VLA - General Output Class for Delivery
The following messages are stored in message class VLA: General Output Class for Delivery.
It is part of development package VLR in software component LE-SHP-GF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "WS-SHP: Delivery Reporting / Delivery Monitor".
It is part of development package VLR in software component LE-SHP-GF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "WS-SHP: Delivery Reporting / Delivery Monitor".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Entry & was not found in internal table & |
001 | Selection screen & does not exist |
002 | Return code & is not defined |
003 | Selection variant & does not exist |
004 | Specify the name of the variant |
005 | Position the cursor on a variant field |
006 | Variant & does not exist |
007 | Enter a variant (otherwise standard variant will be used) |
008 | No deliveries selected |
009 | Incorrect call mode for data selection |
010 | Select a line or position the cursor correctly |
011 | Report was started with user-specific variant & |
012 | Delivery list was refreshed |
013 | No change authorization for shipping point &1 |
014 | No display authorization for shipping point &1 |
015 | No further selected documents |
016 | No original document can be displayed for delivery & |
017 | No access authorization for customer master |
018 | No display authorization for material master |
019 | &1 successful and &2 incorrect goods movements |
020 | All selected deliveries already belong to a group in WM |
021 | Some selected deliveries already belong to a group in WM |
022 | Selected deliveries are assigned to different shipping points |
023 | Error during lock of selected deliveries |
024 | Group &1 with reference to WM saved |
025 | Group &1 saved |
026 | No group output was found (group &1) |
027 | Output update was not successful (group &1) |
028 | No authorization for creating transfer orders |
029 | WM-TO: &1 deliveries successful, &2 with errors, &3 not relevant |
030 | No item data exists |
031 | No group output selected |
032 | No output type selected |
033 | No authorization for output processing for shipping point &1 |
034 | Group type W cannot be used here |
035 | Deliveries cannot belong to a picking wave |
036 | No authorization for creating picking waves |
037 | Error during update of group |
038 | &1 pick/putaway order(s) confirmed successfully, &2 with errors |
039 | Only WM transfer orders can be displayed |
040 | No display authorization for transfer orders |
041 | Selected output was copied |
042 | Dimension & is not allowed |
043 | Items of each delivery were marked in color |
044 | No access authorization for supplier master |
045 | No address information available |
046 | SAP standard variants cannot be maintained |
047 | Selection by order item only with specification of pur. order number |
048 | No groups assigned to the selected deliveries |
049 | Follow-on functions will be processed in the background |
050 | Processing of follow-on functions only in foreground if errors occurred |
051 | Follow-on functions will be processed in the foreground |
052 | Sales doc. cat. of one of the deliveries does not match group type &1 |
053 | Choose an entry in the list |
054 | No entries found for the selection criteria you specified |
055 | Select at least one entry in the list |
056 | Specified date is later than the current date |
057 | No proof of delivery for delivery &. Therefore no differences |
058 | Goods issue has not taken place. Delivery & cannot be changed |
059 | Follow-up documents exist (check long text) |
060 | Selection with "Execute" or start F8 |
061 | Standard reason for differing quantities for proof of delivery missing |
062 | Adjust POD quantities and reasons to changed delivery quantity |
063 | Time frame for POD confirmation exceeded |
064 | Error in calculating POD confirmation time |
065 | Delivery &1 not assigned to recipient &2 |
066 | Degree of POD automation for inbound deliveries not configured |
067 | Split POD items cannot be processed here |
068 | &1 deliveries successfully processed, &2 with errors |
069 | &1 delivery(ies) distributed successfully, &2 with errors |
070 | Group &1 is not assigned to a group in WM |
071 | Storage location &1/&2 requires HUs; partial goods receipt not possible |
072 | None of the selected deliveries is assigned to a group in WM |
073 | WM/PP deliveries are not suitable for cross-delivery transfer orders |
074 | Enter residence time or creation date |
075 | No authorization for delivery archiving in shipping point &1 |
076 | Inbound delivery &1 is not deleted yet; Cancellation not possible |
077 | &1 delivery successfully processed |
078 | No Deliveries selected for up to the selected date |
079 | Delivery is not released for Warehouse Execution |
080 | Dec. WM / ext. EWM not supported for Adv. Shipping and Receiving delivery |
081 | Product compliance status is inconsistent |
082 | Serial numbers cannot be displayed. Quantity for item no. &1 is too big. |
083 | Delivery is not GTS compliant |
087 | Item &1 &2: SIT-settings for schedule lines not consistent! |
088 | Goods Mvmt will only be possible for integer quantity due to serial nos! |
089 | Item &1 &2: SIT-settings for delivery items not consistent! |
090 | The BAdI 'LE_SHP_MODIFY_HEAD' has been implemented incorrectly |
091 | The BAdI 'LE_SHP_MODIFY_ITEM' has been implemented incorrectly |
092 | The BAdI 'LE_SHP_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE' has been implemented incorrectly |
093 | No Inbound Delivery deletion after stock in transit VLPOD posting |
100 | &1 |
101 | Delivery is blocked by product marketability check |
102 | Delivery is blocked by dangerous goods check |
103 | Delivery is blocked by safety data sheet check |
104 | Packing is not supported for delivery split scenarios |
105 | Change of shipping condition is not allowed for TM-relevant delivery |
200 | *** Partial GR and cancellation *************************************** |
201 | Quantity to be posted exceeds the maximum quantity that can be posted |
202 | Delivery quantity may not be less than the GR posted quantity |
203 | Putaway quantity may not be less than the GR posted quantity |
204 | There is no item that can be processed in the inbound delivery |
205 | You must block the handling unit before posting the partial GR (&1 &2 &3) |
206 | You can only select material documents for inbound deliveries |
207 | No material documents to be cancelled were found |
208 | You cannot select inbound and outbound deliveries simultaneously |
209 | No material docs exist for the document; partial reversal not possible |
210 | You can only post goods receipt for the whole HU |
211 | Error updating the delivery |
301 | No suitable inbound delivery item found ( '&1' /'&2' ) |
302 | Unable to update inbound delivery since already distributed to dec.system |
303 | Inbound delivery is incomplete; use the inbound delivery dialog |
304 | Inbound delivery on hold; posting of goods receipt is not allowed |
305 | Inbound delivery: Item status not found |
306 | Inbound delivery: Item data not found |
307 | Putaway quantity cannot be less than GR posted quantity: &1/&2 |
308 | Qty to be posted is greater than maximum postable quantity: &1/&2 |
309 | Could not find inbound delivery movement type used |
310 | Purchase order reference item not found |
311 | Packing can only be updated via inbound delivery dialog |
312 | Item &1 is not relevant for goods receipt; increase quantity to &2 |
313 | Item &1 is incomplete; use the inbound delivery dialog |
314 | Inbound delivery item &1 is relevant for WM; use inbound delivery dialog |
315 | Item &1 requires serial numbers; use the inbound delivery dialog |
316 | Inbound delivery storage location cannot be changed to &1 here |
317 | Inbound delivery batch cannot be changed to &1 here |
318 | Inbound delivery valuation type cannot be changed to &1 here |
319 | Return delivery qty greater than previously GR-posted qty: &1/&2 |
320 | Inbound delivery qty cannot be less than previously GR-posted qty: &1/&2 |
321 | Movement type &1 cannot be used here |
322 | Delivery item & without PO reference; use inbound delivery dialog |
323 | Goods issue related goods receipt and EWM / dec. WM are incompatible |
500 | &1 |