VF - Billing

The following messages are stored in message class VF: Billing.
It is part of development package VF in software component SD-BIL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development R/3 invoice".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Billing ***************************************************
001The document does not exist.
002Sales document type &1 cannot be invoiced with billing type &2.
003Item category &1 &2 cannot be invoiced with billing type &3.
004Reference document &1 &2 (error during INSERT).
005The reference document does not exist.
006Item category &1 is not defined (TVAP).
007Billing type &1 is not defined.
008Entries are missing in table TPAER for partner group &1.
009Sales organization &1 is not defined.
010General business data is missing.
011Plant &1 is not defined.
012Requirement &1 has not been fulfilled.
013Requirement &1 has not been fulfilled.
014The document is blocked for billing.
015The item is blocked for billing.
016The document is not relevant for billing.
017The document has already been fully invoiced.
018Segment VBUK is missing.
019Segment VBUP is missing.
020Billing type &1 cannot be edited with billing type &2.
021Customer &1: Customer master table KNA1 is missing.
022Customer &1: Customer master table KNVV is missing.
023Customer &1: Customer master table KNKK is missing.
024Customer &1: Exception NO_TVTA in function module &2.
025Customer &1: Customer master table KNVI is missing.
026Customer &1: Customer master table KUAGV is missing.
027Delivery type &1 cannot be invoiced with billing type &2.
028Sales order &1 does not exist.
029Order item &1 &2 is missing.
030Incorrect document number when adding.
031Error reading XVBRK with TABIX = &1.
032No billing documents were generated. Please see log.
033Document &1 does not exist.
034Delivery &1 does not exist.
035Delivery item &1 &2 is missing.
036Item category &1 &2 cannot be edited with billing type &3.
037Invoice list &1 does not exist.
038Reference document &1 is being processed.
039The billing document has been passed on to financial accounting.
040The item has already been cancelled.
041Billing document &1 does not exist.
042No error log created.
043Please select a line.
044The item is not relevant for billing.
045The item has already been fully invoiced.
046The sold-to party could not be determined.
047The bill-to party could not be determined.
048The payer could not be determined.
049The ship-to party could not be determined.
050Document &1 saved (no journal entry generated).
051Document &1 saved (error in account determination).
052Please enter a billing document number.
053The entered document number does not refer to an SD document.
054Company code &1 is not defined (for sales organization &2).
055Pricing error in document &1.
056Cancellation document differs from the original billing doc. &1.
057Cancellations can only be completed by the original documents.
058The document has already been released.
059The document has already been passed on to accounting.
060The document is not relevant for accounting.
061The document has already been completed.
062The journal entry has not yet been created.
063Please check the log.
064&1 &2 is blocked for billing.
065&1 &2 Item &3 is blocked for billing.
066No goods issue has been posted for the delivery.
067The billing type could not be determined.
068Payer &1 is blocked for billing.
069Document &1 is incomplete so billing cannot be carried out.
070Order type &1 is not defined.
071Document &1 has been saved (pricing error).
072Document &1 has been saved (foreign trade data incomplete).
073Pricing error in item &1.
074Foreign trade data incomplete for item &1.
075Foreign trade data does not exist.
076A journal entry is not required for this billing document.
077Error converting unit of measure from &1 to &2.
078Select two billing documents only for split analysis.
079No differences in the split analysis.
080According to status, sales order &1 cannot be invoiced.
081According to status, sales order item &1 &2 cannot be invoiced.
082Internal error: FI document number could not be determined.
083Customer &1: Exception &2 in function module &3.
084Material data not fully maintained for sales org.&1 &2 language &3.
085Exchange rate has been changed from &1 to &2.
086Company code &1 is not defined.
087No exchange rate found for &1 / &2.
088In country/region &1, classification &2 is not defined.
089For tax category &1 classification &2 is not defined.
090Delivery type &1 is not defined.
091Material &1 has not been maintained.
092Output determination: Application &1 does not exist.
093Output determination: Procedure &1 does not exist.
