USMD1 - Datenmodel

The following messages are stored in message class USMD1: Datenmodel.
It is part of development package USMD1 in software component CA-MDG-AF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Master Data: Data Modeling".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Program error
001***** MESSAGES FOR DATA MODEL CHECKING **********************************
002Data model &1, entity type &2: Data element &3 does not exist
003Data model &1, entity type &2: Inconsistent indicators
004Data model &1: Entity type &2 was removed
005Data model &1 does not exist (inactive version does not exist either)
006Data model &1, entity type &2: Select a storage and use type
007An active data model already exists for &1
008Data model &1, entity type &2: Entry of a data element is invalid
009Data model &1, entity type &2: Specify a data element
010Data model &1, entity type &2: Data element is invalid
011Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Entity type does not exist
012Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Specify a data element
013Data model &1, entity type &2, attr. &3: Data element &4 does not exist
014Data model &1: Data element of (hierarchy) attribute &2 is not unique
015Data model &1, entity type &2, relat. &3: Data element &4 does not exist
016Data model &1, entity type &2, relat. &3: Data element &4 is invalid
017Data model &1, entity type &2, relationship &3: Select the cardinality
018Data model &1, entity type &2, relationship &3: Data element specified
019Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid data element &3
020Data model &1: From-entity type &2 and relationship have the same name
021Data model &1, entity type &2, relat. &3: Specify To-entity type
022Data model &1, entity type &2, relat. &3: Entity type &4 does not exist
023Data model &1, entity type &2: Attribute &3 is assigned more than once
024Data model &1, entity type &2: Relationship &3 is assigned more than once
025First save data model &1
026First save data model &1 and activate it without errors
027Select a data model in the table
028Data model &1, &2 &3: Selected name invalid; adhere to naming convention
029Data model &1, &2 &3: Data element &4 is invalid
030Data model &1: Entity type &2 and attribute of ent.type &3 have same name
031Data model &1: Entity type &2 and the relationship have the same name
032Data model &1: Attr. &2 of ent.type &3 and relationship have same name
033Data model &1, entity type &2: Too many key fields
034Data model &1, entity type &2: Entire key is too long
035Data model &1, entity type &2: Entity types &3 and &4 are identical
036Data model &1: Multiple relationships between entity type &2 and &3
037Entity type &1, rel. &2: Further relationship to entity type &3 missing
038Data model &1: Valid entity type in attribute is inconsistent: &2/&3
039Transport request will be deleted: model name is in customer namespace
040Data model &1, entity type &2: Leading entity type &3 is invalid
041Data model &1, entity type &2: Leading entity types are invalid
042Data model &1, entity type &2: Number of leading entity types is invalid
043Select at least one entry.
044There is no active version of data model &1
045Data model &1: Data element of relationship &2 is ambiguous
046Data model &1, entity type &2: Relationship is recursive
047Data model &1, entity type &2: Leading entity type &3 cannot be assigned
048Data model &1: Search help for (hierarchy) attribute &2 is not unique
049Data model &1, entity type &2, relationship &3: Cardinality is invalid
050Data model &1 will not be transported
051Data model &1 activated
052Definition of data model &1 is consistent
053Data model &1, entity type &2, relationship &3: No data element valid
054Data model &1: Storage and use type of entity types &2 and &3 is invalid
055Data model &1, entity type &2, relat. &3: Relationship type is invalid
056Data model &1, ent. type &2: Entity type for hierarchy name is ambiguous
057Data model &1: Attributes must not be assigned to entity type &2
058Data model &1: Relationship &2 assigned to incorrect entity type &3
059Data model &1: Entity type &2 has leading relationship to entity type &3
060Data model &1, ent. type &2: Relationship of type "leading" inconsistent
061Data model &1, ent.type &2, attr. &3, data elem. &4: No change documents
062Data model &1, entity type &2, data element &3: No change documents
063Data model &1, entity type &2: Not enough "leading" relationships
064Data model &1: Define a "qualifying" relationship for entity type &2
065Data model &1: Entity type &2 must not have a search help
066Data model &1, entity type &2: Search help &3 does not exist
067Data model &1: Entity type &2 has higher-level entity types
068Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid relationship with entity type &3
069Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid relationship with entity type &3
070Data model &1, entity type &2, attr. &3: Search help &4 does not exist
071Data model &1, relationship &2 used for different From entity types
072No authorization for activating data model &1
073Data model &1, entity type &2: Additional entity type &3 not allowed
074Data model &1, entity type &2 has invalid higher-level entity types
075Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid check table
076Data model &1, ent.type &2, rela. &3: Deselect 'No Existence Check"
077Data model &1, ent. type &2: Check table of data elem. &3 does not exist
078D.model &1, e.type &2, attr.&3: Check table of d.elem. &4 does not exist
079Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Invalid check table
080Ent.type &1: Currency/unit-supplying attr. &2 is invalid for attr. &3
081Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Not key figure-like
082Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: No reference field
083Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid relationship with entity type &3
084Data model &1, From-entity typ &2: Relationship not entered
085Data model &1, entity type &2: Assign a different data element
086Data model &1, &2 &3: Deselect 'No Existence Check'
087Data model &1 could not be activated during import
088Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Data type &4 is invalid
089Data model &1, ent.type &2, hier. attribute &3: Data type &4 is invalid
090Entity type &1, relationship &2: Leading entity type &3 is not unique
091Invalid name &1
092Data model &1, ent.type &2, attr. &3: Attribute missing for currency/unit
093Data model &1, entity type &2: Long full key
094Data model &1, entity type &2: Complete key in hierarchy is too long
095Data model &1: Entity type &2 has no attributes
096Data model &1: Entity type &2: Search help assigned
097You have no authorization for displaying data models
098Select only one data model
099Save the changed data first
100*********** MESSAGES ABOUT CHANGES TO A DATA MODEL **********************
101Data model &1: Changes as compared to active version
102Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of storage and use type
103Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of data element
104Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of hierarchy configuration
105Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of language dependency of texts
106Data model &1: Entity type &2 was removed
107Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of permitted hierarchy nodes
108Data model &1, entity type &2: Attribute &3 was removed
109Data model &1, entity type &2: Relationship &3 was removed
110Data model &1, entity typ &2, attribute &3: Change of data element
111Data model &1, entity typ &2, relationship &3: Change of data element
112Data model &1, entity typ &2, relat. &3: Change of relationship type
113Required status change of entity type &1: &2
114Required status change of entity type &1: &2
115Required status change of entity type &1: &2
116Optional status change of entity type &1: &2
117System settings do not permit changes to the model
118Data model &1, entity type &2: Selected standard status not permitted
119Essential deletion of variant &1 in UI configuration &2
120************* MESSAGES FOR STRUCTURE GENERATION *************************
121Data model &1: Enter only one package per data model
122Data model &1: SAP packages can be changed only in SAP's own systems
123Deletion of change requests for data model &1 with status &2 completed
124Change requests for data model &1 found in client &2
125No authorization for changing/deleting data models
126No authorization for changing client-independent objects
127Data model &1, entity type &2: No structure found for reference attribute
128Data model &1: Foreign key relationship &2 has DDIC table assignment
129Data model &1: Foreign key relationship &2 has DDIC field assignment
130********* MESSAGES FOR RESTRICTED USE OF DATA MODELING ******************
131Activation not possible; active data model &1 already exists
132Creating of a data model without copy template is not possible
133Data model &1, entity type &2: Creation not possible
134Transport from system &1 is not possible
135Data model activation not possible: Upgrade in progress
136Generation of structures impossible: Upgrade in progress
137Activation of data model &1 not supported
140Access to database tables of a data model is not possible
141Data model &1: No BAdI implementation to fill &2 of attribute &3
142Entity type &1, Attribute &2: currency/unit &4 &3 is invalid
150******** MESSAGES FOR AUTHORIZATIONS ************************************
151Data model &1: Higher-level entity type &2 for entity type &3 is missing
152Data model &1: Higher-level ent. type &2 of &3 is authorization relevant
153Data model &1: Attribute &2 of entity type &3 is unknown
154Data model &1: Attribute &2 of entity type &3 is invalid
155Entity type &1 does not exist in active data model
156Customizing settings for authorization model are inconsistent
157Data model &1: No authorization for entity type &2 - activity &3
158Model &1 has more than 7 authorization-relev. entity types or attributes
159Authorization is inconsistent
160Entity type &1 is invalid
161Data model &1 does not exist (in active version)
162Activity set to default value
163Activity &1 is not intended for USMD_MDAT
164Entity types must not be further restricted
165No authorization for executing UI model &1
166No authorization &2 for edition of type &1
