VMC_DEPLOYMENT - Meldungen zur Installation von VMC Applikationen

The following messages are stored in message class VMC_DEPLOYMENT: Meldungen zur Installation von VMC Applikationen.
It is part of development package SVMCRT in software component BC-VMC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "VM Container Runtime".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001The database interface to install Java components is zero
002The name of the SCA to upload is not known; there is nothing to do
003Error while extracting the installable objects in archive &1
004File &1 could not be found; installation was canceled
005Error in deployment descriptor: attribute &1 not found
006Deployment descriptor: Data of category &1 is incomplete
007Parsing error while reading the deployment descriptor
008Type &1 is not known for an installable object
009Unknown error while processing a descriptor in archive &1
010An error while processing SCA &1 has occurred
011Error while processing archive component &1
012Installation of module &1 has failed (see Java log)
013Error while installing logical configuration &1 for application &2
014Transaction to upload configuration &1 for applicatio &2 not initialized
015Module &1 could not be installed
016Module &1 depends on module &2; module &2 is however not installed
017An error while uploading module &1 has occurred
018E/A error: Data for configuration &1 of application &2 not found
019An E/A error has occurred while reading file &1
020Unsolved runtime error in Java code
021Incompatible version: Object &1, component &2; manual installation only
022Internal error while calling the Java interface: &1 &2 &3 &4
023Archive &1 processed successfully
024You require a transport request to upload archive &1
025Object &1/&2 requires kernel patch &3, but system has patch &4
026Object &1/&2 requires Release &3, however Release &4 is installed
027No Java program objects have been installed
028Errors exist; check the log
029Internal error in the Java kernel; object &1 does not support clone()!
030Object &1/&2 requires at least one of the kernel releases &3
031At least one of required com.&1 for &2/&3 has incorrect version installed
032At least 1 of the required components &1 for &2/&3 is not installed
033Java exception &1: &2
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