VMP_MSG - VMP Message Manager
The following messages are stored in message class VMP_MSG: VMP Message Manager.
It is part of development package VEP_AL_COMMON in software component PLM-VEP-VMP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Visual Enterprise Planner Common Objects".
It is part of development package VEP_AL_COMMON in software component PLM-VEP-VMP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Visual Enterprise Planner Common Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter document number and document type |
001 | Document &1 does not exist |
002 | Originals not available for document &1 |
003 | File path does not exist |
004 | Only XML file supported |
005 | File check error |
006 | Error in XML file |
007 | Planning scope &1 does not exist |
008 | Planning scope for &1 alternative &3 is being processed by &2 |
009 | Unable to proceed further without an alternative |
010 | Error in retrieving planning scope alternatives |
011 | Valid planning scopes not found |
012 | Error during XML transformation |
013 | Error during working directory check |
014 | Error in HTTP response during monolithic file download |
015 | Error during monolithic file download |
016 | Error while getting registry value for SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Planner |
017 | Error while opening SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Planner |
018 | Error during download of XML file |
019 | "Valid From" date must be greater than current system date |
020 | GUID information &1 not found in system |
021 | Planning scope alternative can be checked in only by user &1 |
022 | No planning scope alternatives found |
023 | BOM Usage &1 does not exist. |
024 | Enter a change number |
025 | Change number &1 not found |
026 | Cannot create or change MBOM with change number &1 |
027 | Plant &1 is not defined; check your entry |
028 | Planning scope &1 has been saved |
029 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
030 | Error while loading MBOM |
031 | Document structure does not exist for document &1 |
032 | MBOM &1 not found in XML file |
033 | Transaction Cdesk is not available |
034 | Define base UOM for material &1 |
035 | Enter a valid plant |
036 | Material &2 is not linked to document &1 |
037 | Planning scope alternative &1 already updated |
038 | Target system &1 is not valid |
039 | Part file &1 does not have a material associated to it |
040 | No items selected for material BOM &1 |
041 | Enter a valid change number |
042 | Material BOM does not exist |
043 | Planned scope alternative &1 is a part file |
044 | Planning scope alternative &1 has been updated |
045 | Planning scope alternative &1 and its MBOMs are deleted |
046 | Planning scope alternative &1 has been deleted |
047 | Planning scope alternative &1 already exists |
048 | Planning scope alternative &1 does not contain valid assembly in document |
049 | GUID not created |
050 | Planning scope alternative &1 does not exist |
051 | No material assigned to the document &1 |
052 | Material &1 not associated with plant &2 |
053 | You are not authorized to create a planning scope alternative |
054 | You are not authorized to change a planning scope alternative |
055 | You are not authorized to display a planning scope alternative |
056 | You are not authorized to delete a planning scope alternative |
057 | Specify an XML file |
058 | Specify planning scope alternative |
059 | Enter all the required fields |
060 | Planning scope could not be saved |
061 | Select a valid alternative |
062 | RFC connection to system &1 failed |
063 | Invalid document &1/&2/&3/&4; enter a valid document |
064 | Invalid change number &1; enter a valid change number |
065 | Change number &1 validity should not be in the past |
066 | Successful Operation |
067 | Enter a valid material |
068 | Invalid input XML; enter a valid XML |
069 | Invalid input data; enter a valid data |
070 | Planning scope data inconsistency; check long text |
071 | Cannot delete top level MBOM |
072 | Please select a valid planning scope scenario |
073 | Material &1 is not a variant of material &2 |
074 | Planning scenario &1 is not active or invalid |
075 | Enter all the mandatory fields for planning scope alternative creation |
076 | Planning scope alternative(s) deleted |
077 | Enter a valid MBOM type |
078 | Invalid PSM Node &1; enter a valid PSM node |
079 | Simulation parameters do not match the parameters defined in the PSA date |
080 | Originals not available for material &1 |
081 | Material &1 is not associated with the PSM node &2 |
082 | Cannot delete PS for material &1 alternative &2; planned MBOMs exist |
083 | No active planning scenarios found |
