WAB - Additional Messages Settlement Management
The following messages are stored in message class WAB: Additional Messages Settlement Management.
It is part of development package WZRE in software component LO-AB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Settlement Management: (Main Package)".
It is part of development package WZRE in software component LO-AB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Settlement Management: (Main Package)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Settlement blocks not relevant for settlement procedure & & |
002 | Direct settlement not possible with settlement procedure & & |
003 | Direct settlement using settlement document only for one side |
004 | Settlement process category & not allowed with settlement partner & |
005 | Settlement doc list recipient and settlement partner must be identical |
006 | Price determination and settlement partner category do not match |
007 | No supplier-side settlement allowed with settlement partner category & |
008 | No invoicing party allowed for settlement partner & |
009 | No payment recipient allowed for settlement partner & |
010 | No customer-side settlement allowed with settlement partner category & |
011 | No bill-to-party allowed for settlement partner & |
012 | No payer allowed for settlement partner & |
013 | Maintain settlement document type for supplier settlement |
014 | Maintain settlement document type for customer settlement |
015 | Settlement block item only if settlement at item level |
016 | No & selected |
017 | Report &1 was terminated after &2 &3 (see list log) |
018 | & & processed with & documents |
019 | Errors occurred (& & with & documents were processed) |
020 | Cross-company-code operations not together with settlement partner |
021 | Internal error: BAdI implementation for filter & missing |
022 | Text for error message &1 &2 not found in language &3 |
023 | Posting with posting rule &1(&2): sales posting &3, condition posting &4 |
024 | Special G/L indicator - sales posting &1 (&2/&3) |
025 | Special G/L indicator - condition posting &1 (&2/&3) |
026 | Posting with settlement category & (&) |
027 | Only conditions are posted |
028 | Sales posting procedure &1 (&2), post taxes: &3 |
029 | Settlement partner & not allowed for settlement category & (only D and F) |
030 | Settlement partner category & only with price determination Supplier-Side |
031 | Settlement partner & only with settlement doc. list recipient supplier |
032 | Pro forma documents are not relevant for account assignment analysis |
033 | Deactivating tax code for settlement document type & not allowed |
034 | Change of application status for document type &1 &2 not supported |
035 | Canceled by user |
036 | Supplier &1 cat. &2 transferred but forbidden for settl. doc. type &3 |
037 | Customer &1 cat. &2 transferred but forbidden for settl. doc. type &3 |
038 | Settlement doc. type & disallowed entry via ID object, invoicing party & |
039 | Settlement doc. type & did not allow entry via ID object, bill-to-party & |
040 | Cross-Company-Code Transactions Not Supported |
041 | Settlement document type &1 for settlement process type &2 not allowed |
042 | Settlement document type & only allowed for cancellation documents |
043 | Sales area data not intended for settlement partner &1 |
044 | Purchasing organization data not intended for settlement partner &1 |
045 | "All Org. Data" only possible with settlement partner <> "Standard" |
046 | Message log &1 was saved |
047 | No reconciliation account found in schema &1 |
048 | For document splits, only one FI doc type may use external no. assignment |
049 | Settlement block &1 does not exist |
050 | Report & terminated (see log) |
051 | Errors occurred. Check log |
052 | Item cancellation only allowed with settlement at item level |
053 | Item cancellation only possible with Settlement using Follow-On Documents |
054 | Distribution not possible. BAdI WLF_DISTRIBUTION not implemented |
055 | Main items are not active for settlement document type &1 |
056 | Main item &1 does not exist in document &2 |
057 | Distribution items can only be deleted by way of the original item |
058 | Distribution items cannot be copied |
059 | Item &1 does not have any subitems |
060 | Item &1 was already distributed |
061 | Item &1 is not relevant for the distribution |
062 | The distribution in document &1 is incomplete |
