VC - SD Customizing

The following messages are stored in message class VC: SD Customizing.
It is part of development package VS0C in software component SD-MD-MM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customizing R/3 Sales and Distribution master data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000******* 001-009 : hierarchical display of product hierarchy *******
001The product hierarchy is too long, please shorten it
002Definition of hierarchy levels for the product hierarchy is not valid
003Please enter a product hierarchy without empty groups
004Please maintain the Group definition & (level: &)
005Please select the entry to be copied
006Select one entry only
007First delete the dependent subgroups for hierarchy &
008You must select a line for this function
009Ctry/reg & in shipping point & and ctry/reg & in the address do not match
010'Item rel. for delivery' only allowed from item categories A and B
011Check the country/region key for the address
012There are no hierarchy nodes available for display!
013Specify restrictions for nodes (or country/region)
014******** 015-099: Customer hierarchy **********************************
015You have no authorization to change hierarchy data
016You have no authorization to display hierarchy data
020******* 021-099 : Customer hierarchy *****
021Sales area & & & is not defined for customer
022Higher-level sales area & & & not defined for customer
023Specify dependent and higher-level sales area
024You only have authorization for displaying class &
025You have no authorization for Classification &
026Data can only be displayed because it is blocked by another user
027System error blocking Table &
028Data has been saved
029Hierarchy type &: There are no active assignments for &
030No errors were found in the assignments
031Inconsistent sales areas cannot be assigned
032Errors have been found in the assignments
033No assignments have been changed
034Error inserting Assignment &
035Error deleting Assignment &
036Hierarchy type is missing: Assignments cannot be made
037Error updating Assignment &
038Node cannot be deleted: invalid assignments would occur
039Customer & for Sales area & & & does not exist
040Validity date is missing: Hierarchy will be determined for today's date
041Selection date lies in the past: Data will only be displayed
042Customer & has not been created
043Assignment of customer & to & is not defined
044Sales area (VKORG/VTWEG/SPART) is incomplete
045Sales area without customer number is not defined
046Specify customer number
047Assignment cannot be made: Higher-level customer & does not exist
048Assignment of sales areas is not defined (THIOZ)
049Assignment cannot be made: Higher-level sales area is incomplete
050Valid-from date cannot lie in the past
051Validity period is not allowed (From-date lies after the to-date)
052The assignment is also active outside of the given time period
053The assignment is already active in the given time period
054Different higher-level assignments exist outside of the given time period
055Incorrect assignments cannot be processed
056Select hierarchy node
057Assignment not possible: Customer & does not exist
058Node & will be assigned to the same level
059Select hierarchy header nodes for higher-level assignment
060Selected sub-hierarchy contains all nodes and cannot be extended
061Nodes cannot be added: unpermitted assignments would occur
062Hierarchy contains no allowed alternative higher-level assignments
063Higher-level node already maintained as a subordinate node
064Assigned node is also a higher-level node
065You cannot assign node to itself
066Assignment has different attributes outside of the given time period
067No authorization for displaying customers
068No authorization for maintaining customers
069No display authorization for Customer & in Sales area & & &
070No maintenance authorization for Customer & in Sales area & & &
071Partner determination error: Function not possible
072Customer & is not created for Sales area & & &
073There are no hierarchy nodes to be displayed
074Function not possible: Maximum number of hierarchy steps (26) exceeded
075Lowest hierarchy level reached (26): lower steps will be ignored
076Hierarchy node cannot be removed as invalid assignments would arise
077Selected hierarchy node is a header node: subhierarchy cannot be removed
078Select incorrect hierarchy nodes
079Pricing and rebate indicators updated
080Attributes (pricing, rebate) are up-to-date for all assignments
081Date cannot be changed (inconsistent validity periods)
082Hierarchy type & is not defined
083Node & is not active or not available for selection date
084Node & is not available in the hierarchy
085Hierarchy level & cannot be transferred due to inconsistencies
086Hierarchy level assignment(s) updated
087Hierarchy level assignment not updated or not updated for all points
088Assignment not allowed: incorrect hierarchy structure assignment
089'Reassigning' can lead to inconsistencies in the hierarchy lvl assignmnt
090Initial Date Limit(s): a new validity period has been proposed
091Existing assignments for new nodes are being checked.
092Node & & & & cannot be allocated, so it has not been selected
093Assign. can only be displayed: transportation points & & & & not selected
094Processing subtree for nodes & & & & not possible
095Processing nodes & & & & not possible because not selected
096Selection date is in the past: Please select new date
097Error when posting the customer hierarchy data
098Please specify selected nodes for node-specific display
099No order type or sales organization entered.
