cannot be inserted and deleted at the same time |
348 | Infocatalog of the environment cannot be updated (BW error) |
349 | Required attribute &1 has been added to the dimension &2 |
350 | Copy of attribute value &1 to &2 for member &3 of dimension &4 |
351 | Start job failed for Process Dimensions |
352 | Start job failed for Copy Dimension |
353 | Start job failed for Delete Dimensions |
354 | Start job failed for Copy Model |
355 | System attribute &2 of dimension &1 was updated to match new settings |
356 | Dimension '&1' in Model '&2' doesn't exist or is not secured |
357 | Attribute &1 is required and cannot be updated nor deleted |
358 | Model &1 is referenced as Rate or Ownership model of another one |
359 | Attribute value &1 is now filled with &2 for member &3 of dimension &4 |
360 | The member &3 must be deleted in BW before you create &2 (different case) |
361 | Delete Infocube &1 via Optimize Application |
362 | The former required property &1 of dimension &2 is being removed |
363 | The group dimension must be the one of the referenced ownership model |
364 | The change made on the dimension &1 requires you process it |
365 | Start job failed for updates in Dimension Observer |
366 | Cannot get read lock for &1 after waiting for &2 seconds |
367 | Cannot get write lock for &1 after waiting for &2 seconds |
368 | Model &1 has transaction data, please backup the data and run it again |
369 | Cannot get info-object detail for dimension &1 |
370 | Member &1 has already been used in member formula of &2 |
371 | Error occurs when checking member formula use on other dimensions |
372 | &1 with formula is newly assigned to a model. Please process it again. |
373 | Hierarchy table &1 does not exist |
380 | The properies of dimension &1 are not consistent. |
381 | Please specify the prefix for environment in table UJA_APPSET_INFO |
382 | Out of shared object memory for dimension &1.Please increase it |
383 | Shared object memory is not enough for environment &1. Please increase it |
384 | Dimension needs to be processed since reference dimension was changed |
385 | Cannot get hierarchy &1 of dimension &2 ,Please check shared memory size |
386 | Invalid input parameters of dimension member children query |
387 | Full optimize is not required with 'ENABLE_FIXED_CUBENAME' switched on |
388 | Can't enable time dependant hierarchy with 'ENABLE_LARGE_HIERARCHIES' on |
389 | Failed to get infoobject length of dimension &1 using service user |
390 | The version of transformation �&1� is inactive |
391 | Shared object memory is not enough for environment &1. &2 MB is required. |
400 | Fail to handle olap view data for model &1 |
401 | Fail to handle hierarchy view data for dimension &1 |
402 | &1 is not allowed,please input -1 or positive number |
501 | Hierarchy info of dimension &1 could not be migrated |
502 | Time versions of dimension &1 are not consistent |
503 | Time version of dimension &1 is missing |
504 | Time version &1 of dimension &2 already exist. |
505 | The reference time version &1 of dimension &2 not exist. |
506 | Time version &1 of dimension &2 not exist. |
507 | Dimension &1 has time dependent hierarchy enabled |
508 | Cannot disable the parameter as some dimensions have time dependent hier |
509 | &1 is not time dependent in source system. |
510 | Cannot get time version of dimension &1 |
600 | Updating ENABLE_LARGE_KEY_FIGURE to value '&1' is not allowed |
601 | Unable to change key figure type on model &1 |
602 | Extra action required to remove old key figure on &1. See Note 1896651. |
603 | Could not copy transactional data to the new key figure of InfoCube &1 |
604 | Changing &1 to value '&2' is not allowed. See OSS Note 2212611. |
605 | Cannot add member &1 as case variation &2 already exists |
701 | DataStore object (advanced) &1 created |
702 | CompositeProvider &1 created |
703 | CompositeProvider &1 deleted |
704 | Could not delete CompositeProvider &1 |
705 | Could not delete DataStore object (advanced) &1 |
706 | DataStore object (advanced) &1 does not exist in SAP NetWeaver BI |
707 | Could not create DataStore object (advanced) |
708 | Could not delete DataStore object (advanced) &1 |
709 | Delete the old DataStore object (advanced) '&1' in modifying model |
710 | CompositeProvider &1 changed |
711 | Could not change CompositeProvider &1 |
712 | DataStore object (advanced) &1 deleted |
713 | Could not copy transactional data to the new key figure of ADSO &1 |
714 | Could not create CompositeProvider &1 |
715 | Could not handle measure view data for model &1 |