UMGLOG - Message class for the SPUMG Main Log

The following messages are stored in message class UMGLOG: Message class for the SPUMG Main Log.
It is part of development package SUMIG in software component BC-I18-UNI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Unicode Migration: Tabellen Umsetzer + Reparatur Tool".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Problem happened when finding batch jobs ( JOBNAME= &1 )
001No more table found for processing (&1) !
002Initialization of worklist started.
003Error processing table &1 in &2
004Job &1 already exists. Exit the job creation
005JOB_OPEN failed (JOBNAME = &1, call from &2)
006Consistency check released
007Analysis of tables without language field released
008Analysis of tables with language field released
009Reprocessing phase released
010Container analysis released
011INDX Analysis released
012INDX Repair released
013Unicode database size check released
014Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. released
015Unexpected analysis level found
016JOB_CLOSE failed (JOBNAME = &1, call from &2)
017Unexpected error during the release of the main job.
018Problem happens when finding batch jobs in the update phase
019DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET failed (table=&1, call from &2).
020Update of work list started at &1.
021Reset of table &1 ( &2 in level &3)
022DDIF_NAMETAB_GET failed (table=&1, call from &2)
023Exception entry created for table &1 (DEFCP=&2,GUESS=&3,SKIP=&4)
024Settings are saved without changes
026UMG_PMIG_GET_TEXTFLAG failed (table=&1, call from &2)
027Default settings written to database
028Could not write settings to database !
029No authorization to execute this program ! (&1)
030Submit of &1 failed (call from &2)
031Could not stop the main batch job
032DB_EXISTS_TABLE failed (table=&1 / call from &2).
033Table &1 belongs to category &2 which cannot be repaired by hints yet.
034Job &1 was successfully released by report UMG_MASTER_PRE_MIG.
035No entry found in worklist (table=&1 / scan level = &2)
036No entry found in control table (table=&1)
037Unexpected data-type of the sort field (&1, table = &2)
038DD_GET_NAMETAB_HEADER failed (table=&1, call from &2)
039Language code page mapping table not initialized
040No table (UMG_PRE_MIG_EXE_HINT)
041No Hint ID
042Hint (table=&1 / hintid=&2) does not exist
043Hint lang. (table=&1 / hintid=&2) is initial
044Wordlist(Condition) (table=&1 / id=&2) not found (&3)
045Wordlist(Condition) is empty (table=&1 / id=&2, &3)
046Wordlist(Condition) is incorrect (table=&1 / id=&2)
047Vocabulary hint execution for (table=&1 / hintid=&2) started
048Vocabulary hint execution failed (table=&1 / hintid=&2)
049Vocabulary hint execution for (table=&1 / hintid = &2) successful
050AB_GET_TEXT_FROM_CLUSTER: Bad cluster (table=&1, key=&2)
051Unknown error from AB_GET_TEXT_FROM_CLUSTER (table=&1, key=&2)
052No table specified (UMG_PRE_MIG_REPROCESS)
053Error in SET_TABNAME for table &1
054Vocabulary import started
055Vocabulary import finished
056New language added to ambiguous language list. ( &1 )
057Language deleted from ambiguous language list. ( &1 )
058Language "SPACE" added to ambiguous language list
059Language &1 moved from ambig. lang. list to lang. list (new CP: &2)
060Language &1 moved from language list to ambiguous language list.
061Language &1 could not be mapped to a code page. Check configuration.
062No languages available in the instance
063Unexpected error occured in UMG_READ_LANG_INFO
064Active language &1 added to language list with code page &2
065SET_CODEPAGE_IN_CLUSTER failed (table=&1, key=&2)
066Language not allowed (table=&1, key=&2)
067Exception list entry for table deleted (table=&1)
069Export Control Table edited (&1)
070SCP_GET_CODEPAGE_NUMBER -&1- (Cat &3 ) failed (&2)
071Language vector is empty (table=&1, in &2)
072Converter object for CPs(&1, &2) could not be created in &3
073Hint &1 for table &2 contains a language which is not allowed (&3).
074No entry in export control table (table=&1 / category=&2)
075Object of cl_umg_repair_util cannot be created
076Reprocess log(tab &1,related with key1 &2 )was not found.
077The Reprocess log of table &1 contains the invalid language key &2.
