UJY_AVA_EXCEPTION - BPC: Message class for planning AVA

The following messages are stored in message class UJY_AVA_EXCEPTION: BPC: Message class for planning AVA.
It is part of development package UJY in software component EPM-BPC-NW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Planning Functions ( DDB, AVA,MOF)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error: Environment is empty
001Error: Model is empty
002Error: Only one environment and model combination is expected
003Error: Database save failed
004Error: All of comparison field should be filled
005Error: Component dimension is empty
006Error: Traversal dimension is empty
007Error: KPI name "&1" has existed with environment "&2"
008Error: KPI does not exist in environment "&1"
009Error: Comparison dimension "&1" does not exist in model
010Error: Comparison information of KPI "&1" is not enough
011Error: All dimensions should be defined in constraint of KPI "&1"
012Error: Category does not exist in environment "&1"
013Error: KPI "&1" info is not fully configured
014Error: Band information is not sufficient
015Error: Band description information is not sufficient
016Error: Category in environment "&1" has existed
017Error: Comparison information of KPI is wrong
018Error: The last period member of TIME "&1" does not exist
019Error: TIME member "&" does not exist
020Error: The last year member of TIME "&1" does not exist
021Member &1 does not exist in dimension &2 of environment &3
022No member found in dimension &1
023Dimension &1 does not exist in environment &2
024Error when read members of dimension &1 in environment &2
025Delete fail: Category "&1" is used by KPI "&2"
026Model global setting should be transport first before KPI
027Error when get dimension list of environment "&1" model "&2"
028Error when get master data of environment "&1"
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