094Account assignment analysis cannot be carried out for billing type &1.
095The customer tax classification is missing in transaction &1 &2.
096The material tax classification is missing in transaction &1 &2.
097Currency could not be determined for transaction &1.
098The sales unit is missing in transaction &1 &2.
099The sold-to party is missing in transaction &1 &2.
100The material number is missing in transaction &1 &2.
101Error occurred converting scale unit during transaction &1 &2.
102The destination country/region is missing in transaction &1 &2.
103The material short text is missing in transaction &1 &2.
104Sales document &1 does not exist.
105Document &1 is neither a sales document nor a delivery document.
106Pro forma invoice &1 cannot be cancelled.
107You can only cancel billing documents.
108Cancellation document &1 cannot be cancelled.
109Document &1 is not a billing document.
110No invoice lists were created.
111Invoice list date could not be determined.
112The document is not relevant for invoice lists.
113Invoice list has already been created.
114Invoice list is still to be created.
115Item output duplicated.
116No output was found for printing.
117Print parameter set in &1 item output.
118Form of address (ANRED) of one-time customer missing for trans. &1 &2.
119Name (NAME 1) of one-time customer missing for transaction &1 &2.
120Postcode (PSTLZ) of one-time customer missing for transaction &1 &2.
121Place name (ORT01) of one-time customer missing for transaction &1 &2.
122No update type has been specified.
123In activity &1 &2 the plant for material &3 is missing.
124The plant or country/region is missing for transaction &1 &2.
125Statistics group of material is missing for transaction &1 &2.
126Transact.&1 &2: Error searching for statistics update group.
127In transaction &1 &2 : header condition &3 has not been maintained.
128Billing document is already cancelled.
129Make at least one selection.
130Values for data transfer were redetermined.
131Values for data transfer were redetermined.
132Pro forma header data for data transfer were redetermined.
133Pro forma item data for data transfer were redetermined.
134Order quantity &1 not equal to goods issue &2 &3.
135Deviating country/region where taxes are levied in document &1 &2.
136Date &1 is blocked for billing (billing plan).
137The item has been rejected.
138Processing of document &1.
139Error in billing doc &1 . See next message.
140Document cannot be billed due to credit limit check.
141Supplier invoice has not yet been created (individual purchase order).
142Date &1 has already been billed (billing plan).
143Date &1 is not relevant for billing (billing plan).
144For billing type &1, no cancellation billing type is maintained.
145Billing date &1 does not correspond to number range &2 with prefix &3.
146Item &1 in sales document &2 does not exist.
147No open billing quantity has been determined.
148Billing document &1 is not available in the archive or in the database.
149Invoice list &1 is not available in the archive.
150You have no display authorization from archive in sales organization &1.
151You have no display authorization fr. archive for billing doc. type &1.
152Please choose at least one table for processing.
153If you choose more than one table, online processing is not permitted.
154The process type you have chosen is not possible here.
155Revenue of leading WBS element &1 determined by substitution from &2.
156Error &1 while substituting WBS element &2.
157Account key cash register set to space. No input allowed from now on.
158Document &1: cancellation of items not possible.
159'B' 'D' 'E' or 'F' not permitted here.
160Currency type could not be determined for transfer price.
161Down payment amount cannot be higher than the preset value.
162Please check Customizing for cross-company.
163Manually changed reference number is not permitted.
164Down payment request &1 cannot be canceled.
165Item &1 cannot be canceled due to dependent items.
166No authorization for cancellation of collective processing run.
167In analysis mode, only billing documents can be processed.
168Item category &1 may only be billed via EDI.
169Document &1 cannot be processed in this transaction with billing type &2.
170Value of open quantity must not be greater than &1.
171Document &1 does not contain any items with open quantities.
172Specify a company code.
173Enter a document or a reference number.
174No billing document matched the search criteria specified.
175Search for billing documents was terminated.
176Data object &1 does not contain component with name &2.
177Document &1 is not an invoice list.
