UMGLOG - Message class for the SPUMG Main Log
The following messages are stored in message class UMGLOG: Message class for the SPUMG Main Log.
It is part of development package SUMIG in software component BC-I18-UNI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Unicode Migration: Tabellen Umsetzer + Reparatur Tool".
It is part of development package SUMIG in software component BC-I18-UNI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Unicode Migration: Tabellen Umsetzer + Reparatur Tool".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Problem happened when finding batch jobs ( JOBNAME= &1 ) |
001 | No more table found for processing (&1) ! |
002 | Initialization of worklist started. |
003 | Error processing table &1 in &2 |
004 | Job &1 already exists. Exit the job creation |
005 | JOB_OPEN failed (JOBNAME = &1, call from &2) |
006 | Consistency check released |
007 | Analysis of tables without language field released |
008 | Analysis of tables with language field released |
009 | Reprocessing phase released |
010 | Container analysis released |
011 | INDX Analysis released |
012 | INDX Repair released |
013 | Unicode database size check released |
014 | Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. released |
015 | Unexpected analysis level found |
016 | JOB_CLOSE failed (JOBNAME = &1, call from &2) |
017 | Unexpected error during the release of the main job. |
018 | Problem happens when finding batch jobs in the update phase |
019 | DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET failed (table=&1, call from &2). |
020 | Update of work list started at &1. |
021 | Reset of table &1 ( &2 in level &3) |
022 | DDIF_NAMETAB_GET failed (table=&1, call from &2) |
023 | Exception entry created for table &1 (DEFCP=&2,GUESS=&3,SKIP=&4) |
024 | Settings are saved without changes |
025 | &1&2&3&4 |
026 | UMG_PMIG_GET_TEXTFLAG failed (table=&1, call from &2) |
027 | Default settings written to database |
028 | Could not write settings to database ! |
029 | No authorization to execute this program ! (&1) |
030 | Submit of &1 failed (call from &2) |
031 | Could not stop the main batch job |
032 | DB_EXISTS_TABLE failed (table=&1 / call from &2). |
033 | Table &1 belongs to category &2 which cannot be repaired by hints yet. |
034 | Job &1 was successfully released by report UMG_MASTER_PRE_MIG. |
035 | No entry found in worklist (table=&1 / scan level = &2) |
036 | No entry found in control table (table=&1) |
037 | Unexpected data-type of the sort field (&1, table = &2) |
038 | DD_GET_NAMETAB_HEADER failed (table=&1, call from &2) |
039 | Language code page mapping table not initialized |
040 | No table (UMG_PRE_MIG_EXE_HINT) |
041 | No Hint ID |
042 | Hint (table=&1 / hintid=&2) does not exist |
043 | Hint lang. (table=&1 / hintid=&2) is initial |
044 | Wordlist(Condition) (table=&1 / id=&2) not found (&3) |
045 | Wordlist(Condition) is empty (table=&1 / id=&2, &3) |
046 | Wordlist(Condition) is incorrect (table=&1 / id=&2) |
047 | Vocabulary hint execution for (table=&1 / hintid=&2) started |
048 | Vocabulary hint execution failed (table=&1 / hintid=&2) |
049 | Vocabulary hint execution for (table=&1 / hintid = &2) successful |
050 | AB_GET_TEXT_FROM_CLUSTER: Bad cluster (table=&1, key=&2) |
051 | Unknown error from AB_GET_TEXT_FROM_CLUSTER (table=&1, key=&2) |
052 | No table specified (UMG_PRE_MIG_REPROCESS) |
053 | Error in SET_TABNAME for table &1 |
054 | Vocabulary import started |
055 | Vocabulary import finished |
056 | New language added to ambiguous language list. ( &1 ) |
057 | Language deleted from ambiguous language list. ( &1 ) |
058 | Language "SPACE" added to ambiguous language list |
059 | Language &1 moved from ambig. lang. list to lang. list (new CP: &2) |
060 | Language &1 moved from language list to ambiguous language list. |
061 | Language &1 could not be mapped to a code page. Check configuration. |
062 | No languages available in the instance |
063 | Unexpected error occured in UMG_READ_LANG_INFO |
064 | Active language &1 added to language list with code page &2 |
065 | SET_CODEPAGE_IN_CLUSTER failed (table=&1, key=&2) |
066 | Language not allowed (table=&1, key=&2) |
067 | Exception list entry for table deleted (table=&1) |
068 | HELP_OBJECT_SHOW failed |
069 | Export Control Table edited (&1) |
070 | SCP_GET_CODEPAGE_NUMBER -&1- (Cat &3 ) failed (&2) |
071 | Language vector is empty (table=&1, in &2) |
072 | Converter object for CPs(&1, &2) could not be created in &3 |
073 | Hint &1 for table &2 contains a language which is not allowed (&3). |
074 | No entry in export control table (table=&1 / category=&2) |
075 | Object of cl_umg_repair_util cannot be created |
076 | Reprocess log(tab &1,related with key1 &2 )was not found. |
077 | The Reprocess log of table &1 contains the invalid language key &2. |
078 | Method FIND_JOB failed (&1, call from &2) |
