VCH_HL_AVC_SYNTAX - Messages in grammar and parser help functions

The following messages are stored in message class VCH_HL_AVC_SYNTAX: Messages in grammar and parser help functions.
It is part of development package VCH_HL_PARSER in software component LO-VCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Parser components for AVC dependency parser".
Message Nr
Message Text
011Invalid character
012Missing quotation mark
013Error in parentheses: "(" without ")" to close
014Error in parentheses: "[" without "]" to close
015Missing comma
016Expression too long
017Semicolon missing
021Error: remaining part of expression cannot be interpreted
022Error: no source code entered
023Error in syntax check for condition
024Syntax error in procedure
025Syntax error in constraint
031Comparison operator required
033Link operator "=" required
035Key expected
037Logical expression required
038Numeric expression required
039Alphanumeric expression required
040Language element &1 only allowed in procedures
041Condition entered is inconsistent
042Subcondition not allowed: NOT SPECIFIED &1&2
043Subcondition not allowed: NOT TYPE_OF
044Subcondition not allowed: NOT &1 = ...
045Subcondition not allowed: &1 <> ...
046Reference characteristic expected
047Subcondition not allowed: NOT PART_OF
048Subcondition or subrestriction without variables not allowed
049Characteristic &1 is not restrictable
051Reference to characteristic required
052No characteristic: &1
053&1 is not a single-value characteristic
054&1 is not a multi-value characteristic
055&1 is not a numeric characteristic
056&1 is not an alphanumeric characteristic
057Reference to object required: &1 found
058Characteristic not valid for class (&1)&2: &3
059Characteristic not valid for object &1: &2
061Reference to a class/object required
062Invalid object type: &1
063Reference to object $ROOT, $PARENT or $SELF required
064Class (&1)&2 not valid
065Syntax error in class entry: expression required in form <(...)...>
066Invalid combination of object identifier/class type: (&1)(&2)
068Object name expected in parantheses
069Partial key expression <formal_param> = <partial_key> expected
071Object reference/variable used more than once: &1 &2
072Characteristic reference/variable used more than once: &1 &2
073Object does not exist
074Error in object key entry &1 for object type &2
075Character string expected in quotation marks
076Key too long: &1. Maximum length &2.
077Key for object type &1 incomplete
078Description for object key too long: &1
082Keyword must be followed by ':'.
084Reserved name &1 invalid as key/variable name
085Invalid variable name &1
086Formal parameter &1 not valid for: &2
087Data type error: formal parameter &1 is of type &2
088Reference characteristic for pricing expected.
101Invalid value &1 for characteristic &2
102Variable declaration for object expected
104Invalid value &1 for characteristic &2 with class/object &3
105Invalid value &1 for parameter &2 in table &3
106Value &1 has subordinate values
109Error in predefined function &1
110Keyword RESTRICTION: expected
111Error in 'PART_OF'/'SUBPART_OF' dependency
112Error in table argument &1
113Error in table declaration
116Error in conditional restriction (with IF)
118Duplicate entry &1 in the IN list related to characteristic &2
120Variant table &1 has wrong processing mode
121Table does not allow inference of values
122Multi-value formal parameter &1 in table &2
124Actual parameter &1 in table &2 is multi-value
125Inference of default value for &1 in table not possible
126Required formal parameter missing for inference in &1
127No values can be inferred for procedure
128Error occured in processing mode determination
131Constraint has too many value assignment alternatives: &1
135Dependency cannot be compiled: reason #&1
137Object variable &1 is declared but not used
141Incorrect BOM item number &1
142Expression has incorrect length &1. Length &2 was expected
151Table &1 does not exist
152Function &1 is not declared
153Table &1 not released
180&1 is not supported in AVC
181&1 is not a single-value alphanumeric characteristic.
182&1 is not a single-value numeric characteristic.
183&1 is not a multi-value alphanumeric characteristic.
184&1 is not a multi-value numeric characteristic.
400Internal error in function &1 &2 &3 &4
406Restrictions of value set using dependencies not yet supported: &1
407Characteristic &1: data type "UDEF" not yet supported
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