178Date &1 cannot be cancelled due to a correction deadline.
179&1 is not a valid credit memo.
180&1 is not a valid debit memo.
181Valid credit memo required for retro-billing.
182Valid debit memo required for retro-billing.
183Item &2 of billing document &1 cannot be cancelled.
184Billing not possible because repair is not yet completed.
185Billing not possible because expense not yet accounted.
186Creation of bill.document with ref. to cancelled bill.doc.not possible.
187Retro-billing is not possible.
188Data inconsistency during processing of document &1.
189Billing documents cannot be cancelled due to differing currencies.
190No language has been assigned to the one-off customer &V1&.
191Item &2 from document &1 is processed in item &4 of billing document &3.
192The billing doc transfer for the preceding doc &1 &2 has been rejected.
193The billing document &1 is already cleared.
194Only proforma invoices can be completed.
195Document &1 saved (faulty authorization).
196Goods issue is not yet valued.
197POD report back not yet carried out or incomplete.
198The billing item does not contain a quantity.
200Function module incorrectly parameterized.
201Chart of accounts &1 is not used in SD.
202Control data currently blocked by &1.
203You are not authorized to access this control data.
204Place the cursor on a document number.
205Document number assignment has reached a critical threshold.
206Document number assignment has assigned the last free number in interval.
207Down payment clearing item (deadline: &1 &2)can't be canceled separately.
208Automatic clearing of billing document &1 and canc. doc. &2 not poss.
209Item &1 from delivery &2 not yet in billing die list.
210Cancellation of '&' Billing not possible, create credit memo.
211Item delivered externally - use transaction VF08.
212Item category &1 is not relevant for billing in SAP system.
213The billing document is being posted in the list of invoices.
214Document cannot be billed due to errors in funds management.
215Invoice currency &1 is now redundant, please use the Euro.
216Document &1 saved (no automatic clearing of billing document &2).
217For down-payment requirements, only billing rule 4 or 5 can be used.
218Article with specified description does not exist in document.
219Negative down payment item; document & cannot be billed by item.
220Billing document could not be created due to incorrect data in BAdI.
221Further processing in IS-U Billing - Message Determination is deactivated
222Billing type &1/type IS-U billing request cannot be used for Argentina.
223Billing document &1 is not in database.
224Document &1 saved. Check number range.
225This billing document can only be cancelled in customer management.
226Negative posting is not permitted for company &1.
227You can only use sales document categories with a billing character.
228Document &1 is not a billing document request.
229Billing document request &1 does not exist.
230Differential billing: Bill. doc. &1 in document flow but not in database.
231Differential billing: No items for document &1 and predecessor &2 &3.
232Billing item &1 has already been canceled.
233Billing item &1 cannot be canceled due to subsequent billing documents.
234Billing items &1 &2 &3 are follow-on items to &4.
235Differential billing: Pair from items &1 and &2 to be canceled.
236In delivery-related diff. billing docs, only qty indicator 'D' allowed.
237In order-related differential billing docs, only qty indicator 'C' or 'D'
238Differential billing not possible with billing relevance '&1'.
239Differential billing not possible in Enhanced Returns Management.
240Differential billing doc. w/o SO not possible with billing relevance '&1'
241Cannot display condition differences for single item &1.
242Differential bill. docs not possible with condition-based down payments.
243Differential billing: Error when determining predecessor for ref. &1 &2.
244Prov. or diff. billing document exists, billing type &1 not allowed.
245Item was already billed in current billing document run.
246Differential billing only possible for sales documents or deliveries.
247Final billing document not possible, as batch &1 is not final.
248Item &1 has no batch.
249Cancellation aborted as item &1/&2 has the same reference item.
250You cannot cancel the differential billing docs of same chain together.
251Cancellation aborted due to error in billing document item &1/&2.
252For billing cat. &1, business function LOG_SD_COMMODITY must be active.
253For billing cat. &1, business function LOG_SD_COMMODITY_02 must be active
254An error occured while deleting table &1.