063 | Document &1 is incomplete. See log |
064 | Main item &1 for item &2 is not relevant for the distribution |
065 | You cannot copy subitem &1 without main item &2 |
066 | Not all items of source document &1 were cancelled |
067 | Item &1 (document &2) was already cancelled |
068 | External number assignment not implemented (number range &1 &2) |
069 | No external number assigned (number range &1 &2 is external) |
070 | Distribution for item &1 is consistent |
071 | Item &1 has not been distributed |
072 | Direct settlement with single docs only possible with settl proc cat. &1 |
073 | Settlement procedure &1 requires customer settlement |
074 | Settlement procedure &1 requires supplier settlement |
075 | Settlement procedure &1 not allowed with settlement process category &2 |
076 | Direct settlement with single document only for condition level &1 |
077 | Doc. &1 has pro forma settlement category; no subs. processing required |
078 | Sales posting procedure material inventory account |
079 | Maintain the account determination procedure for SD account assignment |
080 | Unknown order &1 |
081 | Posting of subsequent settlement |
082 | Posting for settlement category &1 (&2) |
083 | First two digits of VAT ID &1 are not a country/region key |
084 | VAT ID for supplier &1 missing (required when foreign EU-based) |
085 | Change of organizational data only for documents with logistics data |
086 | Sales org. &1 has different company code (&2) from document (&3) |
087 | VAT ID for customer &1 missing (required when foreign EU-based) |
088 | Tax departure country/region &1 does not exist |
089 | Tax destination country/region &1 does not exist |
090 | The supplying country/region &1 does not exist |
091 | &1 (&2) &3 is not a valid date |
092 | No account assigned for net posting of cash discount |
093 | Internal error during cash management update |
094 | Unit of measure missing in item &1 for material &2 with quantity &3 |
095 | VAT ID for supplier &1 does not match tax departure country/region &2 |
096 | VAT ID for customer &1 does not match tax destination country/region &2 |
097 | Purchasing org. &1 has different company code (&2) from document (&3) |
098 | No alternative creditor allowed for settlement partner & |
099 | Payment Recipient &1 <> Invoicing Party &2 |
100 | Alternative Creditor &1 <> Invoicing Party &2 |
101 | Local crcy &1 co. code customer &2 <> Local crcy &3 co. code supplier &4 |
102 | No errors during check run of profit center recompilation for document &1 |
103 | A profit center document &1 for document &2 already exists |
104 | Own CO data for customer only for two-sided settlement |
105 | Own cost center for customer not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
106 | Own profit center for customer not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
107 | Own order number for customer not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
108 | Own WBS element for customer not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
109 | CO-PA document &1 already exists for document &2 |
110 | CO-PA recompilation for document &1 successful |
111 | No errors in check run for CO-PA recompilation for document &1 |
112 | Profit center recompilation for document &1 successful |
113 | Customer's own business area not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
114 | CO-PA trace only possible for a maximum of 500 documents |
115 | Cancellation of cancellation cannot be canceled again |
116 | Partial cancellation of cancellation not allowed for cancellation |
117 | Partner cancellation of cancellation not allowed for cancellation |
118 | Posting type 6 (to clearing account with tax) is not allowed &1 |
119 | Completing customer settlements from two-sided documents is not allowed |
120 | Completing supplier settlements from two-sided documents is not allowed |
121 | Preceding document &1 of item &2 already processed further |
122 | Item &1 preceding document &2 of item &3 already processed further |
123 | Cancellation of cancellation not possible: Original doc. &1 cancelled |
124 | Unknown barcode category &1 |
125 | Error during barcode check for barcode category &1 |
126 | Barcode &1 does not have correct format for barcode category &2 |
127 | Process category &1 unknown |
128 | No process categories were submitted |
129 | You cannot enter bank data for this document |
130 | IBAN &1 was identified for the bank details; please check |
