WPRO_XI_PROXY - Messages Service Processing Retail Event
The following messages are stored in message class WPRO_XI_PROXY: Messages Service Processing Retail Event.
It is part of development package WPRO_XI_PROXY in software component LO-RFM-MD-PR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proxies Promotion".
It is part of development package WPRO_XI_PROXY in software component LO-RFM-MD-PR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proxies Promotion".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** Inbound Processing ************************************************** |
001 | Postprocessing &2, service &1: Transfer to forward error handling failed |
002 | Postprocessing &2, service &1: Registration to FEH failed |
003 | Mandatory field &1 is not filled |
004 | TestDataIndicator is set |
005 | Code &1 is not supported for element &2 |
006 | Invalid value &1 for global data type &2 |
007 | No material could be found for EAN/UPC &1 |
008 | Postprocessing &2, service &1 failed |
009 | Generation confirmation message not possible |
010 | Sending confirmation message failed |
011 | If errors cannot be corrected, discard the order |
012 | Repeating business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) failed |
013 | Confirming business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) failed |
014 | Discarding business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) failed |
015 | Repeating business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) completed |
016 | Confirming business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) completed |
017 | Discarding business process &1, order ID &2 (PI message &3) completed |
018 | Mapping for TestDataIndicator failed |
019 | PlndSlsQty-unitCode (&1) must be equal to SlsPrBaseQty-unitCode (&2) |
020 | &1 contains lower-case letters |
021 | Mandatory field is not filled |
022 | Value must not be negative |
023 | You cannot dissolve plant groups belonging to promotion &1 |
024 | Code &1 is not supported |
025 | Information of forward error handling failed |
026 | Offer ID &1 does not exist |
027 | Inbound processing service &1, message ID &2 |
028 | Test run; no updates to data base occurred |
029 | Error in message mapping; Forwarded to post processing office |
030 | Error in business logic: Forwarded to post processing office |
031 | Offer ID &1: |
032 | Field &1 must not be filled |
033 | Interface &1 in namespace &2 not found in the application system |
034 | Specify an inbound service |
035 | Offer activation for promotion &1 completed |
036 | Offer deactivation for promotion &1 completed |
037 | Confirmation service &1 created: message ID &2 |
038 | No products specified |
039 | Messages from service mapping: |
040 | PI message ID &1 with unexpected message status: &2 |
041 | Repeating inbound processing in PPO: Order ID &1 |
042 | Confirming inbound processing in PPO: Order ID &1 |
043 | Discarding inbound processing in PPO: Order ID &1 |
044 | Promotion &1 |
045 | Job &1 created for offer activation of promotion &2 |
046 | Job &1 created for offer deactivation of promotion &2 |
047 | Inbound processing executed in background task; see job log (Jobname &1) |
048 | Error in job processing: Module &1; Exception &2 |
049 | |
050 | *** Confirmation Processing ********************************************* |
051 | Post-processing &3, service &1: Generating confirmation message &2 failed |
052 | Store group &1 ignored as there are no stores assigned |
053 | Invalid schemeAgencyID &1 for (Product-)StandardID |
054 | EAN/UPC &1 is not unique |
055 | Unit code from EAN/UPC conversion &1 deviates from unit code &2 |
056 | Change of promotion type is not allowed |
060 | *** RFC Inbound Processing ("external call") |
061 | Inbound processing external call &1, message ID &2 |
062 | Maintain a RFC destination for sending confirmation messages |
063 | Background processing has begun to send a confirmation message |
100 | *** Retail Event Replication Create Request ***************************** |
101 | Could not set lock for retail event &1 |
102 | Retail event &1 does not exist |
103 | Retail event &1 deleted completely |
104 | Sales period must not start in the past |
105 | Code &1 for &2 cannot be used in combination with code &3 for &4 |
106 | RIOfferDiscountTypeCode can be specified at the Get or ProductGroup level |
107 | RetailIncentiveOfferDiscountTypeCode not specified |
108 | &1 can only be &2 or &3 |
109 | Inconsistency for product &1 in offers &3 and &4: Element &2 |
110 | IntervalBoundaryTypeCodes must not differ for the product groups |
111 | IntervalBoundaryTypeCodes must be set to '1' for the product groups |
112 | RetailIncentiveOfferDiscountTypeCode must not be set to '1' |
113 | Element &2 (value &1) must not be specified at this level |
114 | Maximum number of product groups has been reached |
115 | Element &2 (value &1) must not be specified for discount type &3 |
116 | Value of element &1 must not be &2, if &3 (&4) is specified at this level |
200 | *** Bonus Buy Handling ************************************************** |
201 | Bonus buy header data is missing |
202 | Bonus buy profile is missing |
203 | Bonus buy type is missing |
204 | Bonus buy remuneration is incomplete |
205 | Bonus Buy identifier is missing |
206 | Cannot determine bonus buy profile rebate type |
207 | Cannot determine condition table |
208 | Invalid bonus buy number range interval |
209 | Bonus buy identifier not in number range interval |
210 | Bonus buy &1 of Promotion &2 created |
211 | Bonus buy &1 of Promotion &2 updated |
212 | Bonus buy &1 of Promotion &2 deleted |
213 | Cannot delete bonus buy &1 of Promotion &2 |
214 | Cannot update bonus buy &1 of Promotion &2 |
215 | Error calling function module &1; unexpected return value &2 |
216 | Could not set lock for bonus buy |
217 | Could not create bonus buy |
218 | Could not determine bonus buy profile |
219 | Missing authorization to maintain bonus buy |
220 | Inconsistent data provided for maintenance of bonus buy |
221 | Offer ID &1 assigned to a bonus buy and to a price or discount |
222 | Offer ID &1 assigned to multiple bonus buys |
223 | Selected items: &1; active sales prices before processing: &2 |
224 | Selected discounts: &1; active discounts before processing: &2 |
225 | Selected discounts (aggregated): &1; active before processing: &2 |
226 | Selected bonus buys: &1; active bonus buys before processing: &2 |
227 | Processed items: &1; now active sales prices: &2 |
228 | Processed discounts: &1; now active: &2 |
229 | Processed discounts (aggregated): &1; now active: &2 |
230 | Processed bonus buys: &1; now active: &2 |
231 | No offer identified for activation |
232 | No offer identified for deactivation |
233 | Bonus Buy materials would be synced to the promotion |