WER_TEST - Messages used when testing the Rule Configuration App.

The following messages are stored in message class WER_TEST: Messages used when testing the Rule Configuration App..
It is part of development package WER_TEST in software component LO-RFM-MD-PCT-IN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Test".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Rule executed properly
001Rule name and description functional
002Log value (1 variable): 1. &1
003Log value (2 variables): 1. &1 2. &2
004Log value (3 variables): 1. &1 2. &2 3. &3
005Log value (4 variables): 1. &1 2. &2 3. &3 4. &4
006Rule executed for variant &1
007Rule executed for generic article &1
008Base unit is not specified
009Base unit KG is not supported
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