131 | Parameters for collection not permitted with settlement procedure &1 |
132 | Enter a settlement process type for collection of settlement documents |
133 | Enter a settlement document type for collection of settlement documents |
134 | Select either header or item level for collection of settlement documents |
135 | Item can be canceled during creation at header level only if doc. settled |
136 | Item &1 of document &2 already canceled, part cancellation not possible |
137 | Settlement is not possible for status collection &1 |
138 | Settlement is not possible for status collection &1 of item &2 |
139 | Item &1 is excluded from collection |
140 | Item cancellation only allowed with settlement at item level |
141 | Document category &1 cannot be reopened |
142 | Collective documents cannot be reopened |
143 | Completion of collective documents from settlement docs not permitted |
144 | Creation with reference not permitted for collective documents |
145 | Cancellation of cancellation is not permitted for collective documents |
146 | No material for material number &1 of supplier &2 in purchasing org. &3 |
147 | Multiple materials for mat. number &1 of supplier &2 in purch. org. &3 |
148 | Check event &1 does not exist |
149 | No application log object maintained for settlement document type &1 |
150 | Condition data without condition type transferred to item &1 |
151 | Document category &1 is not assigned to an archive info structure |
152 | No column set counter maintained |
153 | Collective documents and their source docs cannot be processed together |
154 | Check group &1 is not defined for check event &2 |
155 | No check protocol found for document &1 |
156 | Next check number must be larger than current check number |
157 | Application logs are created for this event only during BAPI processing |
158 | Creating application logs is not allowed for this event |
159 | Please enter a pricing procedure from application M (MM) or V (SD) |
160 | Field &1 cannot be changed in cancellation documents |
161 | Internal error reading structure &1 |
162 | No assignable fields found for table &1 |
163 | Table &2 does not contain field &1 |
164 | Cancel change fields group not allowed with category &1 &2 |
165 | Document category &1 is not supported by the function |
166 | The percentage for work processes may not be greater than 100 |
167 | Only &1 of &2 documents can be processed due to missing authority |
168 | Process lock is not supported for parallel processing on document level |
169 | Error when determining the parallel resources |
170 | Processing terminated due to RFC error |
171 | Report &1 was terminated. &2 of &3 documents were parallel processed |
172 | No data available for parallel processing. &1 selected |
173 | Errors occurred. &1 &2 selected. &3 of &4 documents parallel processed |
174 | &1 &2 selected. &3 documents were parallel processed |
175 | Errors occurred. &1 of &2 &3 parallel processed. &4 documents processed |
176 | &1 &2 and &3 documents were parallel processed |
177 | Report &1 was terminated. &2 &3 and &4 documents parallel processed |
178 | Do no lock all documents at parallel processing |
179 | Do not choose package processing for invoicing party |
180 | Posting Type "Rollover" inconsistent |
181 | Rollover posting (posting rule &1) is not supported here |
182 | Rollover Posting is active |
183 | Target structure &1 required for requirement class &2 (Event &3/Group &4) |
184 | Source structure &1 required for requirement class &2 (Event &3/Group &4) |
185 | Target structure &1 required for sourcevalue class &2 (Event &3/Group &4) |
186 | Source structure &1 required for sourcevalue class &2 (Event &3/Group &4) |
187 | Number Range Group &1 does not exist |
188 | Document is created with document type &1 (&2) |
189 | Enter a settlement document type for a supplier settlement list |
190 | Inconsistency between net &1 tax &2 and gross &3 amounts in pricing |
191 | An internal error occurred during number assignment |
192 | Customer settlement status for settlement partner &1 cannot be set |
193 | Supplier settlement status for settlement partner &1 cannot be set |
194 | Settlement status for settlement partner &1 cannot be set |
195 | Settlement status on item level is not supported |
196 | Settlement partner &1 only allowed for settlement documents |
197 | Field mapping error. Source: &1 &2. Target: &3 &4. |
