WOST_WSGM_GM_MODEL - Retail Store GM: Messages for Model Object

The following messages are stored in message class WOST_WSGM_GM_MODEL: Retail Store GM: Messages for Model Object.
It is part of development package WOST_WSGM_GM_MODEL in software component LO-RFM-STO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Retail Store: Goods Movements - Model Components".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select one Customizing schema as standard
001Unable to delete item &1
002Unable to find item &1
003Cost center &1 entered has not been maintained
004G/L account &1 entered has not been maintained
005Blank item cannot be defined
006No material number was assigned
007Select one key in the selection box as the default
008Component & of the material & does not exist in & &
037Account plan &1 from plant &2 and &3 from schema &4 do not match
038&1 can only be classified as a maximum of &2
039Select one selection box as a default value
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