W0 - Customizing - ISR

The following messages are stored in message class W0: Customizing - ISR.
It is part of development package WCA3 in software component LO-RFM-PUR-AL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-R: Allocation table (Customizing)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Combination material class type/ material class not found
001Combination plant class type / plant group not found
002Material group not found
003Plant group not found
004Either 'Assign MG to VO-mat.'or 'Exceptions possible"
005Maintain material group hierarchy level
006The MG hierarchy level field cannot be maintained
007ID: 1, value-only material already exists
008Deletion of reference store of store distr. chain not allowed
009Store distribution chain (category 1) not maintained
010Ref. store for store distrib. chain is not a store in this dist. chain
011Ref. store for store distr. chain same as ref. plant for plant category
012Condition type &3 does not exist for application &2
013Maintain only one valuation category as a standard retail val. category
014Ref. plant for store in distr. chain contains errors (diff. mat. data)
015ID must be set to 1 (value-only material) for one material type
016ID empties must be set for at least one material type
017A reference store exists globally for this store distribution chain
018Only one key figure category can be maintained as a default
019One key figure category must be maintained as a default
020Only one table can be maintained for every key figure category
021No materials assigned to layout module &
022A reference plant already exists for stores
023The same reference plant already exists for stores
024The standard field can only be filled with 'X' once for every message
025Record cannot be deleted
026Table WEST is inconsistent
027Table may only be maintained for purchasing document category F
028Wrong plant class type
029Object category and user ID must be maintained together
030Subsequent procedure & not yet assigned to message - deletion not allowed
031Promotion determination can only be maintained for screen sequence 'AA'
032For application & object & of class type & is not allowed
033Price list and document currency fields: either both empty or populated
034Value of Round off field must be between 0 and 100
035Warehouse no. & for plant & already assigned to different plant
036Error setting control indicator
037"Value-only mat. freely definable" cannot be set
038Indicators set only allowed for customer profiles
039Time slots overlap (start & end &)
040Max. of one time period of 1st day can contain day change
041Maintain the currency field
042Only currency field can be maintained for restriction 01
043Maintain the weigth unit field
044Only the weight unit field can be maintained for restriction 02 and 05
045Please maintain the volume unit field
046Only the volume unit field can be maintained for restriction 03
047Please maintain the base unit of measure field
048Only the base unit of measure field can be maintained for restriction 04
049Maintain the restriction value and currency fields
050Only maintain the restriction value and currency fields
051Please maintain the restriction weight and weight unit fields
052Only maintain the weight restriction and weight unit fields
053Maintain the volume restriction and volume unit fields
054Only maintain volume restrictions and volume unit fields
055Maintain the quantity restriction and base unit of measure fields
056Only maintain the quantity restriction and base unit of measure fields
057Industry & not allowed
058Material already created with industry &, industry cannot be changed
059No time period of 2nd day can contain a day change
060If time period number > as previous, interval must be >
061Maintain at least one time period for first day
062When time slot > as previous, start/end period must also be >
063Select either 'Rounding off allowed' or 'Order qty one'
064Combination of class type/class does not exist
065Internal class number not found
066Timeslot & already exists for timeslot group &
067After start of new day, only enter timeslots for day 2
068Enter timeslots in day 2 from start without any gaps
069Maintain an entry for picking wave profile
070Field content of &1 &2 &3 must be unique
071Field content of &1 &2 &3 must be unique
072Consecutive number must start with 1 and be in sequence (per tmslt group)
073Condition record &1 is supplementary condition without access sequence
074Maintain entry for description
075Period pattern must begin at 00:00:00
076Period pattern must end at 23:59:59
077Do not maintain the application and calculation schema fields
078Maintain the application and calculation schema fields
079Description &1 replaced by description &2
080Description &1 adopted
081Maintain the "Function module description" field
082Do not maintain the "Function module description" field
083Select one setting schema as standard
084Select one country/region as a default value
085Make an entry in all three fields for pur. doc. item cat.
