The following messages are stored in message class USMD_CMM: .
It is part of development package USMD2_COMMON in software component CA-MDG-AF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common objects of generic MDG UIs".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Change request '&1' does not exist
001No change request has been specified
002Exception when instantiating the model type
003Exception when fetching field properties from model type
004Unknown change request '&1'
005The system cannot create an empty entity key
006The system cannot provide an entity key
007The non-class-based exception '&1' has occurred (SY-SUBRC=&2)
008In method &1 of class &2, exception '&3' has occurred (SY-SUBRC=&4)
009Function &1: non-classed-based exception '&2' has occurred (SY-SUBRC=&3)
010In method &1 of interface &2, exception '&3' has occurred (SY-SUBRC=&4)
011Table IT_FFIX is expected to specify &1
012Model type &1 doesn't specify any key component for entity type &2
013Model type &1 doesn't specify field properties for key component &2
014Data element &1 (as specified by model type &2) does not exist
015&1 (as specified by model type &2) is expected be a data element
016Unspecified key component &1 of entity type &2 (model &3)
017An invalid parameter was supplied
018Parameter &1 must not be initial
019Value &1 of parameter &2 is incompatible with value &3 of parameter &4
020Value &1 is not allowed for parameter &2
021&1 expects values of type &2, but the value supplied is of type &3
022Parameters &1 and &2 must not both be initial
023The value of param &1 has length &2, but only length &3 is allowed
024Not all of the parameters &1, &2 and &3 may be initial
025Not all of the parameters &1, &2, &3 and &4 may be initial
026The value passed to parameter &1 is must have length &2 (instead of &3)
027The configuration parameter &1 does not exist
028Parameter &1 does not allow value &2
029Model type &1 does not define an entity type &2
030Model type &1 has &2 key components for entity type &3 but &4 were passed
031Fieldname &1 is too long
032Unexpected XSLT-wrapped XML content
033Unexpected root element {&1}&2
034Name conversion failed
035Model type &1 does not specify type &2
036Model type &1 does not specify fieldname &2
037Key component &1 has been specified more than once
038Model type is inconsistent
039FFIX-related exception
040FFIX-variable &1 does not exist
041Value &1 of FFIX-variable &2 has unexpected length &3
042The value of FFIX-variable &1 must not be initial
043Model type &1 does not define an entity type having fieldname &2
044Attribute type &1 not defined for model type &2
045Attribute type &1 not defined for entity type &2 of model type &3
046No attribute type with fieldname &1 defined for model type &2
047No attribute type with fieldname &1 for entity type &2 of model type &3
048No field type with fieldname &1 defined for model type &2
049Field &1 does not exist
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