078Method FIND_JOB failed (&1, call from &2)
079Job &1 not started (Reason: &2)
080Consistency check started (&1)
081Analysis of tables without language field started (&1)
082Analysis of tables with language field started (&1)
083Reprocessing phase started (&1)
084Container analysis started (&1)
085INDX analysis started (&1)
086INDX repair started (&1)
087Unicode database size check started (&1)
088Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. started (&1)
089Settings are saved
090Settings are not saved
091The file &1&2&3&4 cannot be opened
092The file &1&2&3&4 has been opened
093R3load log file &1&2&3&4 cannot be opened
094R3load log file &1&2&3&4 has been opened
095Could not convert &2 of table &1 with value &3.
096Table &1 is skipped, but no entry found in exception list.
097Creation of scanner object failed (table=&1, reason=&2).
098No fallback codepage for table &1 in export control table
099Table &1 has been saved in DB by &2 at &3 from SUMG
100Table &1 (cat &2) has been set to complete by &3 from SUMG Manual Repair
101Languages have been added to ambiguous language list (&1).
102Languages have beed added to language list (&1).
103Call of UMG_PRE_MIG with wrong scan level (OP_MODE=&2).
104Index part of table(&1) is still in manual repair, repair that part first
105Table &1 is not in UMGTSKQ with cat &2 and status &3 (&4).
106Only category 1 tables have r3load/IMIG log
107Table &1 (cat &2) has been processed by auto-repair, and set to &3
108Repair hint &1 for table &2 completed successfully.
109Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been deleted by &1 at &2
110Table &1 has been deleted from worklist
111Auto vocabulary language assign started using method &1
112Auto vocabulary language assign finished using method &1
113Auto repair log language assign started using method &1
114Auto repair log language assign finished using method &1
115Object of &1 cannot be created
116Problems in method &1 of class &2
117&1 is empty for table &2 .
118Invalid language list according to method &1 of class &2
119No repair log is available
120Could not convert field &3 of table &1 with value &2.
121Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been initialized by &1 at &2
122Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has not been initialized totally by &1 at &2
123SQL error for getting the row(s) of &1 in &2
124Job &1 not scheduled (Reason: &2)
125Error in loading files of &1&2&3&4 to DB
126Worklist(UMGTSKQ) has been updated by &1 at &2
127UMG_POOL_TABLE executed during initialization/update of the worklist.
128This is SPUMG running on basis release &1 and support package &2.
129Table TCPDB contains: &1
130Table TCP0I contains: &1
131System Type: &1
132Table &1 / field &2 / struc &3: Invalid container information! (rc=&4)
133Table status of &1 has been set from &2 to &3 by &4!
134Table status of &1 has not been set from &2 to &3 by &4!
135Report &1 has been executed by &2.
136Consistency check finished (&1)
137Analysis of tables without language field finished (&1)
138Analysis of tables with language field finished (&1)
139Reprocessing phase finished (&1)
140INDX analysis finished (&1)
141INDX repair finished (&1)
142Analysis of tables with ambig. lang. finished (&1)
143Contents of tables DDXTF_CONV_UC and DDXTT_CONV_UC deleted.
144Report RADCUCNT released.
145Report RADCUCNT started.
146Report RADCUCNT finished.
147Table TCP0D contains: &1
148Save point(&2 R3load log rows processed by conversion) is made in &1.
149Start of report &1.
150Please read note &2 for additional information about the report.
151&2 &3 &4
152End of report &1.
153Report &1 is not available in your system.
154The displayed rows in table &1 are already correct, log is deleted by &2.
155DD_TBHD_CHK_LANGUFLAG failed (Call from: &1, sy-subrc = &2).
156Textflag inconsistency for table &1 (Type = &2, Field = &3).
157There are duplicated R3load logs. Please check the SUMG Main Log.
158R3load log was uploaded.See 'how to reload' in Unicode conversion guide.
159Copying table &1 into &2.
160Some entries exist already
161Total number of entries in TRDIR with empty RLOAD: &1
162Number of TRDIR-RLOAD entries filled: &1
163Number of TRDIR entries w/o corresp.TADIR entry: &1
164Number of corresp. TADIR entries w/o original language: &1
165Update of status table failed.