086Make an entry in all three fields for pur. doc. item cat. or none at all
087Select one sales document type as the default
088Maintain at least one product display
089Maintain at least one search criterion
090Condition type determ. and condition record determ. fields set to space
091Condition type and promo. condition type fields set to space
092Currency proposal fields set to space
093Maintain at least one payment type
094Select one key in select box as the default
095Enter a payer for the payer for the payment type "Cash on delivery"
096Payer entered, but "cash on delivery" indicator is not set
097Customer '&' does not exist in local system
098Set at least one indicator for generic material prices
099Enter a value larger than 0
100RFC destination set but function module is empty
101User exit module is empty, but additional search criteria are set
102Due to RFC problem '&1' at '&2', certain checks are not possible
103Enter a profile for quotation and order control
104Enter a profile for customer administration
105Mark one country/region schema as standard
106Enter a warehouse number
107Enter a materials staging area
108Do not maintain the flag for staging area determination at item level
109Do not maintain any fields in the selection values for sales data box
110Maintain all fields in the selection values for sales data box
111Do not maintain any field in the selection values for stock data box
112Maintain all fields in the selection values for stock data box
113Set w/o unit flag for all units of group & or not at all
114List field & cannot be entered in combination with SP calc. schema
115Application & cannot be entered
116Search criteria for long text only allowed if user exit used
117Please use implementation guide for implementation
118Do not use this IMG structure any more
119Enter a one-time customer number
120One-time customer is maintained, but ID allowing 1x customers not set
121Customer '&' does not exist in local system
122& is not a valid entry
123Maintain a card type for payment type "credit card with SET"
124Payment card type is entered, but "Credit card with SET" flag not set
125Sequence & already exists. No double entries allowed
126Credit card type & cannot be entered
127Maintain a maximum allowed requested delivery time in days
128Max.requested del. time is maintained, but "Enter req. del. date" not set
129The sum of the 3 fields for coupon discount must equal 100
130Coupon share and condition type: maintain both or leave both blank
131Maintain coupon share and condition type, as account key entered
132Maintain coupon share and condition type, as affecting margins
133Maintain no. of days for double document analysis
134Old reference plant cannot be changed
135Number range & already exists. This cannot be used twice
136Number range interval & already maintained for layout
137Number range already used for layout maintenance
138Own logical system cannot be used as the original system
139Layout number range '&' does not exist
140Layout number range '&' is not external
141Layout number range is not numerical
142Customer & is not a CPD customer
143"Allow one-time customers" is set but "W/o registration" is not
144Maximum requested delivery date is shorter than lead time (&1 days)
145Enter a numeric value
146No dependent table entries being deleted
147Maintain the "Use order number" indicator
148Number range '&' does not exist
149Table & does not exist for this value combination
150Fill all required entry fields
151Select the indicator for reading the purchase price
152Closing rule was entered. Percentage may not equal zero.
153Error in maintaining the default reason
154Automatic POD field wrongly maintained
155External number range '&' does not exist
156Internal number range '&' does not exist
157Entry is incorrect (see long text)
158Entry & is not permitted for the field name
159Do not set the indicator "Do not prepare material"
160Do not set the indicator "Do not prepare follow-on material"
161Site &1 is no &2; select a site with the correct site type
162Suggested currency &1 is not allowed for list field &2
163Enter a splitting type (break down in components yes/no)
164Enter a sales organization or remove the distribution channel
165Enter a distribution channel or remove the sales organization
166An error occurred when the data for site &1 was being read
167Entries for material type &1 not possible
168Enter a permitted material type
169Enter a currency
170Do not delete this record
171Maintain at most one of the three update indicators
172Maintain at most one of the three update indicators
173No data available
174You cannot maintain the direct entry indicator
175The direct entry indicator must be set for document type &1
176Technical SAP Customizing, a change is a modification
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