V_OPS_SE_SLS - Proxy Messages for SalesOrder Services

The following messages are stored in message class V_OPS_SE_SLS: Proxy Messages for SalesOrder Services.
It is part of development package OPS_SE_SLS_XI_PROXY in software component SD-SLS-ES. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web Service Proxies Sales".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Fill all mandatory fields
001Importing parameter &1 value: &2 does not exist. Please check input.
002Fill mandatory field &1
003Input parameter &1 is not supported. Please check input.
004Importing parameter &1: Makes input of field &2 mandatory
005Fill at least one import parameter!
006Error while executing implementation for BAdI definition &1
007The ISO languageCode cannot be determined for the language &1
008The ISO currencyCode cannot be determined for the currency &1
010The ISO countryCode cannot be determined for the country &1
020Upper Boundary is less than the Lower Boundary in the selection criteria.
021Error occured while converting from ESA-Service intervals to ABAP ranges.
022&1 must be the same for every &2 node instance.
023&1 must be the same for every &2 node instance in the same &3 node.
024The allowed value for &1 is &2.
025No results were found
026Cannot convert unit &1 to ISO unit code in Sales Order &2 item &3.
027Cannot convert currency &1 to ISO code in Sales Order &2.
028Cannot convert currency &1 to ISO code in Sales Order &2 item &3.
029&1 must be an integer between 0 and 99.
030Field &1 must be filled, if &2 is filled.
031Cannot convert unit code &1 to ISO unit code in Sales Order &2 item &3.
032UpperBoundary is less than the LowerBoundary in selection criteria &1
033Error occurred while converting ESA-Service intervals: &1
034Error occurred during output mapping
040The allowed values for &1 are &2, &3, &4.
100Invalid ActionCode &1 when processing &2
101Object &1 Key &2 &3 to be deleted does not exist
102Object &1 Key &2 &3 to be created exists already
103Object &1 Key &2 &3 to be changed does not exist
104ActionCode &1 for depending object &2 not allowed when creating items
105SalesDocument &1 is not a SalesOrder and cannot be processed
106Field &1 contains invalid value &2
107Error during coversion of field &1 content &2
108Contents of the fields &1 : &2 and &3 : &4 differ
109The ISO UnitCode cannot be determined for unit &1
110Content of field &1 is not definite
111System determines the content of field &1 automatically
112SchemeAgencyID-code &1 / only '9' is supported for ProductStandardID
113ValueGroup is not definite for ConfigurationPropertyValuation &1
114CustomerQuote &1 is not a CustomerQuote Document and cannot be processed
115No LORD handle found for &1 &2 &3 &4
116ChangeStateID &1 differs from the Database ChangeStateID
117ChangeStateID required for Update-Processing
118No authorization for displaying document type &1
119No authorization for displaying sales documents in &1 &2 &3
120Header level and item level reference document must not be same
121&1 must not be passed where item level reference document is mentioned
122SalesDocument &1 is not a CustomerReturn and cannot be processed
123Error during creation of a handle/GUID 32
124Item level BTD reference requires Business Function LOG_SD_SIMP_02
151Order &1 is &2.
152Sales Order &1 read from the archive
200*********** Messages for SalesOrderQuantityReduction
201ProcessingResultcode: unsupported value &1 (valid are '3', '4', '5')
202Conversion Error for field &1, value &2
203Quantity Reduction Notification canceled for Sales Order &1
210This service requires Business Function &1.
211Functional limitations may occur. Business Function &1 recommended.
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