VCH_HL_EXT_MATERIAL - Exception messages for master data access: material

The following messages are stored in message class VCH_HL_EXT_MATERIAL: Exception messages for master data access: material.
It is part of development package VCH_HL_EXT in software component LO-VCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MD + Service Access High Level Variant Configuration on HANA".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error: "Enqueue mode changed" for material &.
002Error when reading material &.
003Material & or one of the BOM constituents could not be found.
004Error: "Enqueue mode changed" for material description of &.
005No entry found for plant & of material &, or one of the BOM constituents.
006Error: "Enqueue mode changed" for the plant of &.
007Material-plant table (MARC) is locked.
008Material-plant table (MARC) system error.
009Error when reading plant of &.
010Error when reading material description of &.
011Internal error leading to inconsistency of master-data output for &.
014No input material found for consolidation of &.
015No input plant found for consolidation of &.
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