084 | No product family node found for material |
085 | Planning scope alternative &2 for material &1 is saved |
086 | Planning scope alternative &2 for material &1 is deleted |
087 | No BOM alternative found for material & and usage & in plant & |
088 | Source material &1 is not configurable |
089 | Only a planning scope with source as document can be accessed in CDESK |
090 | Enter at least one search criteria |
091 | Select at least one BOM alternative |
092 | Selected MBOM(s) removed from planning scope alternative |
093 | At least one planning scenario must be active |
094 | Planning session for PSA &1 for material &2 could not be started |
095 | Enter all the mandatory fields |
096 | New MBOM can't be created; material exists in source or target panel |
097 | Unit of measure invalid or does not exist |
098 | Manufacturing Structure already exists |
099 | Multiple selections are not allowed to load MBOM |
100 | No manufacturing structure exists in working panel |
101 | Reload routing is not allowed |
102 | Data has not been changed since it was last saved |
103 | MBOM status &1 is invalid; enter a valid MBOM status |
104 | No geometry(RH) found for the document |
105 | ECN &1 not valid for routing |
106 | You are not authorized to carry out handover to manufacturing. |
107 | MBOM item quantity does not match with number of distinct instances (&1) |
108 | Change of status from &1 to &2 is not allowed |
109 | Enter a valid quantity |
110 | Planning scope alternative is being processed by user &1 |
111 | Enter a valid status |
112 | Multiple selections not allowed to extend EBOM to change record |
113 | Planning scope for material &1 synced for alternative &2 |
114 | Planning scope alternative saved; check the log |
115 | Planning scope alternative could not be saved; check the log |
116 | Simulation completed with errors; check the log |
117 | Simulation completed |
118 | Select a node to move from the planned panel |
119 | BOM for material &1 created with alternative &2 in plant &3 |
120 | BOM for material &1 updated with alternative &2 in plant &3 |
121 | Select a single node to update the quantity |
122 | PSM Node type should be "Access Level" |
123 | Drag and drop not possible; materials do not match |
124 | Node already exists in the working panel |
125 | Tasklist &1 for material &2 updated with counter &3 in plant &4 |
126 | Object dependency does not match source |
127 | No inconsistency found |
128 | No material associated with the document &1 |
129 | Action cannot be performed; assembly is locked |
130 | No Routing exists |
131 | Action cannot be performed; no structure found in working panel |
132 | Action cannot be performed; sub-assembly cannot be reassigned |
133 | Assembly is collapsed by default; see long text |
134 | Cannot load routing for phantom assembly nodes |
135 | BOM already has changes effective on date later than &1 |
136 | Non-configurable assembly cannot have configurable materials |
137 | PSM structure is incomplete or invalid |
138 | Non-visual qty of &1 for material &2 does not match source qty of &3 |
139 | BOM usage &1 not relevant to production |
140 | Select any row to launch VMP cockpit |
141 | Node is already available in the planned panel |
142 | Planning can be started only for alternatives with open status |
143 | Cannot deallocate component; it is already deallocated |
144 | No sub-assemblies found |
145 | Material &1 does not exist |
146 | No matching instances found in source panel |
147 | Action cannot be performed; inconsistent node(s) found |
148 | Select a single alternative |
149 | PSM material &1 does not match simulation material &2 |
150 | PSM explosion date &1 does not match simulation date &2 |
151 | PSM explosion date &1 is not between simulation dates &2 and &3 |
152 | PSM usage &1 does not match simulation usage &2 |
153 | PSM plant &1 does not match simulation plant &2 |
154 | ECN with parameter effectivity is not allowed for VMP |
155 | Action cannot be performed; material exists as visual assembly |
156 | Save to SAP ERP not allowed; working panel contains unsaved changes |
157 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2 doesn't exist in the system |
158 | Routing &1 with counter &2 is not valid for the change number &3 |
159 | Non-visual qty of &1 for material &2 doesn't match total source qty of &3 |
160 | Visual node with the material &1 found in &2 |
161 | Action cannot be performed; assembly header has same material |
162 | Planning scope data inconsistency; records will be updated in background |
163 | No visuals found |
164 | Invalid access information for the product structure |
165 | Select only one assembly node to plan as designed |
