VBF - Output for Basic Functions in Sales and Distribution

The following messages are stored in message class VBF: Output for Basic Functions in Sales and Distribution.
It is part of development package VTRC in software component LE-TRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SD R/3 customizing transport processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Route & was determined
001Route & was determined in the customer exit
002Route could not be found in the customer exit
003Beginning of route determination with call paramters
004Country of departure: & Departure zone: &
005Destination country: & Destination zone: &
006Shipping cond.: & Tranportation group: & Weight group: &
007Generic: & &
008Undefined exception generated in customer exit
009Parameters & and & must not have initial value
010Generic selection of & contains errors
011Standard route determination generated by customer exit
012Access to route determination table executed with call paramters
013Route could not be determined
014Use of generic fields: & & &
015Automatic increase of weight group when route is not found
016Normalization of weight group: SI unit not defined for masses
017Automatic increase of weight groups will not be executed
018Weight group increase switched off since weight group has initial value
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