VBDRV - Derivation of Batch Characteristics

The following messages are stored in message class VBDRV: Derivation of Batch Characteristics.
It is part of development package VBDRV in software component LO-BM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Batch Derivation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Dialog for condition records ***
001The rule chosen is not suitable for the format of attribute &1
002No selection rule has been chosen
003TRUE and FALSE have no effect if you do not choose AND or OR
004This attribute is already assigned to this condition record
005Errors found in the selection rule for attribute &1
006The condition table &1 is not used in application &2
007Enter an attribute (or delete the line)
008TRUE and FALSE must be numerical when the attributes are numerical
009This field does not exist or is not allowed for derivation
010Derivation is not active
011Instead of the characteristic &1, use the field &2
012Check 'Sender Field Empty' not allowed for field '&1'
013No bill of material was found for the data entered
014The co-product/by-product &1 is not contained in the bill of material &2
015At this point, you cannot derive to a by-product
016Flag the attribute as either a field or a characteristic
017You have not selected an attribute line in the tree
018The condition record flagged for deletion has been used again
019*** Continuation from error message 150 ***
020*** Consistency check for derivation / carry out derivation ***
021Derivation &1 will be invalid because a derivation path was deleted
022Derivation path deleted for derivation &1 that is already invalid
023Derivation &1 invalid because send. batch from order &2 has been deleted
024Sender batch deleted for invalid derivation &1 from order &2
025Internal error in function module &1 (&2, &3, &4)
026Derivation terminated: return code in customer function
027The system did not find any sending batches
028Error rule "No empty sender fields" broken for attribute &1
029Warning rule "No empty sender fields" broken for attribute &1
030For &1 error rule "Do not overwrite receiving field" broken (&2)
031For &1 warning rule "Do not overwrite receiving field" broken (&2)
032No sender found for attribute &1
033Rule "average" chosen for non-numerical attribute
034Boolean derivation rule chosen for date format
035Disallowed symbol in TRUE/FALSE field for numerical attribute
036Saving in derivation cancelled
037Derivation &1 (status &2) is replaced by this derivation
038Derivation &1 is invalid: sender attribute &2 in batch &3 is changed
039Please choose at least one line
040Derivation rule not found
041Error during update of table &1 in function module &2 (&3, &4)
042Expiration date was not calculated (not planned for &1)
043Expiration date was not calculated (date of production field is empty)
044The derivation is static
045The derivation is dynamic
046This batch is a sending batch in at least one derivation
047This batch is a receiving batch in at least one derivation
048This batch is a sending and receiving batch in at least one derivation
049Derivation &1 is invalid: Characteristic in batch &2 is being changed
050Value &1 not permitted for characteristic &2
051No strategy records found for batch &1 &2 &3
052Invalid push derivation
053Batch derivation canceled, no release possible
054Errors have occurred during batch derivation
055Warnings have occurred during batch derivation
056The derivation is not active for time &1
057Derivation for &1 &2 &3 was already performed - No changes
058Result interval cannot be displayed
059More than 999999 sender batches found; derivation process terminated
060*** Shipping approval/monitor ***
061You have not entered a valid password
062You have not chosen lines (with a confirmable status)
063Batch &1 / &2 is flagged for the status key change
064A total of & batches are now flagged for the status key change
065Status keys are not changed
066Data saved
067You have not chosen any (derivation) lines
068No batches or derivations have been flagged for change
069Derivations flagged for confirmation: &1
070Carry out confirmation?
071Derivation(s) flagged for confirmation (tree structure was adapted)
072Derivations are not confirmed
073No data has been found for this selection
074Errors occurred during derivation - see log
075No object link for this attribute
076Derivations not saved. You cannot continue with the monitor
077Derivation(s) flagged for confirmation
078The system could not lock all batches - function canceled
079Derivation was not saved - error during late lock for &1, &2, &3
080No status was selected
081Select whether you want to search for receiver batches or sender batches
082&1 derivations were found
083&1 batches were found
084You have not selected any (batch) lines
085Batch status cannot be derived - existing stocks
086Select one line only
087Select a line
088Forward navigation not possible because Object does not exits
089Attribute &1 is a master inspection - it must not be changed
090Derivation &1 becomes invalid due to new sender batch in order &2
091There are no more items
100*** Customizing ***
103Only "Always Hide" is allowed for this event
150*************** Continuation Transaction Condition Records ***********
151The start of the validity period was set to &1
152First create an attribute list
153Condition records were saved
154Attribute list was saved
155Attribute list and condition records were saved
156You do not need to save. Data was not changed
200*** Customizable Messages ***
201A pull derivation will be performed
202A push derivation will be performed
203Pull and push derivations will be performed
204Select one attribute to copy rules
205There are no attributes compatible in the list to copy the rules from &1
206Rules copied successfully. Number of updated attributes: &1
207Class type &1 does not exist
208No rule has been copied
209Select one attribute to display rule
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