167No authorization &2 for change request of type &1
168User name &1 is invalid; contact SAP
169Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4
170Activity &1 is not intended for USMD_MDATH
171Data mod. &1: Ent.type/attr. &2 has unsuitable data type f. authorization
172No authorization for single processing with UI configuration &1
173Data model &1: No entity types defined as authorization relevant
174Hierarchy nodes must not be further restricted
175Hierarchies must not be further restricted
176Hierarchy version must not be further restricted
177Attribute &1 does not exist in active data model
178Entity type &1 cannot be used for a hierarchy node
179Hierarchy name is not defined consistently
180Entity type &1 is not permitted for hierarchy authorizations
181Data model &1: No authorization for hierarchy type &2 - activity &3
182Value for data model authorization field will be set to '*'
183Hierarchy nodes filled inconsistently
184Data model &1: No authorization for entity type &2 - activity &3
185Insufficient authorization for copying the data of entity type &1
186Change request &1: Data already activated
187Entity type &1: Duplicate data record &2 cannot be written
188No authorization &2 for data model &1
189No authorization &1 for transports
200****** MESSAGES ABOUT EDITIONS ******************************************
201Specify a data model for edition type &1, and save
202Specify the edition type first
203Convertion of period to date unsuccessful for &1 / &3 / &2
204Edition type &3: Entity type &2 does not exist in data model &1
205Entity type &2 of data model &1 used in multiple edition types
206Enter at least one entity type for edition type &1
207Edition type &1 used by edition &2; deletion not possible
208Deleting the edition type could result in inconsistencies
209Edition type &1 used by edition &2
210Edition type &1 already in use; change not possible
211Specify a fiscal year variant for edition type &1
212Specify a the validity for edition type &1, and save the data
213Edition type &1 cannot be deleted
214Edition type &2 must be specified in edition &1
215Entity type &2 cannot be used in edition type &1
216You cannot create an edition type for data model &1
217Invalid entity type &1 in data slice of edition type &2
218Invalid entity type &1 in data slice of edition type &2; see long text
219Invalid entity type &1 in data slice of edition type &2; see long text
220Invalid entity type &1 for definition of data slices; see long text
221For entity type &1, a data slice must be defined in edition type &2
222Edition type &1 still in use and cannot be retired
223Edition type &1 already retired; reactivation not possible
224Edition type &2: Use entity type &1 to remove the data slice
225Data slices for entity type &1 of edition types &2 and &3 overlap
226Edit.type &2: Data slice for entity type &1 cannot be further restricted
227Invalid entity type &1 in data slice of edition type &2; see long text
228Entity type &1 cannot be deleted
230********* Messages for Custom Structures *****************************
231Data model &1, entity type &2: Namespace &3 has an error
232Data model &1: Entity type &2 does not exist in activated data model
233Data model &1: Structure cannot be generated for entity type &2
234Data model &1, entity type &2: Structure name &3 is too long
235Data model &1, entity type &2: Use of structure &3 is unknown
236Data model &1: Definitions of generated structures are consistent
237Data model &1, entity type &2: Namespace missing
238Data model &1, entity type &2: No structure specified
239Data model &1: Cannot activate generated structures
240Data model &1, ent.type &2: Structure for SMT mapping cannot be generated
241Data model &1: Structure name &4 assigned twice for &2 and &3
242&1/&2: Prefix/namespace &3 is too short
243Delivered structures in namespace /MDG* are not generated
244Data model &1 does not reside within SAP namespace
245Data model &1, entity type &2: Structure will not be generated
246Data model &1: Structure &2 activated
247Data model &1: Internal table &2 activated
248Package &1 resides within SAP namespace
249Entries for Customizing includes are not permitted in SAP systems
250Data model &1, entity type &2: Application field is still empty
251Data model &1: Package column is empty
252Data model &1, Structure &2: No Package assigned
253Data model &1, ent.type &2: Structure cannot be generated
254Data model &1, entity type &2: Structure name is too long
255Data model &1: fill namespace/prefix for automatic structure generation
256Data model &1: technical problems with automatic structure generation
257Data model &1: fill package for automatic structure generation
258Data model &1: namespace/prefix for structure generation not valid
259Data model &1: structures and DataSources successfully generated
260Data model &1: namespace or package for structure generation not valid
261Data model &1: no structures for automatic structure generation found
262Data model &1: no structures and DataSources generated
263Data model &1: namespace of package for structure generation is empty
264SAP delivered data model &1: no structures and DataSources generated
265Please open node 'Data Model-Specific Structures' and save.
