VTBAPI - Output for Shipment Processing BAPIs

The following messages are stored in message class VTBAPI: Output for Shipment Processing BAPIs.
It is part of development package VTRK in software component LE-TRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Shipping communication (delivery/transport)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You can only distribute shipments for one recipient
002No shipments found with the given selection criteria
003Starting distribution of shipment &1
004Delivery & has not yet been distributed
005Delivery & was distributed
010Transportation planning point could not be determined (delivery missing)
011Transportation planning point could not be determined (TART missing)
012Transportation planning point could not be determined (unsuccessful)
013Parameter 'headerdeadline-time_type' (logical time) is blank
014Parameter 'headerdeadline-time_type' - & - is invalid
050Shipment & could not be changed by the BAPI
099Program error at &1 &2 &3 &4
100Conversion of ISO to SAP failed for shipment header &
101Conversion from ISO to SAP failed for stage &
102Conversion from ISO to SAP failed for address &
103Conversion from ISO to SAP failed for HU header &
104Conversion from ISO to SAP failed for HU item &
200Action table and data table have different numbers of entries (&)
201Actions for unit and ISO unit are different (&1, &2, &3)
202Required input field & for shipment must not be changed
203Field &1 of the address entry &2 cannot be changed using the BAPI
204Field &1 of the HU header entry &2 cannot be changed using the BAPI
205Field &1 of HU item entry &2 cannot be changed using the BAPI
206Shipment cannot be added using the Change-BAPI (incorrect action field &)
207Shipment has already been planned. No changes possible
208Duplicate entries for the dates/times in the shipment header
209Time category & is not permitted for shipment header dates/times
210You can only set, not add, shipment header dates/times (line &)
211Line & of the shipment header date/time actions is inconsistent
212Time zone is empty in line & for the shipment header dates/times
213Line & of the shipment item actions is inconsistent
214Delivery &1 is not contained in shipment (&2)
215Delivery & already assigned to the shipment
216You cannot add stage dates/times, you can only set them (line &)
217Time category & is not permitted for stage dates/times
218Duplicate entries for dates/times of stages
219Reference number of the stage dates/times larger than # stages (line &)
220Time zone is empty in line & of the stage dates/times
221Line & of the stage date/time actions is inconsistent
222Line & of the delivery assignment to stages is inconsistent
223Changes are not permitted for delivery assignments. Only 'A'/'D' (line &)
224Ref. number of the delivery assignment is larger than # stages (line &)
225Assignment of delivery & is not possible (delivery does not exist)
226Actions for stage identification are inconsistent (line &)
227Stage identification in line & is incorrect (only two values allowed)
228Stage not found by identification in line &1 (&2)
229You cannot add a stage as it is already contained in shipment (line &)
230Address to delete & is not in the shipment
231Address to change & is not in the shipment
232Address to add &1 already exists in the stage (line &2)
233Stage (line &2) of address to add &1 cannot be changed
234Stage (line &2) of address to change &1 cannot be changed
235The HU & to delete is not assigned to the shipment
236The HU & to change is not assigned to the shipment
237The HU item to delete (delivery) & is not assigned to the shipment
238The HU item to change (delivery) & is not assigned to the shipment
239The HU item to add &1 has no changeable HU &2
240The HU item to delete (delivery) &1 has no HU &2
241The HU item to change (delivery) &1 has no HU &2
242No data for changes to the shipment
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