WK - BPT: Meldungen integr. Eingangskorb

The following messages are stored in message class WK: BPT: Meldungen integr. Eingangskorb.
It is part of development package SIN in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Inbox Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Integrated inbox -> Basic lists
001Define a column for display
002Too many columns or selected column length is too big
003No appropriate entries were found
004You are not defined as a substitute
005The substitution for & was applied
006Substitution for & ended
007Substitution ended as not unique
008Entries cannot be displayed for current column selection
010You do not have authorization to maintain the standard configuration
011List sent to printer
012Choose an entry
013Function is not possible for class &
014Grouping not maintained
015No views to choose from
016Select block end
017Sorted in ascending order according to " & "
018Sorted in descending order according to " & "
019Place the cursor on the column content to sort it
020You do not have authorization for the selected operation
021Substitution ended
022Only the administrator can delete other users' configurations
023User & does not have any configurations
024User & does not exist
026There is a confidential document / blind copy in the folder
027Folder does not exist
028There are (&) confidential documents / blind copies in the folder
100& & & &
101Enter a valid folder
102Enter a valid field name
103Enter a valid class
200Integrated inbox -> Configuration
201You have reached the maximum number of columns which can be selected
202Select a valid column
203Not possible to insert more columns
204Select a column
205Select a column
206Place the cursor on a configuration
207Filter options were saved
208Filter options were not changed
209No columns selected to filter
210First choose columns to be displayed
211Configuration " & " was copied to " & "
212Configuration " & " was renamed as " & "
213Configuration " & " created
214Configuration " & " was saved
215Configuration " & " was deleted
216Configuration " & " new initial configuration
217Configuration " & " is protected
218Configuration " & " already exists
219Specify a configuration name
220No columns in table < & > for folder < & >
221Enter a new name
222Configuration exists already
223Configuration &1 could not be copied to &2
224No active class exists in table < & > for folder < & >
225Texts from table < & > do not exist in the logon language
226This function is not possible with the active configuration " & "
227Configuration " & " does not exist any longer
228Function not possible for active configuration
229Choose the same configuration area
230Configuration " & " was moved
231Operation canceled
232Configuration " & " is the shared initial configuration
233Character " & " must not be in the first position
234Position the cursor on the new target configuration
235Position the cursor on the new target column
236No function codes contained in table < & >
237Select a configuration
238Settings were saved
239Settings were deleted
240Settings were moved
241It is not possible to move
300Function not possible for the selected entries
301Error in event registration in callback &
302Error when structuring the control in program &
303Fast view is displayed
304Error in control dispatch
305You cannot save work place settings
306Work place settings successfully saved
307Error when expanding the node
308Folder & no longer exists
309Position cursor on a folder
310Function module & does not exist.
311Position cursor in list
312Preview could not be loaded
313No context menu exists
314Error when calling structure (Tree Control)
315Error when calling preview (HTML control)
316Error when calling list (list controls)
317No standard toolbar exists for this area
318Error in function module &.
320Preview activated
321Preview deactivated
322Settings are saved when you exit
323Settings are not saved when you exit.
324New message created...
500*** Quota ***
501If days are specified, hours are ignored
502Enter a maximum of 24 hours
503Quarter was removed from display
504Quota not found
505You are not authorized to display the quota of &
506There are no users to which the selection criteria apply
507Choose 'select' or 'inform user'
508No detailed data available.
509Recalculation of quota executed (see long text)
510Recalculation of quota is already running
512Recalculation of quota scheduled, but job not released
600**** LDAP ****
601LDAP server & does not exist
602The condition is too long altogether
603You are not authorized to access the LDAP server &
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