255Specify an enhancement for sales document category &1.
256Previous billing document &1 not yet released to Financial Accounting.
257Copying control &1 &2 &3: Quantity calculated must be positive.
258Document &1 is not an external billing document request.
259Billing document request item &1 &2 does not exist.
260No item was processed.
261Billing document &1 is a cancellation document.
262Error in processing extensibility flow
263Simulation run result: Document &1 can be saved.
264Wrong call of function module
265No fitting document
266Item reversal not possible in down payment processing.
267Sales document &1 is in approval and therefore cannot be billed.
268If acc. assignment is active the IC must be created after cust. invoice
269Item &2 of billing document &1 does not exist.
270Item &2 of billing document request &1 does not exist.
271Custom routine & does not exist. Please check and try again.
272Error during processing of country/region-specific logic.
273Plant segment missing for material & in plant &.
274You cannot use custom routines to create BDRs - only billing documents.
275Role &1 not defined in Set Up Partner Determination for Billing Header.
276Duplicate reference document detected. Duplicate will not be billed.
277Function not supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud environment.
278Issue occured in Central Finance; cancellation aborted.
279Value &1 is invalid. Please use the value help.
280Please enter different values for the fields in each aggregation group.
281Locking of Billing Plan not possible for predecessor &1 item &2.
282Field values &1 = '&2' and &3 = '&4' do not match.
283There are no more items to be displayed.
291Enter INTRASTAT office.
292Enter number of declaration for this period.
293Enter a tax office.
294Enter a company code.
296File &1 cannot be opened.
297Please select at least one output type.
298Please enter file for output.
299Please enter month and year.
300No items are created.
301Reference Document
302No output has been selected for printing.
303Output was successfully issued.
304Output could not be issued.
305Preceding document &1: Item &2 has already been completely billed.
306A down payment request cannot be created for one-time customers.
307No relevant data found for output.
308Resend only possible with selection criteria in the billing data area.
311Document &1 has been saved.
312Billing type &1 is not defined.
313Sales organization &1 is not defined.
316Sales area &1 &2 &3 is not defined.
317&1 : Superior item &2 is not in the billing document.
318Please enter a billing doc. request number.
320No item category exists (Table T184F & & & &).
321Item category & is not allowed.
323You have no authorization to process the work list.
324You have no authorization to display the work list.
330Only the creation of credit or debit memos is possible.
331Items of category &1 can only be billed via self-billing.
342Document &1 is currently being processed.
343The document cannot be blocked.
344Incorrect document category &1 in RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADD.
345Incorrect document category &1 for RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADD.
346New bonus procedure not active.
347Error during determination of rebate-relevant billing documents.
348Document &1 is currently being processed (by user &2)
350No billing plan date found.
351No documents have been selected for retro-billing.
352Error in new price determination: No retroactive billing possible.
353Inspection not closed, billing not possible.
354Billing via refund determination only, due to inspection split.
355Billing via refund determination only.
356Billing document waiting for credit memo from plant &1.
357Billing document waiting for credit memo from supplier &1.
358Variance in follow-up credit memo - billing doc. via refund determ. only.
359Item reversal not possible in Advanced Returns Management.
360A credit memo item is not allowed.
371Check issue in custom routine &1. &2 &3
372Flexible numbering routine returned an undefined number range interval.
373Flexible numbering routine returned an external number range interval.
374Flexible numbering routine returned prefix &2 and an initial interval.
375An error occurred in Flexible numbering routine.
376Numbering routine returned prefix TMP, which is reserved for system use.�
377Numbering routine returned prefix PBD, which is reserved for system use.�
378Flexible cancellation routine &1 - check issue: &2&3
379An error occurred in flexible cancellation routine &1.
380You cannot cancel a billing document of this billing type.
401Mandate &1 (with status &2) is invalid or inactive on check date &3.
402Mandate &1 is invalid or inactive on check date &2.
417A collective processing number could not be determined.
420Wrong prefilling of "Documents to be selected" (user parameter VF04_SEL)
450Field &1 is not changeable.