166 | No authorization to delete planned BOMs |
167 | Change number not valid for mbom alternative &1 |
168 | Selection restricted to 200 hits |
169 | Planning scope alternative with status 'In process' cannot be deleted |
170 | Action cannot be performed; node already exists in the working panel |
171 | Cannot move an assembly with its subassemblies together |
172 | Item has initial quantity |
173 | Variant &1 created |
174 | Variant &1 updated |
175 | Planned panel already has MBOM and will be reused |
176 | Planned panel component(s) are converted to MBOM(s) |
177 | 'Plan as Designed' not allowed; working panel contains unsaved changes |
178 | Visual component(s) cannot be moved under a non-visual MBOM |
179 | Action cannot be performed |
180 | Node(s) cannot be planned |
181 | Material extended to plant &1 |
182 | Material has already been extended to plant &1 |
183 | Simulation cannot be performed; select sequence node to perform action |
184 | MBOM item reordering between operations not allowed |
185 | BOM usage &1 not relevant to engineering |
186 | VWI document &1/&2/&3/&4 created |
187 | Engineering assembly is collapsed by default |
188 | Action cannot be performed; node type is invalid |
189 | MBOM instance reordering from item node not allowed |
190 | Insufficient number of nodes to carry out simulation |
191 | Non-visual node already consumed |
192 | Enter a storage category |
193 | Activity has no reference point assigned |
194 | BOM for material &1 created with alternative &2 |
195 | Choose .rh file from file system path to create document |
196 | Routing &1 with counter &2 can only be changed with a change number |
197 | Invalid product variant; no material assigned |
198 | No BOM will be created for material &1 |
199 | Multiple activities in a network cannot share the same "Reference Point" |
200 | Activity is completed; no assignment possible |
201 | Planning scope alternatives exist for material &1 |
202 | Simulation not possible in this scenario |
203 | VWI document &1/&2/&3/&4 updated |
204 | Insufficient number of nodes to do export VWI |
205 | Object dependency(s) already exist |
206 | Reordering not possible for instance nodes under an MBOM item |
207 | No component allocation exists; simulation not possible |
208 | Maintain Customizing for visual work instruction; see long text |
209 | BOM for material &1 updated with alternative &2 |
210 | Find instance is not possible at root node |
211 | Activity is technically completed; no assignment possible |
212 | Enter a change number for planning scope alternative &1 |
213 | Enter a valid PSM Explosion date for planning scope alternative &1 |
214 | Invalid date interval |
215 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2 is not valid on &3 |
216 | No nodes available for automatic component allocation |
217 | Multiple selection not allowed |
218 | Source EBOM is not valid |
219 | Action cannot be performed for component under reference operation |
220 | Action cannot be performed; cannot select parent and it's child together |
221 | Source material &1 is configurable |
222 | Action cannot be performed; manufacturing structure is resolved |
223 | No nodes available for update |
224 | No assembly nodes available to resolve |
225 | WBS Element &1 is not valid |
226 | Cannot create non-visual component; material &1 locked in planned panel |
227 | Automatic allocation not possible; see long text |
228 | Configurable material under a non-configurable assembely is not allowed |
229 | No active Configuration found for material &1 |
230 | Node(s) cannot be moved further |
231 | Select a single text item for update |
232 | No valid BOM component(s) found for filter criteria |
233 | Structure is not configurable; object dependencies are not allowed |
234 | Structure is not configurable; copy instance is not allowed |
235 | New instance can't be created; MBOM for material exists in target panel |
236 | Explosion Date &1 copied from simulation |
237 | Top level assembly cannot be made as a component |
238 | Invalid Sales Order &1 &2; enter a valid Sales Order |
239 | Invalid Production Order &1 &2; enter a valid Production Order |
240 | Material &1 not configured |
241 | Sales Order &1 &2 not configured |
242 | Production Order &1 &2 not configured |
243 | Cannot maintain global object dependency for the selected nodes |
244 | Work instruction file does not exist in the document |
245 | Error while checkin of XML additional file |
246 | No configuration details found for the order |
247 | Object dependency values are being repeated |
248 | Select atleast one valid node |
249 | Action cannot be performed; Node(s) is not expanded |