100 Sales document types control
101Saving is not necessary: no changes were made
102Parameters for Document type & & have been changed
103Document type & & created
104Error & blocking &: & &
105Document & already exists
106Item category & changed
107Error & changing &: & &
108Error & planning &: & &
109Error & deleting &: & &
110New schedule line categories should begin with 'Z'
111Combination not allowed
112Item usage 'TEXT' is only allowed for item category group 'Blank'
113Table & cannot be blocked
114Document type & & deleted
115Item category & & deleted
116Schedule line category & & deleted
117Default indicator for & & & & cannot be reset
118The new default item category for & & & is &
119The new default schedule line category for & & is &
120Default indicator for & & & cannot be reset
121The new default item category for & & is &
122Deletion unnecessary: no assignments exist
123Enter a usage for structure configuration for BOM explosion
124Internal error creating assignment table: Item categ & (ret code &)
125No changes made to item category assignments
126Changed item category assignments saved
127Partner group & does not contain any payers who cannot be changed
128Entry & & & missing in table &
129Item usage must be specified for item category group 'Blank'
130Defaults for Item category & & changed
131Customer-specific document types should begin with 'Z or Y'
132Customer-specific item categories should begin with 'Z or Y'
133Item category & already exists
134Item category & & has been created
135No changes made to the schedule line category assignments
136Changes to schedule line category assignments have been saved
137System blocking error for Table &
138If a storage location is required, a batch check must be carried out
139Related tables have not been transferred into the transfer order
140The selected table entries have been transferred to correction
141A condition type's access sequence in the pricing procedure is incorrect
142Enter item category
143An assignment for & already exists
144Item category & is not allowed as a higher-level item category
145Possible entries can only be displayed once the doc.type has been entered
146Possible entries can only be displayed if a matl item category exists
147Schedule line category & deleted from Table TVEP: please enter it again
148Defaults for schedule line category & & changed
149Schedule line category & & has been created
150Schedule line category & already exists
151Availability check without transfer of requirements is not allowed
152Only condition types used for 'Pricing' are allowed
153The entry & & cannot be deleted
154No assignment possible as business data are not allowed
155Deactivation not possible as billing plan is assigned
156Billing plan only possible if business data active at item
157The sales document indicator & is not allowed
158Item categories 7, J, T and g are provided for deliveries
159The date proposal is not allowed for delivery orders
160Enter a condition for the individual items overall
161The conditions must be different
162Document type & is not allowed as an alternative sales document type
163Alternative sales document type & is the same as current document type
164No allowed alternative order types could be determined
165The system status '&' is not available.
166The user status '&' for the diagram '&' is not available.
167Please maintain at first with number '&'.
168Delivery item numbers could be too big
169Enter schedule line category
170Country/Region and transportation zone copied from the address data
171Address data maintenance only possible in the detail screen
172External capacity planning is not allowed for item category &1
173You cannot use special characters, only letters and digits.
174Only one default allowed for order type '&1' and sales organization '&2'
200 Text control
201Please select a text object
202You can only select one text object
203System error occurred reading Internal table ( & )
204The entry already exists
205Text determination procedure & has not been specified
206Sales document type & does not exist
207System error posting an internal table ( & )
208Access sequence & does not exist
209Item category & does not exist
210Delivery type & does not exist
211Billing type & does not exist
212Account group & does not exist
213Text type & not yet created
214The language must be clearly specified
215Include & does not exist
216No access sequences can be defined for text object '&'
217Only text types can be defined for contact persons
218No separate text procedures can be defined for text object '&'
219Deletion not allowed (text ID & used in procedure &, client &)
220Only special text objects are allowed
221The language does not come from the partner function AG for MVKE
222This combination (&,&) already exists
223Language & is not defined
224Partner function & not defined
225This combination (&,&) is not defined
226Access generated
227Text determination procedure & already exists
228Enter a number for the text determination procedure
229Access sequence & already exists
230Enter a number for the access sequence
231Copying control module & does not exist
232Text ID & in Procedure & & does not exist in TTXID
233Text determination procedure & does not exist in Table &
234Text ID & is already present in the text determination procedure
235A unit must be assigned to the time period entered
236Please maintain the unit only in the existing time period
237Calendar ID and time period cannot be maintained at the same time
238Calendar ID and time period cannot be maintained at the same time
239The cancellation period can only be assigned a positive value
