WBB_HPR - Nachrichten Sortimentsliste HPR Projekt

The following messages are stored in message class WBB_HPR: Nachrichten Sortimentsliste HPR Projekt.
It is part of development package WBBCN in software component LO-RFM-IFC-AL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Assortment List: Enterprise AddOn".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Reorganization has already taken place
002Reorganization successful
070Error! &1 store-specific records without customer numbers were deleted
080Termination: IDoc &1 (segment &2) does not have indicator SEG_REPEAT
081Error combining dynamically reduced IDoc &1, segment &2
090Short dump(s) occurred in parallel processes
091Plants are assigned to different distribution chains
092Fatal error: transaction cancelled
095Packet size for number of materials is dubious
096Paket size for number of stores is dubious
100Customizing has not been maintained for HPR project
101Migration has been completed correctly
102Migration could not be run or did not need to be run
103Document index for POS Interface is not maintained (Customizing)
104Document index for POS Interface will be copied
105Customizing for ALE has not been maintained (see long text)
106BDCP2 is not used to read change pointers
200Start migration (confirmation required)
201Make corrections and start report again
300Packet number &1 for ID &2 cannot be recreated
750Initialization is complete
899Reduction must be the same for all the selected assortment owners
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