079 | Job &1 not started (Reason: &2) |
080 | Consistency check started (&1) |
081 | Analysis of tables without language field started (&1) |
082 | Analysis of tables with language field started (&1) |
083 | Reprocessing phase started (&1) |
084 | Container analysis started (&1) |
085 | INDX analysis started (&1) |
086 | INDX repair started (&1) |
087 | Unicode database size check started (&1) |
088 | Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. started (&1) |
089 | Settings are saved |
090 | Settings are not saved |
091 | The file &1&2&3&4 cannot be opened |
092 | The file &1&2&3&4 has been opened |
093 | R3load log file &1&2&3&4 cannot be opened |
094 | R3load log file &1&2&3&4 has been opened |
095 | Could not convert &2 of table &1 with value &3. |
096 | Table &1 is skipped, but no entry found in exception list. |
097 | Creation of scanner object failed (table=&1, reason=&2). |
098 | No fallback codepage for table &1 in export control table |
099 | Table &1 has been saved in DB by &2 at &3 from SUMG |
100 | Table &1 (cat &2) has been set to complete by &3 from SUMG Manual Repair |
101 | Languages have been added to ambiguous language list (&1). |
102 | Languages have beed added to language list (&1). |
103 | Call of UMG_PRE_MIG with wrong scan level (OP_MODE=&2). |
104 | Index part of table(&1) is still in manual repair, repair that part first |
105 | Table &1 is not in UMGTSKQ with cat &2 and status &3 (&4). |
106 | Only category 1 tables have r3load/IMIG log |
107 | Table &1 (cat &2) has been processed by auto-repair, and set to &3 |
108 | Repair hint &1 for table &2 completed successfully. |
109 | Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been deleted by &1 at &2 |
110 | Table &1 has been deleted from worklist |
111 | Auto vocabulary language assign started using method &1 |
112 | Auto vocabulary language assign finished using method &1 |
113 | Auto repair log language assign started using method &1 |
114 | Auto repair log language assign finished using method &1 |
115 | Object of &1 cannot be created |
116 | Problems in method &1 of class &2 |
117 | &1 is empty for table &2 . |
118 | Invalid language list according to method &1 of class &2 |
119 | No repair log is available |
120 | Could not convert field &3 of table &1 with value &2. |
121 | Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been initialized by &1 at &2 |
122 | Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has not been initialized totally by &1 at &2 |
123 | SQL error for getting the row(s) of &1 in &2 |
124 | Job &1 not scheduled (Reason: &2) |
125 | Error in loading files of &1&2&3&4 to DB |
126 | Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been updated by &1 at &2 |
127 | UMG_POOL_TABLE executed during initialization/update of the worklist. |
128 | This is SPUMG running on basis release &1 and support package &2. |
129 | Table TCPDB contains: &1 |
130 | Table TCP0I contains: &1 |
131 | System Type: &1 |
132 | Table &1 / field &2 / struc &3: Invalid container information! (rc=&4) |
133 | Table status of &1 has been set from &2 to &3 by &4! |
134 | Table status of &1 has not been set from &2 to &3 by &4! |
135 | Report &1 has been executed by &2. |
136 | Consistency check finished (&1) |
137 | Analysis of tables without language field finished (&1) |
138 | Analysis of tables with language field finished (&1) |
139 | Reprocessing phase finished (&1) |
140 | INDX analysis finished (&1) |
141 | INDX repair finished (&1) |
142 | Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. finished (&1) |
143 | Contents of tables DDXTF_CONV_UC and DDXTT_CONV_UC deleted. |
144 | Report RADCUCNT released. |
145 | Report RADCUCNT started. |
146 | Report RADCUCNT finished. |
147 | Table TCP0D contains: &1 |
148 | Save point(&2 R3load log rows processed by conversion) is made in &1. |
149 | Start of report &1. |
150 | Please read note &2 for additional information about the report. |
151 | &2 &3 &4 |
152 | End of report &1. |
153 | Report &1 is not available in your system. |
154 | The displayed rows in table &1 are already correct, log is deleted by &2. |
155 | DD_TBHD_CHK_LANGUFLAG failed (Call from: &1, sy-subrc = &2). |
156 | Textflag inconsistency for table &1 (Type = &2, Field = &3). |
157 | There are duplicated R3load logs. Please check the SUMG Main Log. |
158 | R3load log was uploaded.See 'how to reload' in Unicode conversion guide. |
159 | Copying table &1 into &2. |
160 | Some entries exist already |
161 | Total number of entries in TRDIR with empty RLOAD: &1 |
162 | Number of TRDIR-RLOAD entries filled: &1 |
163 | Number of TRDIR entries w/o corresp.TADIR entry: &1 |
164 | Number of corresp. TADIR entries w/o original language: &1 |
165 | Update of status table failed. |
166 | XML transformation failed (&1&2&3&4),use rep. UMG_SUMG_VERIFY_R3LOAD_XML. |