300Messages for Selections
301Program error
302Selection conditions cannot be made for field name &1
303Conditions with placeholders (*) are not permitted in field &1
310Data model &1: Incorrect entity type &2
311Data model &1, Entity type &2: Incorrect field name &3
312Data model &1: Entity type &2 used as hierarchy node
313Data model &1: Entity type &2 is a hierarchy bearing entity type
314Data model &1: Incorrect entity type &2
400************ Messages for Structure Generation **************
401&1/&2: Delivered structure &3 is no longer current
402Data model &1: DDIC structure &2 could not be activated
403Data model &1: DDIC table type &2 could not be activated
404TADIR entry for &1 could not be created
405System or client is set to Not Editable
406Data model &1: Structure &2 activated
407System cannot schedule conversion program &1 in client &2 (model &3)
408Conversion program &1 scheduled in client &2, user &4 (logon with &3)
409Data model &1: DDIC structure &2 cannot be automatically modified
410Data model &1: Field Prop. not found for Entity &2 - Invalid Data Model
450Error in BAdI USMD_UPDATE_EVENT: &1 &2 &3 &4
500******* More Messages for Data Model Checks ************
501Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, No data element allowed
503Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, Data elem. &4 does not exist
504Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, Invalid reference entity
506Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, Refer.ent. &4 does not exist
507Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, Data element &4 is invalid
508Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2,, data elem.&4: No chg.docum.
509Model &1, hierarchy attribute from ref. &2 used for diff. ref. entities
510Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, hy.attribute &3: Entity type does not exist
511Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, hy.attr.&3: Node entity type does not exist
512Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, hy.attribute &3: No data element specified
514Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, h.attr.&3: Check table elem.&4 not found
515Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, h.attr.&3: Data element &4 does not exist
516Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, hierarchy attr. &3: Check table is invalid
517Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, h.attr.&3, data elem.&4: No change documents
518Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, h.attribute &3: Search help &4 does not exist
519Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2: Initialized name for hierarchy attribute
520Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2: Initial. name for hierarchy attribute from ref.
521Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2: Assignment of hierarchy attributes not allowed
522Data model &1: Entity type &2 and hier.attribute from ref. have same name
523Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2: H.attr. &3 and h.attr. from ref. have same name
524Model &1: Relationship and h.attr. fr. ref. &2 used in diff.entity types
525Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2, Missing h.attr. fr.ref. to &4
526Mod./ent.&1, node ent.&2: Hier.attr.&3 has same name as hy.attr. fr. ref.