250 | Select only one node |
251 | Invalid object dependency value(s) |
252 | Selected nodes cannot be grouped |
253 | Nodes have parent child relationship |
254 | Component allocation does not exist |
255 | No nodes available for grouping |
256 | MBOM Item number of selected items will be changed |
257 | No active configuration found for material &1 |
258 | EBOM is not in scope for Change Record |
259 | You cannot accept conflicts for the selected node(s) |
260 | Material for linked item does not match |
261 | Linked Item deleted from source |
262 | File(s) exported successfully |
263 | Material BOM is not versioned |
264 | Planning scope &1 tied with Change Record ID &2 |
265 | Selected Engineering BOM is already part of Change Record |
266 | No Sales Order is linked to document &1 |
267 | Previous version of document &1 does not exist |
268 | Document &1/&2/&3/&4 updated |
269 | No geometry loaded for the material &1 |
270 | Engineering comparison for material &1 already performed |
271 | Document &1/&2/&3/&4 created |
272 | Drag and drop over an MBOM item is not possible |
273 | No engineering changes found on document version comparison |
274 | VSM launch not possible; planning scope has MBOM(s) in draft state |
275 | Item has been added in the current engineering version of the visual |
276 | Item has been deleted in the current engineering version of the visual |
277 | Item's metadata has been updated in the current engineering version |
278 | No items selected for Order BOM &1 |
279 | Load EBOM is not possible; EBOM version status is 'InProcess' |
280 | Maintain Customizing for Engineering to Order process;see long text |
281 | Document version of the current and previous document is same |
282 | BOM for material &1 created with sales order &2 item &3 in plant &4 |
283 | BOM for material &1 created with sales order &2 item &3 |
284 | BOM for material &1 updated with sales order &2 item &3 in plant &4 |
285 | BOM for material &1 updated with sales order &2 item &3 |
286 | BOM for material &1 created with alternative &2 version &4 in plant &3 |
287 | BOM for material &1 updated with alternative &2 version &4 in plant &3 |
288 | BOM for material &1 created with alternative &2 version &4 |
289 | BOM for material &1 updated with alternative &2 version &4 |
290 | Drag and drop not possible; collapsed assembly does not have visual files |
291 | Quantity change of conflicted item(replaced material) is not possible |
292 | Versioned BOM for &1 does not exist |
293 | Versioned BOM(s) exist for &1 |
294 | Non versioned BOM(s) exist for &1 |
295 | Non versioned BOM for &1 does not exist |
296 | System could not determine the BOM usage for manufacturing; see long text |
297 | You are not authorized to access Bill of Material information |
298 | You are not authorized to access Work Breakdown Structure BOM |
299 | You are not authorized to change Bill of Material information |
300 | You are not authorized to access Change Master information |
301 | You are not authorized to change Material Master |
302 | You are not authorized to access Routing information |
303 | You are not authorized to access table information |
304 | BOM for materials does not exist for Change Number &1 |
305 | Multiple alternatives selected for material &1 |
306 | BOM &1 has been linked with Document &2 |
307 | Usage &1 does not support handover of Versioned BOMs |
308 | BOM Usage is mandatory |
309 | Source validity is mandatory |
310 | BOM for material &1 released with alternative &2 version &3 |
311 | You cannot mark the selected BOMs for release |
312 | BOM is marked for release |
313 | You cannot edit visual instances. |
314 | Select a single node to copy BOM item |
315 | Selected Node is already present in working panel |
316 | Enter a valid MBOM Usage. |
317 | Assembly is consumed in related planning scope,load as context possible |
318 | Item &1 is already planned in related planning scope. |
319 | No context BOM found for material & and usage & in plant & |
320 | Edit of Shop Floor Routing not allowed for released status |
321 | Document &1 for material &2 created |
322 | Document &1 for material &2 updated |
323 | Multiple node selection not allowed for Reconciliation report |
324 | Define document type and application in BOM-specific Customizing activity |
325 | Maintain different document type in BOM-specific Customizing activity |
326 | Cannot display routing nodes; routing version is in released status |
327 | You cannot perform this action as the BOM has viewables. |
328 | Versioned usage is not allowed for &1. |
329 | &1 is mandatory. |
330 | Resolve phantom for component allocation |
331 | Component allocation not possible for phantom items |