451No changed document to save.
452Invalid key &1.
460Error while loading text &1 &2 &3 &4.
461Error while saving text &1 &2 &3 &4.
462Text &1 &2 &3 &4 not found
463Error while deleting text &1 &2 &3 &4.
470Unable to determine billing type (for simulation) based on company code.
475Cannot process items with no valid value chain management status.
476Item cancellation not possible as the item is part of a value chain.
480Cannot create intercompany invoice for this billing due list item.
481Cannot create intercompany invoice at the same time as customer invoice.
507No simulation authorization in sales organization &1.
508No simulation authorization for billing type &1.
509No create authorization in sales organization &1.
510No create authorization for billing type &1.
511File &1 could not be opened.
512No batch input records exist in file &1.
513You are not authorized to process the worklist.
514No display authorization for sales organization &1.
515No maintenance authorization for sales organization &1.
516No display authorization for billing type &1.
517No maintenance authorization for billing type &1.
518No authorization for output in sales organization &1.
519No authorization for output for billing type &1.
520No authorization for program &1 in analysis mode.
521No authorization for program &1 in correction mode.
522You can only cancel billing type &1 with a billing type &2.
523Please maintain either reconciliation or cash account determination.
524Only enter procedure or account key for cash register acc. determination.
525Total of down payment to be billed too high. See billing document item &1
526Delete the header and item partners in cancellation billing document &1.
527Total of down payments to be cleared exceeds net value of bill. doc. &1.
528Program ended. &1 sets selected.
529Cancellation billing document &1 posted. Unable to transfer to FI.
530Sum of down payts to be cleared exceeds threshold value. See bill.item &1
531Sum of down payts exceeds net value incl. threshold value of bill. doc &1
532Both standard and condition-based downpayments exist in billing doc &1.
533Distribution error in downpayments. Billing document &1 not transferred.
534Down payment clearing cancelled as billing doc. &1 was not transferred.
535Error &1 in down payment clearing.
536Down payment clearing &1 in item &2 exceeds maximum value &3.
537Down payment based on conditions cannot be used in FI-CA.
538Item &1, condition &2: Down payment greater than gross value; corrected.
539No FI doc.found for cancellation bill.doc. &1 w/ cond.based down paymnts.
540You cannot create a draft document based on a draft document.
541The reference document &1 is not allowed.
542A draft document based on a cancellation can not be created.
543Edit Draft document already exists.
544Reference document &1 can not be processed.
545Unable to create output request. Please contact SAP customer support.
546Output determination failed.
547The preceding document &1 has been changed in the meantime.
548Please select at least one document type.
549Item &2 of reference document &1 cannot be processed.
550Billing Date From must be before Billing Date To.
551Different journal entry types in billing and accounting.
552Output request could not be saved.
553Billing type is not valid.
554Sales organization does not exist.
555Distribution channel does not exist.
556Division does not exist.
557Shipping point does not exist.
558Sold-to party does not exist.
559Destination country/region does not exist.
560Payer does not exist.
561Billing category does not exist.
562Output channel does not exist.
563Receiver role &1 is blocked for &2.
564You cannot combine a relative billing date with a billing date range.
565Relative date function &1 does not exist.
566You can't combine an absolute creation date and a relative creation date.
567Can't create output request (renaming error). Please redetermine output.
568Sending output did not work, please trigger it manually.
569Output request created successfully.
570Output was renamed successfully.
571Rule used for billing output aggregation for professional services: &1
572Can't find rule &1 for billing output aggregation for prof. services.
573No relevant aggregation rule found. Applying standard aggregation rule.
574Error in flexible output aggregation. Applying standard aggregation rule.
575No determined output items retrieved.
576Deletion of determined output items failed.
577Copying of output items to invoice failed. Adapt output items manually.
578Down payment clearing item exceeds net value of bill. doc. items.
600600 - 699: Reserved for explanation facility (SD monitor, ...)