527Data model &, entity type &2: Cannot be used as a hierarchy node
528Data model &1, entity type &2: Hierarchy indicator is not allowed
529Data model &1, entity type &2: Description is missing
530Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid use of validity concept
531Validity concept of entity type &1 must not be changed
532Hierarchy &1: Invalid use of validity concept
533Entity type &1 and &2 relationship: Invalid use of validity concept
534Data model &1, entity type &2: Type of key assignment changed
535Data model &1, entity type &2: Invalid use in hierarchy
536Data model/entity type &1: Invalid hierarchy attribute
537Data model &1, entity type &2: Description is missing
538Data model &, entity type &2: Invalid use of keys in hierarchy
540Data model &1, entity type &2, attribute &3: Data element type is invalid
550Model &1, entity type &2: Source fields for texts must not be entered
551Model &1, entity type &2: Attribute &3 must not be a key field
557Data model &1: Key attributes must not be assigned to entity type &2
560Model &1, reuse active area &2: ABAP class &3 cannot be used
561Model &1: Name of a reuse active area is invalid
562Model &1: Active area &2 does not exist; use input help to select value
563Model &1, entity type &2: Active area &3 does not exist
564Model &1, entity type &2: Reuse of tables is not possible
565Model &1, entity type &2: Remove the active area
566Model &1, entity type &2: Use of active area has been switched
567Model &1, reuse active area &2: ABAP class &3 is not within SAP standard
568Model &1, custom entity type &2: Check the reuse active area
569Model &1: Enter a value for active area; use input help to select value
580Model &1, entity type &2: Invalid key treatment
581Model &1, entity type &2: Missing number range object
582Model &1, entity type &2: Deletion of entities not allowed
583Model &1, entity type &2: Invalid deletion setting
584Model &1, entity type &2: Invalid data element
585Model &1, entity type &2: No change documents
586Model &1, entity type &2: Internal key assignment; enter a reuse area
587Data model &1, entity type &2: Number range object is not required
588Model &1: Name of data model is incorrect
590Data model &1, foreign key relationship &2: Field assignment missing
591Model &1, ent.type &2: Only 1 foreign key relationship for attribute &3
592Data model &1, to-entity type &2: Invalid foreign key relationship &3
593Data model &1, from-entity type &2: Invalid relationship
594Model &1, ent.type &2: Relationship &3 is not a foreign key relationship
595Data model &1, entity type &2: Data element is missing
596Data model &1, relationship &2: Value &3 is not valid as a from-field
597Data model &1, relationship &2: Value &3 is not valid as a to-field
598Data model &1, relationship &2: One or more From-fields are missing
599Data model &1, relationship &2: Value &3 exists twice
600Data model &1: SMT mapping could not be imported: &2
601Cannot determine logical name for source table &1
602No target table exists for source table &1 (logical name &2)
605Data model &1: Business object type &2 is used in data model &3
610Model &1: Generated entity type &2 must not be deleted
611Model &1: Entity type &2 contains generated fields; must not be deleted
612Model &1, entity type &2: Generated attribute &3 must not be deleted
613Model &1, from-ent.type &2: Generated relationship &3 must not be deleted
614Model &1, from-ent.type &2: Generated relationship &3 must not be changed
615Data model &1: Attribute &3 for generated entity type &2
616Model &1: Generated entity type &2 must not be enhanced with rel. &3
617Data model &1, entity type &2: Number range assignments are not supported
618Data model &1, entity type &2: Reuse active areas are not supported
619Data model &1, entity type &2: Language-dependent texts are not possible
620Data model &1, entity type &2: Attribute &3 is a key field
621Data model &1, entity type &2: Reference attribute &3 is a key field
630Data model Customizing settings invalid for application of data model &1
631Entity &1 not in scope - navigation to attribute maintenance impossible
649Navigation not possible; entity not set up for required field inputs
650Navigation not possible; entity is flagged as not relevant
651Check for required field cannot be set
652Navigation not possible, relationship is no foreign key relationship
653Please choose first a relationship
700Active version of data model &1 deleted
701Data for data model &1 deleted
750Data not saved
751Data model &1, entity type &2: Prefix is irrelevant
752Data model &1, entity type &2: Prefix is invalid
753Data model &1, entity type &2: Change of prefix
754Data model &1, entity type &2: Prefix to be deleted
797"&1" requires the same Message Output as "&2"
798Error for Change Request Type &1 and Step &2 detected.
799"&1" requires "&2" as relevant check
800* Archiving for Change Documents
801No entries to be archived were found with current selection criteria
802No entries were found in archive with current selection criteria
803Enter all required parameters
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