UMC - Allgemeine Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class UMC: Allgemeine Nachrichten.
It is part of development package UMC in software component FIN-SEM-CPM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CPM : Common Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000CPM-internal error
001Objects that begin with a number belong to the SAP namespace
002Object names may not begin with the number 0
003Object names may contain only letters, numbers and '-'
004Communication error when calling up the RFC destination &1
005System error when calling up the RFC destination &1
006No standard graphic settings found for the graphic
007No dummy data found for the graphic
008Error when calling up the ODBO interface; see help text
009Link to ITS server is not set up correctly
010Hierarchy &1 does not exist
011Hierarchy node &1 does not exist
012Characteristic value &1 does not exist
013Error with &1 &2
014No values exist
015Invalid format
016Key figure drilldown is only supported in SAP GUI for Windows
017Error when calling up planning
018Error when calling up the BW Query
019Settings were saved successfully
020Fill in all required fields
021Measure not found
022InfoCube &1 does not exist
023Query &1 does not exist
024Enter an RFC link
025This function is supported from BW Release &1
026BW metadata buffer emptied successfully
027The standard RFC destination is not defined.
028Error when calling up the BW workbook
029Wrong Excel version installed
030The Excel viewer is not installed
031The fiscal year period cannot be determined using the calendar data.
032Time variable &1 does not exist
033No selections are maintained for the subinterval (&1 - &2)
034Time variable &1 is based on &2, and time variable '&3' based on &4
035You are not allowed to make the operand dependent on the target period
036The replacement of BW variable &1 is not maintained
037YTD is only meaningful for a time variable based on fiscal years
038Fiscal year variant &1 is not supported, 12 months are allowed
039Inconsistent program state in method &1
040The periodization &1 does not exist
041****** 041-045: for Where-used ****
042"&1" is not used
043"&1" cannot be deleted. Object is still being used
045Error in BW when generating the URL
046Use the same time variable for all characteristics
047Select a periodization
048RFC error when calling up BW system; see help text
049Unknown BW Release: &1
050The selected value fields use different data sources
051The selected value fields use different measures
052Use the same time variable for both fiscal year time characteristics
053Use the same time variable for both calendar year time characteristics
054Web planning error: &1
055Assignment table '&1': Formula result incorrect in formula stage '&2'.
056Characteristic &1 is not part of BW query &2
057Invalid formula stage '&1'
058Formula stage &1 is used in step &2 and cannot be deleted.
059Formula argument must lie between $$1 and $$&1
060RFC destination not defined for project system
061Error when calling up project system; see help text
062RFC error when calling up project system; see help text
063No value assigned to a CPM variable
064Error when calculating measure within BW query
065Invalid selection criteria
066Unit or currency not defined uniquely
067No value is available
068No InfoCube found as data source
069Control error when calling up the graphic
070Required settings missing for strategic advices.
071Graphic: Invalid XML data format
072Object name already exists
090****** 090-100: for BDS ****
091There is more than one BDS document for &1.
101There is no default BW system configured for SEM-CPM
102Data was already saved
103Data saved
104The RFC destinatation '&' does not exist; use the F4 help
105Enter an RFC destination; the BW system is a remote R/3 System
107The entry is contained in task &
108The default BW system is already configured; switch to Change
109The default BW system does not exist; switch to Create
110There is no BW in the local system
111RFC destination & cannot be reached
112RFC destination & is no BW System
113BW System version: &
114No HTTP proxy option is set for SEM-CPM
115No connection to the image generation EJB on the J2EE engine
116Test for connection to the image generator EJB on the J2EE engine
117Connection to the image generator EJB on the J2EE engine is OK
120No value (&1) &2&3&4
121Invalid selection (&1) &2&3&4
122RFC error (&1) &2&3&4
123ODBO error (&1) &2&3&4
124Calculation error (&1) &2&3&4
125BW key figure not found (&1) &2&3&4
126CPM variable not filled (&1) &2&3&4
127Unit/currency not uniquely identifiable (&1) &2&3&4
128MDX: RFC=&1 &2
130See SAP Note &1
206Target system &1 is not a BW System.
300************* Function group UMC_BWMD *******************
301Error in BW System '&1'; see help text
303The function is not supported in BW System '&'
306Position cursor on the characteristic
307No characteristic with the description '&' was found.
350**** Function group UMC_NOTIF ****
351Distribution list '&1'(valid from:'&2') exists already
352Distribution list '&1' does not exist!
400These functions are only available in the Enhancement Package
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