240Deleting not allowed: the entry is being used in another position
241There are no pop-up windows for billing document texts
242The FORM routine & is not active or not available
243'Last of month' field and calendar ID cannot be maintained at one time
244The rule for the contract start date refers to the contract start date
245The rule for the contract end date refers to the contract end date
246The cancellation base date cannot result from the contract end date
247Please process table entry transfer manually
248Text type & is not defined for text determination procedure &
249No text edit control possible for order type &
250 Partner control
251Please select a partner object
252You have selected more than one object: please select only one
253System error occurred reading Internal table ( & )
254The entry already exists
255Partner determination procedure & does not exist
256Sales document type & does not exist
257System error posting an internal table ( & )
258Partner determ. procedure & already used in partner object &
259Item category & does not exist
260Transport into delivery system is only possible using &
261Maintaining new partner functions in & is only possible in central functn
262Please process table entry transfer manually
263Partner function & has not been created
264Partner function & cannot be used for partner procedures
265Only customer partner functions can be defined as sources
266Origin & is not provided for partner type &
267Partner function does not exist in the customer partner determtn procdr
268Origin & is not permitted for partner function &
269Deletion not allowed: Function & is used elsewhere
270Partner determination procedure & not defined for customer master
271Partner determination procedure & not defined for sales document headers
272Partner determination procedure & not defined for sales document items
273Partner determination procedure & is not defined for deliveries
274Partner determination procedure & not defined for billing header(s)
275Partner determination procedure & is not defined for billing items
276Partner determination procedure & is not defined for sales activities
277Partner determination procedure & is not available for shipments
278Shipping type & not yet created
279Shipments must have a forwarding agent
280Sales documents require a sold-to party that cannot be changed
281Sales document items may not have a sold-to party
282Deliveries require a ship-to party that cannot be changed
283Billing items may not have a payer
284A payer which cannot be changed is required for billing documents
285'Ship-To Party' is a mandatory partner function for outbound deliveries
290Assignment only makes sense for customer functions
291Another partner function has already been converted to &
292Function & is not used in Procedure &
293Function & is a higher-level function than Function &
294Partner function & does not exist
295Object & cannot be blocked: It will be displayed
296Entries saved
297Partner & is not defined
298Please maintain the field 'Sequence'
299Sort sequences of previously determined partners are inconsistent
300 Conditions, Pricing
301Function & does not exist
302Initialization error for View &
303Maintenance error for view &
304Both groups need to be defined
305Procedure & requires two groups
306Date function no available for partner type &
307You must transport the element to the production system (see long text)
308The TADIR-GENFLAG was set successfully for R3TR FUGR 089C
309The TADIR-GENFLAG could not be set successfully for R3TR FUGR 089C
310Accrual billing document type & does not exist.
311Only accrual billing document types w/o cancellation billing type allowed
319Number range & is an internal number range
320Number range & & is not available.
321Number range & & is an external number range.
322The most recently used billing date is &.
323Every date in the billing due list is less than &.
350 Copy control, Graphics
351Table & is blocked. It can only be displayed.
352ABEND due to system error
400 Incompletion log
401Procedure & does not exist
402Procedure & already exists
403Procedure & saved
404Procedure & deleted
405Procedure & referred to elsewhere
407Procedure & is already assigned to item category &
408Procedure & is already assigned to Schedule line category &
409Procedure & is already assigned to Partner function &
410Procedure & already has texts assigned to it
411Procedure & is already assigned to Sales document type &
412Procedure & will be deleted when you press 'Enter'
413Select one object only for processing
414Enter an incompletion procedure for editing
415Incompletion procedure & is already defined for another object
416Enter an incompletion procedure
417Incompletion procedure & is not defined for sales document types
418Incompletion procedure & is not defined for items
419Incompletion procedure & is not defined for schedule lines
420Changes will not be saved when you press 'Enter'
421Procedure is still being used: Object & cannot be blocked
422Procedure is still being used: usages will be deleted
423Incompletion procedure & is not defined for sales activities
424Status group & does not exist
449* 450-499 Direct-Input Cusotmer
450Currency & does not exist (TCURC)
451Currency & is no longer valid (TCURC)
452You do not have authorization for mass changes of currencies
453No customer data found for the selection criteria
454The new currency must differ from the old currency
455The selected customers could not be blocked
456Select customers and / or sales organizations
457Conversion to currency & successfully completed
458There are no data for currency conversion.
459There is no master data for currency conversion available.
