WPI - Nachrichten Reisemanagement Web-Pl

The following messages are stored in message class WPI: Nachrichten Reisemanagement Web-Pl.
It is part of development package WPI_EMPLOYEE_TRIP_HR in software component FI-TV-COS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web Plug-In Travel Expenses".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Function module can not be used in current R/3 Release
001Error reading &
002Trip provision variants were read successfully
003Work area T702N for Morei & was read successfully
004Infotyp & could not be read for personnel number &
005Personnel numbers were read successfully
006No personnel numbers could be determined
007Trips were successfully written to rejection table
008There are no travel requests to be approved
009Travel requests were read successfully
010Authorization exists
011Textpool from & was read successfully
012Return of Buffer
013There are no travel expenses to be approved
014Travel expenses were read successfully
015& trips were approved
016Trip was successfully written to rejection table
017Trip could not be written to rejection table
018Table lengths were determined successfully
019Personalization data could not be read
020Personnel numbers must be transferred to table PERNR_TAB
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