332 | Deletion of phantom items not possible in resolve phantom mode |
333 | Enter a material. |
334 | Manufacturing substitute is assigned. |
335 | Cannot assign manufacturing substitute |
336 | Cannot modify quantity of manufacturing substitute |
337 | Cannot load BOM; BOM or text item already exists in Target panel |
338 | BOM is already loaded. |
339 | Cannot create planning scope with production BOM as source structure |
340 | Cannot save planning scope with phantom assembly in shop floor BOM |
341 | Cannot move phantom assembly to shop floor BOM |
342 | Expand the phantom assembly. |
343 | Planning phantom assemply for shop floor BOM not possible |
344 | Load not possible; shop floor BOM contains phantom assembly |
345 | Material &1 cannot be assigned as a manufacturing substitute |
346 | You cannot create Planning Versioned BOM for Source Date effective BOM. |
347 | Item cannot be added; unitized BOM supports only unitized phantom item |
348 | Cannot create manufacturing substitute with phantom as material |
349 | Cannot create non-visual component with phantom as material |
350 | No valid BOMs found for the material |
351 | Usage is mandatory. |
352 | Manufacturing substitute is assigned; component cannot be marked phantom |
353 | You cannot create Planning Versioned BOM for Non Unitized Material |
354 | No Bill of Material is selected from the list |
355 | Deleted target BOM(s) has been removed from planning scope |
356 | BOM for Material &1, Plant &2, Alternative &3, Version &4 is obsolete. |
357 | Assignment of Reference Designator is allowed only for visual components |
358 | Reference Designator '&1' already assigned to &2 |
359 | Assign Reference Designator to all instances of '&1' |
360 | BOM item &1 is marked as non-phantom assembly |
361 | BOM item &1 is marked as phantom assembly |
362 | Reference Designator '&1' already assigned to &2 in Assembly &3 |
363 | No matching instances found in target panel |
364 | Save isn't allowed; instead choose 'Save and Exit Planning� button. |
365 | Reference Designator '&1' is already assigned to the instance of &2 |
366 | Reference Designator '&1' already assigned to instance of &2 in BOM &3 |
367 | BOM item &1 can only be moved under the BOM having material &2. |
368 | Component cannot be moved; it belongs to different source hierarchy |
369 | Can't create planning scope with disassembly template as source structure |
370 | Planning scope alternative &2 for material &1 is created |
371 | Cannot load MBOMs for components with negative quantity in target panel. |
372 | You're not allowed to maintain a negative quantity for assembly nodes. |
373 | Cannot collapse the assembly as it's already planned in another assembly. |
374 | Planning scope is already planned with a new snapshot revision. |
375 | Cannot move components with negative quantity in the empty working panel. |
376 | You cannot save as source and target hierarchy structures do not match. |
377 | Routing profile allows only one MBOM assignment |
378 | Planning scope contains 3D and PMI changes, save planning before you exit |
379 | Can't perform action as reference designator already maintained in source |
380 | Source and target hierarchy for the component &1 do not match. |
381 | BOM item &1 should be within the assembly of &2. |
382 | Error occurred due to arithmetic overflow exception. |
383 | Cannot load BOM; Material already exists in the target panel |
384 | Document version of the previous is greater than current version |
385 | The BOM item is partially planned |
386 | You cannot unmark the selected BOMs for release. |
387 | Enter valid quantity and unit of measure |
388 | Enter text in Line 1 |
389 | Primary attributes of the component do not match |
390 | Select a single node to edit the attribute details |
391 | There are no discrepancies. |
392 | Attribute discrepancy found between the source and target BOM item. |
393 | Procurement type 50 not allowed for Executable BOM |
394 | Duplicate file name &1 found in DIR &2. |
395 | Purchasing group and material group are mandatory for non-stock item. |
396 | Allows you to edit untized material with parameter effectivity. |
397 | Unable to show Reconciliation due to node marked as Phantom. |
398 | No Manufacturing Reference Structure details found. |
399 | MRS discrepancy found between the source and target BOM item. |
400 | Parameter effectivity is mandatory. |
401 | Kindly check manufacturing reference structure details. |
402 | Unable to save, manufacturing structure isn't component of planning scope |
403 | Cannot display BOM item details for root nodes. |
404 | Reordering is only possible when BOM exists with items. |