167 | &1&2&3&4 was loaded before. |
168 | SPUMG scans must not run in a Unicode System (&1). |
169 | Initialization of worklist finished. |
170 | Update of work list finished. |
171 | Table &1 is added to work list during update of work list. |
172 | Selected tables are not in workist with manual repair status. |
173 | Codepage changed for language &1 (old: &3, new: &2) |
174 | Control Character U+0000 could not be represented in system codepage. |
175 | Table &1 deleted from worklist of the Consistency Check. |
176 | Table &1 is translation relevant but the text flag is not set. |
177 | A system message for running SUMG is created with ID &1. |
178 | The system message for running SUMG is deleted. |
179 | The system message for running SUMG cannot be deleted. |
180 | No system message for running SUMG exists. |
181 | &1 entries read from file &2 |
182 | File &1&2&3&4 was not added to table UMGXMLFILES. |
183 | File &1&2&3&4 is a duplicate. |
184 | Appending repair log of table &1 with data of &2. |
185 | No repair hints found for table &1. |
186 | R3load log of table &1 of file &2 was not loaded. Reason: &3 |
187 | &3 rows deleted from UMGR3LLOG for table &1 in package &2. Reason: &4 |
188 | Table &1 locked by &2 was unlocked by user &3. |
189 | INDX Repair: Could not set code page for table &1 (key &2) |
190 | Table buffer could not be reset for table &1. |
191 | IUUC files download to: &1. |
192 | IUUC files uploaded. |
193 | IUUC mode switched on. |
194 | Replacement for structure &1 defined already in UMGCONTAINER. |
195 | No logging table found for &1. |
196 | IUUC adjustments stored on database. |
197 | Special option modified (Option: &1, Value: &2). |
198 | Repair failed (table=&1, hintid=&2, affected rows=&3) |
199 | Repair hints execution finished for table &1 (cat &2, runtime &3). |
200 | Repair hints execution started for table &1 (hintid=&2, log=&3, disp=&4). |
201 | Repair hint &1 is in process. |
202 | Table &1 is locked by user &2. |
203 | Table &1 was added to Manual Repair by user &2. |
204 | Table &1 was deleted from Manual Repair by user &2. |
205 | Report &1 started for table &2, cat &3. |
206 | Report &1 finished for table &2, cat &3, runtime &4. |
207 | Hint status reset (table=&1, hintid=&2) |
208 | File name &1 is cut; maximum length allowed is &2. |
209 | R3load feature request &1 created. |
210 | R3load feature request &1 deleted. |
211 | SUMG scans must not run in a non Unicode System (&1). |
212 | SPUMG settings adjusted to new version (&1). |
213 | |
400 | Status check &1 does not exist. |
401 | There are OTF spool requests which might not be printed out yet. |
402 | No open OTF spool request found. |
403 | Language &1 has been imported which does not match the system config. |
404 | Imported languages match the system configuration. |
405 | &1 words have not been assigned a language. |
406 | All words in the vocabulary have been assigned a language. |
407 | &1 Reprocess Logs have not been maintained completely. |
408 | All Reprocess Logs are maintained completely. |
409 | &1 INDX Logs have not been maintained completely. |
410 | All INDX Logs are maintained completely. |
411 | &1 invalid language keys have not yet been assign to the language lists. |
412 | All invalid languages have been assign to a language list. |
413 | Consistency Check: serious problems reported for tables. |
414 | &1: Batchjobs have been canceled (Table name: &2). |
415 | Consistency Check: no problems found. |
416 | Unicode nametabs are consistent and up-to-date. |
417 | Unicode nametabs are not consistent or not up-to-date. |
418 | Table DDXTT contains entries. |
419 | No entries found in table DDXTT. |
420 | Table DDXTT_CONV_UC contains entries. |
421 | No entries found in table DDXTT_CONV_UC. |
422 | Please replace matchcode ID &1-&2 by a search help. |
423 | All matchcode IDs have been replaced. No further action required. |
424 | Cluster check was executed sucessfully. No issues found. |
425 | Cluster check found errors. Please consult note 1077403. |
426 | Please execute report SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK and consult note 1077403. |
427 | SPUMG Language Lists: no problems found. |
428 | SPUMG Language Lists are not consistent. Please check contents. |
429 | No inconsistencies found in the Export Control Table. |
430 | Inconsistency found in the Export Control Table for table &1 (Reason &2). |
431 | Consistency Check not started yet. |
432 | Version of Exception List: &1 |
433 | SPUMG Exception List is empty. |
434 | Preparations for container tables finished. |
435 | Preparations for container tables not finished (current status: &1) |
436 | No outdated messages in SPUMG main log. |
437 | Outdated messages in SPUMG main log. |
438 | There are &1 tables which were not processed by SPUMG. |
439 | The SPUMG language list is empty. |