460Currency conversion finished
461For non-specified suppliers it is only possible to have an old currency
462Supplier & could not be blocked
463You can only enter an old currency if the customer is not registered
500 Route definition/determination
501Leg & and leg & are not compatible
502Leg & is not defined
503Leg & is already part of the route
504Leg & already exists
505Legs are not compatible - please correct
506Warning: Incorrect leg saved in the route
507Warning: No shipping conditions exist
508Warning: No transportation groups exist
509Shipping point & is not defined
510Shipping point &2 cannot be used for plant &1
511Office of exit & is not specified
512Please process table entry transfer manually
513No routes found for the selection specified.
551 Maintain Table TFRM
552Only group numbers up to 99 are allowed for routines in this class
553Text module & could not be created
554Place the cursor on a valid group number
555There is no long text
556All routines have been successfully activated
557You can only delete deactivated routines
558Include number & either does not exist or is not active
559You can only make changes in client 0
560You do not have the authorization to create SAP standard routines
561TADIR entry could not be created
570Choose an entry
590Text modules have been changed to document text modules
600******* 500-550 : EDI in SD ******************************************
601New key assignment for partner type & has not been maintained
602Enter a customer number
603Standard partner function & cannot be deleted
604Partner function & is not defined for use in EDI
650************************ Contracts processing ***************************
651Maintain either percentage rate or percentage rate table access
652Please maintain condition type
653Please maintain the baseline date rule for the price increase cycle
654Please maintain the price increase cycle
700******************** Product hierarchy 700 - 720 ************************
701The product hierarchy structure has an unallowable number of levels
702The template should contain only ' ' or separators other than ' '
703The template is smaller than a possible value entry
704Node is followed by spaces: not allowed
705Please create the preceding node first
706A product hierarchy node cannot contain spaces
707The node cannot be inserted
708Please delete the succeeding node first
709You have created too many levels (a maximum of 9 levels is allowed)
710The data element must have the prefix 'PRODH'
711The node includes editing mask characters
712The mask is too long, layout does not look good
713Deletions will be saved immediately to the data bank
714The product hierarchy struture length is &, but must be &
715Account assignment group &1 does not exist
721************* Scheduled shipping date 721 - 750 *************************
722The function is not possible without a number range
751************* Potential planning 751 - 770 ******************************
752Client & is not a competitor
753Please maintain routine POTENTIAL_PROT_SET in program &
754Select a valid line
771************* Repairs processing 771-820 ********************************
772You must also enter a procedure for the point in time
773A repair indicator can only be assigned once per point in time
774Repair indicator &2 is not required at time &1
775Procedure -&1- only possible manually
776Manual flag only possible in combination with the report back indicator
800No value help supported for this field
801Access sequence exists for text & in text determination procedure &
802Text edit control does not work for & !
803Pricing date proposal C only needed if contract data are allowed
804Valid from date is proposed from the contract data
821****** _Reference det. for consumer master 821 - 850 ******************
822No company code exists for sales area &1 &2 &3
823Problems when executing out dialog boxes
824Problems when reading the sales area data
825Problems when adding a reference customer to the company code
826Problems when reading the customer master data
827The reference customer & cannot be a consumer
828Company code & does not exist
829Company code & does not exist with reference customer &
830Problems when reading the sales area data
831No reference customer maintained
832Reference customer &2 already exists for company code &1
833Enter the sales organization
834Enter the distribution channel
835Customer &1 for sls org. &2 dist. chnl &3 division &4 not created
836Problems deleting the sales area data
837Problems deleting the company code data
838Reference customer is not current reference customer ->not deleted
839Problems inserting the reference customers for the sales area
840At least one sales area should be maintained for reference customer &
841At least one company code must be maintained for reference customer &
842Reference customer & does not exist
843Reference customer & deleted
844Reference customer & created
845A reference customer has been created
847Reference customer & will not be deleted
848& can not be used as a reference customer
849Transaction VOTX is outdated. Use VOTXN instead
860Text ID & already exists. Enter a new text ID
861Run number & already exists. Enter a new run number
862Enter both run number and text ID
863First enter a run number and a text ID
864Enter a text ID
865Enter a run number
870Deletion of Material Group &1 is not possible
871Deletion of Customer Groups &1 is not possible
872Deletion of Sales Districts &1 is not possible
880Custom routine & does not exist. Check and try again.
881Assign a factory calendar
885Duplicate factory calendar source exists. Choose a different source.
890******* 891 - 899 : Number Range Customizing **********************
891Number Range Interval is required!
892Number Range Interval with external number assignment not allowed
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