The following messages are stored in message class VCH_HL_GRP_RAP: Cstic Group RAP BO.
It is part of development package VCH_HL_GRP_RAP in software component LO-VCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RAP BO for Characteristic Groups".
It is part of development package VCH_HL_GRP_RAP in software component LO-VCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RAP BO for Characteristic Groups".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Characteristic Group &1 (version &2) does not exist |
002 | Characteristic Group &1 (version &2) already exists |
003 | Characteristic Group &1 is locked by user &2 |
004 | Description for Characteristic Group &1 in Language &2 already exists |
005 | Characteristic Group &1 already exists |
006 | Description in Language &1 for Characteristic Group &2 does not exist |
007 | Descr. in Language &1 for Charac. Group &2 (version &3) does not exist |
008 | Descr. for Charac. Group &1 (version &2) in Language &3 already exists |
009 | Characteristic Group &1 does not exist |
010 | Characteristic &1 is already assigned to Group &2 (version &3) |
011 | Characteristic &1 does not exist |
012 | Characteristic &1 is not assigned to Characteristic Group &2 (version &3) |
013 | It is not supported to maintain versions for Characteristic Groups |
014 | Method &1 of class &2 called with invalid/incomplete input parameters |
015 | Assignment of Characteristic &1 to Group &2 is marked for deletion |
016 | Sort key &1 used for other cstic assignment => renumbering triggered |
017 | Description in Language &1 for Charac. Group &2 is marked for deletion |
018 | Characteristic Group &1 is marked for deletion |
019 | Characteristic Group &1 (version &2) is marked for deletion |
020 | Characteristic &1 is not assigned to Characteristic Group &2 |
021 | Characteristic &1 is not valid in Group Validity Period |
022 | Descr. in Lang. &1 for Charc. Group &2 (vers. &3) is marked for deletion |
023 | Assignment of Cstic &1 to Group &2 (version &3) is marked for deletion |
024 | Characteristic &1 is already assigned to Group &2 |
025 | Error occurred when characteristic group &1 is saved |
026 | Error occurred when description for characteristic group &1 is saved |
027 | Error occurred when allocation of cstic &2 for group &1 is saved |