The following messages are stored in message class VIP_SRV_MSG: .
It is part of development package VEP_AL_VIP_COMMON_SRV in software component PLM-VEP-VIP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Visual Enterprise Planner - Common Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Material BOM &1 is locked by user &2
001Source Document: &1/&2/&3/&4
002Target BOM: &1/&2/&3/&4
003Source Document is not valid
004Source Document is valid
005Source Document explosion failed
006Source Document exploded
007Target MBOM is not valid
008Target MBOM validated
009Target MBOM exploded
010Target MBOM explosion failed
011Source Document explosion failed
012Application update failed
013Application update done
014Application simulation done
015DMU update failed
016DMU update done
017DMU simulation done
018Locked MBOMs unlocked
019Starting Visual Instance Planner
020Enter DIR Key
021Primary Match Seq &1 : Source Item &2 and Target Item &3
022Addtnl Match Seq &1 : Source Item &2 and Target Item &3
023Default Match Seq &1 : Source Item &2 and Target Item &3
024Change number &1 validated successfully
025Change number & does not exist
026Processing of this object not supported for change number &
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