601Number of different payers in the billing documents
700TNAD1 does not contain the entry &1 &2 &3.
701T685B does not contain the entry &1 &2 (VK01)
702Maintain EDI data for partner &1, application &2, output &3.
703Maintain table TNAPR for output &1, type &2, application &3.
704TNAD2 does not contain the entry &1 &2 &3.
705Error in revenue recognition. Contact SAP
750Billing type &1 contains split crit. &2, n invoiced: &3, invoice not req.
751Calc. proc. avail. Invoice and Calc. proc. diff. invoice not compatible.
752Invoiced value and document conditions are inconsistent.
753Troubleshooting triggered for cancellation/rebilling for document &1.
754Cancellation/Rebilling: Document &1 refers to &2 and &3.
755Nothing to cancel. Cancellation/rebilling cannot be used here.
757DF control requires at least one provisionary splitting criterion.
760Payment condition with cash discount not permitted for netting.
761Ind. for differential invoice requires final eval. of all invoice cyles.
762The reference billing document is archived.
770Customer &1 is blocked; see long text.
771Document address for one-time customer &1 is blocked; see long text.
780Billing document &1 was successfully updated with clearing status &2.
781Log. system specified for billing document &1 doesn't match local system.
782Billing document &1 is canceled; clearing status cannot be updated.
783Cannot find billing document &1; clearing status cannot be updated.
784Clearing status of billing document &1 is already set to &2.
800*****Messages 800 - 850 reserved for rebate/S060 correction
801Errors occurred in agreement &1.
802Condition records updated for agreement &1.
803Open documents exist for agreement &1.
804Agreements and billing documents were already updated in system.
805No billing documents selected.
806Condition record for condition type &1 was not yet updated.
807Billing document &1: billed rebate &2: inactive record was changed.
808New quantity determination for item &1; subsequent documents exist.
809Item &1 of document &2 cannot be invoiced because it has been cancelled.
810Subsequent doc. exist for item &1. Partial reversal with item selection.
811Subsequent doc. exist for item &1. Consideration with item selection.
812Total quantity of item &1 has already been credited.
850Only documents with status �In Progress� can be rejected.
851You cannot use billing type &1 for preliminary billing documents.
852Document is not a preliminary billing document. It will remain unchanged.
853Document not found.
854You cannot cancel this item. See long text for details.
855Only documents with status �In Progress� can be finalized.
856Only documents with status �In Progress� can be copied.
857Document is already part of a preliminary billing document.
858Only documents with status �In Progress� or �Finalized� can be invoiced.
859Only documents with status �Finalized� can be set to "In Progress".
860Preliminary billing document &1 has been rejected.
861Preliminary billing document &1 has been finalized.
862Preliminary billing document &1 has been set to In Progress.
863Creation canceled due to errors in preliminary billing document &1.
864You can only change documents with status �In Progress�.
865Source document item does not match preliminary billing document header.
866Item &1 already exists in preliminary billing document &2.
867Item &1 does not exist in preliminary billing document &2.
868Condition type &1 cannot be used for a manual item.
869Item category &1 cannot be used for a manual billing item.
870Document is not a preliminary billing document.
871No manual billing item category found for material item category group &1
872You cannot create a preliminary billing document for this document.
873You cannot cancel this item. See long text for details.
874Field &1: Preliminary billing document = '&2', added document = '&3'.
875Action canceled due to errors in preliminary billing document &1.
876Billing process document &1 is not relevant for approvals.
877Documents with this approval status cannot be invoiced.
878Documents with this approval status cannot be rejected.
879Documents with this approval status cannot be set to "In Progress ".
880Document requires approval before it can be invoiced.
881Documents with this approval status can only be changed partially.
882Document &1 has already been added to the preliminary billing document.
883Activate bus. funct. SD_BIL_PRELIMBILLINGDOC to create prelim. bill. docs
884Can't create a prelim. billing doc. for a partially billed preceding doc.
898Error in &1: Partner address data for function &2 inconsistent.
899Technical error in &1: Field &2
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