VHUAP - Nachrichten zur Packdialog-Applikationen (FGrp VHUDIAL)

The following messages are stored in message class VHUAP: Nachrichten zur Packdialog-Applikationen (FGrp VHUDIAL).
It is part of development package ISAUTO_VHU_PO in software component IS-A-HUM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ISAUTO_VHU_PO".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a material to be packed
001Sales order &1/&2 does not contain material &1
002Enter a sales order and the item number
003Enter a quantity to be packed
004Material is specified in order and cannot be changed
005Confirmation not possible
006Enter the confirmation number for the transacton
007No handling units can be confirmed
008Handling units confirmed
009Confirmation and goods receipt posted
010Goods receipt for handling units was posted successfully
011The packed quantity has already been confirmed
012&1 &2 were successfully confirmed
013Packing instruction &1 contains more than one material
014Material &1 is not contained in packing instruction &2
015There are no handling units, for which goods receipt can be posted
016It is only possible to change HUs that have not been GR posted
017More has been packed than allowed for the order
018Enter a delivery and the item number
019Enter a storage location
020The material to be packed is not contained in packing instruction &1
021Enter an issue storage location
022Enter an item number for the purchasing document
023Purchasing document &2/&3 does not contain material &1
024Delivery item &1 not found
025Delivery &1 not found
026No item found for delivery &1
027Sales order &1 not found
028No item found for sales order &1
029Sales order item &1 not found
030Purchasing document &1 not found
031No item found for purchasing document &1
032Purchasing document item &1 not found
033No shipping-specific data found for purchasing document item
034No scheduling agreement schedule line found for purchasing document item
035You do not have authorization to create handling units for plant &1
036You are not authorized to plan handling units for plant &1
037Tranaction is obsolete; use transactions COP2 or COP1 instead
038Data is missing for successful generation of HU
039Transaction obsolete! Use transaction MFP2 or MFP1
040Material of production order differs from material of sales order
152Reference &1 &2 &3 cannot be mapped - too many packed goods
200Select a schedule line, up to which you want to create HUs
201Select one header row (sales order, stock tr. order or delivery) only
202Select only HUs for one order item
203Select HUs with the status "GR posted"
204To assign HUs, select one header row only
205Select at least one HU
206HUs for which goods receipt has not been posted cannot be delivered
207Selected HUs are ignored when branching to packing
208References for handling units successfully changed
209GR posting only for HUs with the status "planned" or "realized"
210Select one delivery only for this function
211Selecte orders are ignored when adding to a delivery
212Selected deliveries are delivered when moving HUs
213Select just one of the four options
214Function only possible for HUs that are not in a delivery
215Select one header row (sales order, stock tr. order or delivery) only
216Not possible to delete HUs here
217Only HUs can be deleted
218You cannot select handling units that are in a delivery
219You cannot select handling units that are in a delivery
220Delivery/deliveries created
221Handling unit(s) successfully included in delivery &1
222The handling unit cannot be assigned to delivery &1
223Goods receipt posting only possible for HUs that are selected
224GR/Transfer postings only possible for HUs that are assigned to an object
225GR posting of HUs for production order only possible online
226Select exactly one header line (sales order, stock tr. order, delivery)
227Selected handling units are ignored by this function
228Handling unit(s) successfully assigned to selected order item
229No handling units found without reference to material &1
230Delivery handling units cannot be changed with this function
231HUs for which GR has been posted cannot be deleted
232Handling unit(s) already assigned to this order
233At least one HU cannot be assigned to the delivery
234Delivery not possible at present, as order is locked
235Processing of HUs impossible due to different references
236Selected HUs are locked
237No HUs Were Found
238Internal error occurred
239Storage location of HUs is not initial
240Storage location for transfer posting could not be determined
241Selection of storage loaction for transfer posting was canceled
242Select one entry only
243The HU quantity exceeds the quantity of the delivery item
244HUs do not belong to the same plant
245Stock transfer posting of HUs has been canceled
246No HUs have been marked to be changed
247For HUs from stock, goods receipt can only be posted in the background
248The issue storage location cannot be an HU-managed storage location
250Handling Unit &1 is reserved for a different delivery
251Reassigning HUs to different documents not possible here
252Delivery for HUs which are reserved for the delivery cannot be created
253Handling unit &1 is reserved for a delivery
254Dialog for change of reference has been canceled
255Creation of reference not permitted
256Complete the data of the sales order
257Complete the data of the delivery
258Creating delivery for HUs in open transfer order not possible
259Assigning HUs in open transfer order to delivery not possible
260HU confirmation is only possible for production order &1
261Complete the data for the purchasing document
262Delivery not possible at the moment; purchase order is blocked
263Storage location missing; automatic packing for stock t. order impossible
264Automatic packing for sales order impossible; storage location is missing
265Handling unit cannot be assigned to the delivery
266Handling unit(s) successfully added to delivery/deliveries
267You cannot select handling units that are part of a transport request
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