WB2_SE_TRO - Message Class for Trading Order Services

The following messages are stored in message class WB2_SE_TRO: Message Class for Trading Order Services.
It is part of development package WB2_SE_XI_PROXY in software component LO-GT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trading Contract Proxies".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& records selected
001No trading order specified
002Wrong action code (Delete) for create/change service
003Content of field &1 is too long; only &2 characters are allowed
004Action code &1 (&2) is not supported for &3; use create or change
005Action code &1 (&2) on each level: no action was done
006Action code &1 for &2 contradicts action code &3 for &4
007Action code &1 (&2) is not supported; it was used for &3
008Parameter &1 and parameter &2 must have the same value
009BusinessDocumentTypeCode &1 cannot be mapped to category of causing doc.
010Category &1 of causing doc. cannot be mapped to BusinessDocumentTypeCode
011Mapping of expenses: PriceSpecificationElementTypeCode is initial
012Mapping of expenses: at least one field is initial:
013field: &1, value: &2; field: &3, value: &4
014Trading Order &1, condition key &2: more than 99 condition items
015Only one-dimensional scales are supported; current dimension: &1
016Neither currency &1 nor &2 match the local currency &3 of the document
017Neither currency &1 nor &2 match the sales-side currency &3 of the doc
018Neither currency &1 nor &2 match the purchase-side currency &3 of the doc
019Outbound proxy &1 could not be processed because of error
020Action code &1 is not valid; it was used for &2
021Exactly-once request cannot be locked: &1 (error code &2)
022At least one selection condition must be maintained
023PlantID (&1) and LocationInternalID (&2) must have the same values
024UoM must be the same on item (&1) and schedule line level (&2)
025Conversion error: &1 &2 ( &3 ) to external format
026ValueGroup &1 is not definite for ConfigurationPropertyValuation &2
027No trading order specified: add the ID to the payload
028Item &1: Different sales currencies on header and item level (&2, &3)
029Home currency could not be determined; see long text
030Neither the sales org nor the purchasing org are maintained
031Create service: Action code &1 not allowed.
032Item &1: Sales currency on header level needed to map sales item currency
033Negative value is not allowed as tolerance. Current value: &1.
034&1 is not supported for &2 action code &3
035&1: &2 is not a valid code value
036Ordinal number value &1 is not in supported range between &2 and &3
037&1: no value mapping is defined for internal value &2
039Internal ID of commodity future item with external ID &1 not found (&2)
040Internal ID of price component with external ID &1 not found (&2)
041Internal ID of PPE is not numeric.
042Trading contract application does not support field &1, check interface
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