The following messages are stored in message class VCH_HL_GRP: .
It is part of development package VCH_HL_GRP in software component LO-VCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grouping for Advanced Variant Configuration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The requested operation is not supported yet
002An eccor without a specific message occured
011The Configuration Characteristic Group ID must not be initial
012The Configuration Characteristic Group &1 already exists
013The Characteristic Group Description already exists for language &1
014Enter a valid language code
015The Configuration Characteristic Group &1 does not exist
016The Configuration Characteristic &1 does not exist
017The object to be edited does not exist
018The Configuration Characteristic Group &1 already exists as a draft
019Mandatory input parameter &1 is empty in &2 &3 of &4
020Not authorized to process or display Characteristic Groups
021Configuration profile &1 &2 &3 not found
022Configuration profile &1 &2 &3 is not for Advanced Variant Configuration
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