166XML transformation failed (&1&2&3&4),use rep. UMG_SUMG_VERIFY_R3LOAD_XML.
167&1&2&3&4 was loaded before.
168SPUMG scans must not run in a Unicode System (&1).
169Initialization of worklist finished.
170Update of work list finished.
171Table &1 is added to work list during update of work list.
172Selected tables are not in workist with manual repair status.
173Codepage changed for language &1 (old: &3, new: &2)
174Control Character U+0000 could not be represented in system codepage.
175Table &1 deleted from worklist of the Consistency Check.
176Table &1 is translation relevant but the text flag is not set.
177A system message for running SUMG is created with ID &1.
178The system message for running SUMG is deleted.
179The system message for running SUMG cannot be deleted.
180No system message for running SUMG exists.
181&1 entries read from file &2
182File &1&2&3&4 was not added to table UMGXMLFILES.
183File &1&2&3&4 is a duplicate.
184Appending repair log of table &1 with data of &2.
185No repair hints found for table &1.
186R3load log of table &1 of file &2 was not loaded. Reason: &3
187&3 rows deleted from UMGR3LLOG for table &1 in package &2. Reason: &4
188Table &1 locked by &2 was unlocked by user &3.
189INDX Repair: Could not set code page for table &1 (key &2)
190Table buffer could not be reset for table &1.
191IUUC files download to: &1.
192IUUC files uploaded.
193IUUC mode switched on.
194Replacement for structure &1 defined already in UMGCONTAINER.
195No logging table found for &1.
196IUUC adjustments stored on database.
197Special option modified (Option: &1, Value: &2).
198Repair failed (table=&1, hintid=&2, affected rows=&3)
199Repair hints execution finished for table &1 (cat &2, runtime &3).
200Repair hints execution started for table &1 (hintid=&2, log=&3, disp=&4).
201Repair hint &1 is in process.
202Table &1 is locked by user &2.
203Table &1 was added to Manual Repair by user &2.
204Table &1 was deleted from Manual Repair by user &2.
205Report &1 started for table &2, cat &3.
206Report &1 finished for table &2, cat &3, runtime &4.
207Hint status reset (table=&1, hintid=&2)
208File name &1 is cut; maximum length allowed is &2.
209R3load feature request &1 created.
210R3load feature request &1 deleted.
211SUMG scans must not run in a non Unicode System (&1).
212SPUMG settings adjusted to new version (&1).
400Status check &1 does not exist.
401There are OTF spool requests which might not be printed out yet.
402No open OTF spool request found.
403Language &1 has been imported which does not match the system config.
404Imported languages match the system configuration.
405&1 words have not been assigned a language.
406All words in the vocabulary have been assigned a language.
407&1 Reprocess Logs have not been maintained completely.
408All Reprocess Logs are maintained completely.
409&1 INDX Logs have not been maintained completely.
410All INDX Logs are maintained completely.
411&1 invalid language keys have not yet been assign to the language lists.
412All invalid languages have been assign to a language list.
413Consistency Check: serious problems reported for tables.
414&1: Batchjobs have been canceled (Table name: &2).
415Consistency Check: no problems found.
416Unicode nametabs are consistent and up-to-date.
417Unicode nametabs are not consistent or not up-to-date.
418Table DDXTT contains entries.
419No entries found in table DDXTT.
420Table DDXTT_CONV_UC contains entries.
421No entries found in table DDXTT_CONV_UC.
422Please replace matchcode ID &1-&2 by a search help.
423All matchcode IDs have been replaced. No further action required.
424Cluster check was executed sucessfully. No issues found.
425Cluster check found errors. Please consult note 1077403.
426Please execute report SDBI_CLUSTER_CHECK and consult note 1077403.
427SPUMG Language Lists: no problems found.
428SPUMG Language Lists are not consistent. Please check contents.
429No inconsistencies found in the Export Control Table.
430Inconsistency found in the Export Control Table for table &1 (Reason &2).
431Consistency Check not started yet.
432Version of Exception List: &1
433SPUMG Exception List is empty.
434Preparations for container tables finished.
435Preparations for container tables not finished (current status: &1)
436No outdated messages in SPUMG main log.
437Outdated messages in SPUMG main log.
438There are &1 tables which were not processed by SPUMG.
439The SPUMG language list is empty.
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