198 | Partner Function is not allowd for source structure &1 |
199 | Different attributes in settlment type &1 and alternative settl. type &2 |
200 | **** Messages for Outbound Events **** |
201 | Outbound event &1 not supported for business object type &2 |
202 | A type &1 Event Handler instance could not be generated |
203 | Internal clearing only allowed with both settlement partners or neither |
204 | Settlement document type of document &1 was adjusted from &2 to &3 |
205 | Cannot save; diff. attribute in &1 and altern. &2 (&3) |
206 | Reference document not allowed without reference document category |
207 | Reference document information not unique, check interface data |
208 | No reference information for reference document category &1 passed |
209 | Additional reference document information not unique, check data |
210 | No reference information for add. reference document category &1 passed |
211 | Document &1 will be copied |
212 | |
213 | Reference document number &1 was updated in document &2 |
214 | Reference document number &1 not allowed, IDCP is active for CompCode &2 |
215 | Item partner schema without header partner schema not allowed |
216 | Settlement partner category &1 is not supported |
217 | |
218 | Inconsistent pricing element change data for &1 (item &2) |
219 | The fixed value date & is in the past |
220 | Exchange rate will be re-determined |
221 | Business place for non-intercompany postings not maintainable, check data |
222 | Tax ctry/reg. for non-intercompany postings not maintainable, check data |
223 | Tax ctry/reg. cannot be supplied, tax abroad not active for CoCode &1 |
224 | Tax country/region cannot be supplied for text items |
225 | Tax country/region for non tax relevent items not maintainable |
226 | Tax rate must be 1.00000 for document &1 |
227 | Intercompany posting not active for document process type &1 |
228 | Tax rate for non taxable documents not allowed (Settlement Doc Type (&1)) |
229 | Pricing element for document &1 item &2 step &3 counter &4 not found |
230 | Request is invalid |
231 | Error occurs at header partner maintenance of document &1, check log |
232 | Error occurs at item partner maintenance of doc. &1, item &2, check log |
233 | Error occurs at header pricing elements of document &1, check log |
234 | Error occurs at item pricing elements of document &1, item &2, check log |
235 | Item creation for settlement document &1 with use case &2 (&3) no allowed |
236 | Activity reason for usage &1 is not unique. Please check customizing! |
237 | No activity reasons found for usage &1. |
238 | Activity reason &1 cannot be used with settlement document type &2 |
239 | Tax rate of document &1 with company code &2 not ready for input |
240 | Tax Exchange Rate for Reporting Ctry/Reg. not allowed for document &1 |
241 | Error occurs at header level of document &1, check log |
242 | Error occurs at header text maintenance of document &1, check log |
243 | Error occurs at item text maintenance of document &1, item &2 check log |
244 | New Pricing for document &1 with use case &2 not allowed |
245 | Supplier &1 blocked |
246 | Supplier &1 blocked for purchasing organization &2 |
247 | Supplier &1 is blocked for company code &2 |
248 | Supplier &1 blocked for all company codes |
249 | "from Pricing Procedure" requires Partner Lines at Condition Record Level |
250 | Customer on item level is mandatory for settlement process type &1 |
251 | Package Processing "To Customer" only for processing "On Item Level" |
252 | No bill-to-party allowed for settlement process type &1 |
253 | No change allowed; document is in release process (status &1 &2) |
254 | No authorization to set application status &1 &2 |
255 | No authorization to change application status &1 &2 |
256 | Document status would be incomplete. Saving not allowed. |
257 | Pricing procedure could not be determined |
258 | Customizing error: No condition type for cost-based CO-PA (account &1) |
259 | Enter tax jurisdiction code for customer side (intercompany document) |
260 | Tax jurisdiction code customer only allowed for intercompany documents |
261 | Enter a SAP object type |
262 | SAP object type &1 is not allowed |
263 | No SAP object type allowed |
264 | No field visibility group allowed |
265 | Field visibility group &1 does not exist for SAP object type &2 |
266 | Field &1 (&2) has more than &3 digits after decimal point (Context &4) |
267 | Value of field &1 (&2) is too big for target &3 (Context &4) |
268 | Account key in settlement document type &1 needed |
269 | Material Posting is not supported for supplier settlement lists |
270 | Material Posting is not supported for customer settlement lists |
271 | Material Posting is not supported for settlement document lists |
272 | Material Posting cannot be activated via parameters. |
273 | Accruals Deferral Posting is not allowed together with Material Posting |
274 | Material Posting is not allowed for Settlement Party &1 |
275 | Material is mandatory for material posting |
276 | Material Posting is not allowed for Entry Category &1 |
277 | Accounting item &1 has already been factored with document &2 item &3. |
278 | Factoring document &1 cannot be cancelled. See long text. |
279 | Document &1 contains errors |
280 | Document &1 contains no errors |
281 | Specify either a PID or a document number |
282 | Business transaction type &1 not supported; please check interface data |
283 | Tax amount factors are not allowed without business transaction type code |
284 | Tax amount factors for tax code &1 missing for bus. trans. type code &2 |
285 | Document &1 cannot be processed |
286 | Value of field &1 is greater than &2 |
287 | Duplicative key for operation &1 of entity &2. Key &3 |
288 | Field &1 of entity &2 is filled |
289 | Field &1 for action &2 of entity &3 is filled |
296 | Automatic clearing of document &1 and reversed document &2 not possible |
300 | **** Messages for BRFplus in Transfer Manager **** |
301 | The BRFplus-application &1 (event &2) does not have any functions |
302 | Function &1: Parameter &2 is a table; see long text |
303 | Function &1: Transfer manager cannot process context parameter &2 |
304 | Function &1: Cannot process context parameter &2; see long text |
305 | Function &1: Cannot process field &2 of structure &3; see long text |
306 | Function &1: Structure &2 contains a field of type TABLE; see long text |
307 | Function &1: Transfer manager cannot process result object &2 |
308 | Function &1: Cannot process field &2 of structure &3; see long text |
309 | BRFplus-Application ID is initial. Check cannot be processed. |
310 | BRFplus-Function ID is initial. Check cannot be processed. |
311 | BRFplus-Function &1 does not belong to BRFplus-application &2 (event &3) |
312 | Event &1 (BRFplus application &2) is not yet enabled for BRFplus. |
313 | BRFplus-Function &1 cannot be used by Transfer Manager directly. |
314 | BRFplus is active, other transfer manager settings will be ignored |
315 | BRFplus-Function &1 does not exist. Use F4-Help. |
316 | Function &1: Cannot process result object &2; see long text |
317 | Processing aborted: Error in processing for document &1 message type &2 |
500 | **** Messages for Data Aging **** |
501 | Start of Data Aging Run for Settlement Management Documents |
502 | End of Data Aging Run for Settlement Management Documents |
503 | Archiving criteria apply for data aging as well |
504 | Checks on whether documents can be archived will be carried out |
505 | Checking documents pertaining to archiving object &1 |
506 | Document &1 cannot be aged because of archivability checks |
507 | Document &1 has been aged |
508 | Settlement method &1 is not allowed with settlement party &2 |
509 | No personnel number allowed for settlement partner &1 |
510 | No personnel number was transferred |
511 | Personnel number &1 does not exist on &2 in company code &3 |
512 | Only single entry is allowed for settlement party &1 |
513 | Document &1 has not been aged because of update failure |
514 | Document &1 has been restored to main memory |
515 | Document &1 has not been restored to memory because of update failure |
516 | Selecting documents between &1 and &2 for recovery to main memory |
517 | Package Size: &1; Number of records selected: &2 |
518 | Start of Data Aging Undo Run for Settlement Management Documents |
519 | End of Data Aging Undo Run for Settlement Management Documents |
520 | Employee settlement only supported for contract settlement use cases |
521 | No automatic clearing - validity supplier &1 <> from reversed document &2 |
522 | No automatic clearing - validity customer &1 <> from reversed document &2 |
523 | "All Org Data" mandatory with settl partner "Supplier with Customer Info" |
524 | Personnel settlement documents cannot be created by this transaction |
525 | Check Allowed Settlement Doc. Types is mandatory for settlement party & |
526 | No documents found matching your selection |
527 | Report &1 was terminated. &2 of &3 documents were processed |
528 | &1 documents were processed |
529 | Errors occurred (&1 documents were processed) |
530 | No documents available for parallel processing |
531 | Errors occurred (&1 of &2 documents parallel processed) |
532 | &1 documents were parallel processed |
533 | External Personnel Work Agreement ID &1 not found in company code &2 |
534 | Cost center &1 for personnel number &2 is not valid, check input data |
535 | Personnel cost center without personnel number not allowed |
536 | Cost center for personnel number &1, company code &2, date &3 not found |
537 | Update requires the real keys as identification. Used identification &1 |
538 | Creation requires a CID as identification. Used identification &1 |
539 | Creating and updating documents at the same time is not supported |
540 | Items for temporary documents cannot be created at a later point |
541 | Document was incorrect in earlier run. Identification &1 |
542 | Releasing and modifying operations at the same time is not allowed |
543 | Document &1 is not locked |
544 | Document &1 cannot be released to Financial Accounting |
545 | Invalid call of method &1 for document &2 |
546 | Invalid call of method &1 for document &2 and item &3 |
547 | Release of document &1 has been executed |
548 | TextID &1 is not defined for document type &2 |
549 | Document type &1 does not have a header text procedure; check input data |
550 | Field name must remain initial |
551 | Number Range Object &1 has no subobject |
552 | Number Range missing for Country/Region &1 in Number Range Group &2 |
553 | Number Range Object missing for Ctry/Reg. &1 in Number Range Group &2 |
554 | Settlement List Number and Reference cannot have same target field &1 |
555 | PricingExchRate Type only for Source Documents for Settlement Doc Lists |
556 | No data available for document &1 (Context &2) |
557 | No data available for item &1 of document &2 (Context &3) |
558 | Invalid request; Specify a valid key (Context &1) |
559 | Change requested fields for item &1 of document &2 (Context &3) |
560 | Change requested fields for document &1 (Context &2) |
561 | Assigned SAP code &1 differs from SAP code &2 of ISO code &3 |
562 | Field &1 is requested. Field &2 has to be requested, too |
563 | Document &1 status cannot be set to complete |
564 | Settlement Document &1 not released to Accounting |
565 | Account Key for Materials Without Value Update missing in &1 |
566 | Pricing Sequence "First Customer" only if pricing for both sides active |
567 | Pricing sequence "First Customer" only if different tax amounts allowed |
568 | External number assignment is not allowed for business place split |
600 | **** Messages for Report RWLF_CREATE_PSDOC_EXT **** |
601 | BAdI &1 is not implemented |
602 | Specify at least one selection criterion |
603 | No data found for selection criteria |
604 | Only one communication arrangement can be used for scenario ID &1 |
605 | There was an error when creating the HTTP client |
606 | There was a communication error with the outbound service |
607 | Locking during personnel settlement document creation for &1 failed |
608 | Selection range option &1 is not supported |
609 | Invocation of external OData service failed |
610 | Error observed for commission payment &1 during inbound processing |
611 | Conversion error when mapping field &1 value &2 to internal data type |
612 | Commission payments not processed due to update task error |
613 | No communication arrangement for scenario ID &1 |
614 | RFC Destination should be of type 'G'(HTTP connection to external server) |
615 | Compensation Variant &1 not valid based on configuration |
616 | Application does not support compensation variant; check input data |
617 | Combination of actions for document &1 leads to null operation |
618 | Sequence of actions/operations could not be determined for SDoc &1 |
619 | Combination of actions for document &1 leads to null operation |
620 | Global field name mapping not supported for CDS view |
621 | Internal error: Predecessor &1 of item &2 not found |
700 | *** Message for key yser extensibility *** |
701 | &1&2&3&4 |
834 | Document items for documents with use case ( &1 ) cannot be deleted |