WRF_APC - Messages for Operational Assortment Planning and Control

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_APC: Messages for Operational Assortment Planning and Control.
It is part of development package WRF_APC in software component LO-RFM-PUR-POF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Operational Assortment Planning and Control".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** From 001 to 199, the messages are reserved to article ****
001Class &1 does not exist
002Specify either price catalog item or reference material, but not both
003Material &1 already exists
004Planned material &1 does not exist
005Reference material &1 must be a prepack material
006No descriptions exist for material &1
007No characteristic values exist for material &1
008No article hierarchy assignments exist for material &1
009Cannot determine prepack number
010Material &1 does not exist in the material collection
011Generic material number exceeds the maximum number of characters
012No dynamic attributes exist for material &1
013Material &1 can no longer be updated
014Material &1 cannot be released
015Material &1 cannot be unreleased
016Characteristic &1 is not allowed for material &2
017Characteristic value &1 does not exist for characteristic &2
018Characteristic value &1 is already assigned to material &2
019Only one value can be assigned to characteristic &1
020Characteristic value &1 is not assigned to material &2
021No variants exist for material &1
022Characteristic &1 is not variant-creating
023A variant with the same characteristic values already exists
024Variant &1 does not exist
025Specify either characteristic values or variant number, but not both
026Variant &1 cannot be removed because it is used by prepack material &2
027Char. value &1 cannot be removed because it is used by variant &2
028Prepack materials cannot be released. Release material &1 first
029No components exist for prepack material &1
030Reference material &1 must be a generic material
031Specify a generic material reference
032No description in language &1 exists for material &2
033Planned material &1 is not assigned to hierarchy node &2
034No sales prices created for material &1
035No units of measure exist for material &1
036No long text exists for material &1
037No purchasing data exists for material &1
038No price created for distribution chain &1 &2, material &3
039No price created for purchasing organization &1, supplier &2, material &3
040Unit of measure &1 does not exist for material &2
041Long text for language &1 does not exist for material &2
042No data exists with hierarchy ID &1 and node &2
043Enter a valid hierarchy; hierarchy &1 does not exist
044Enter a valid hierarchy; hierarchy &1 is not active
045Selected node &1 is not an end node
046You cannot modify prepack material &1
047Material &1 cannot be deleted
048Material &1 cannot be deleted because it is still in use in assignments
049Characteristic &1 does not exist
050No entry for single material &1
051Material &1 is already released
052Material &1 is not released
053Reference material number does not correspond to ref. material object
054Generic materials &1 and &2 do not have the same characteristics
055Generic material &2 does not have all variants of generic material &1
056You cannot modify material &1
057Prepack &1 cannot be released because it does not have any components
058No markdown profile assignment found for material &1
059No markdown profile for distribution chain &1 &2 exists for material &3
060No price catalog found for your selection criteria
061You must enter either locked or unlocked parameter
062Material type for material &1 is blank
063Material type &1 does not exist
064Enter material group for material &1
065Material group &1 does not exist
066Material category for material &1 is blank
067Material category &1 is not supported here
068Class type &1: The status of class &2 does not allow assignment
069Material group &1 is not defined for Retail
070Characteristic profile &1 does not exist
071Material category &1 does not exist
072No variant-creating characteristics exist for generic material &1
073Sales Organization &1 does not exist
074Distribution Channel &1 does not exist
075Enter Sales Organization for material &1
076Enter currency for sales price &1 for material &2
077Enter sales price and currency for material &1
078Purchasing Organization &1 does not exist
079Enter a Purchasing Organization
080Supplier &1 does not exist
081Wrong supplier &1 for purchasing organization &2
082Error with supplier &1 and purchasing organization &2
083Enter a unit of measure for material &1
084Unit of measure &1 does not exist
085Enter a hierarchy and a node
086Fields for PRICAT material &1 are blank
087Enter a purchase price in supplier currency for material &1
088Enter a supplier currency for material &1
089Enter a currency for basic purchase price for material &1
090Material description and language are blank for material &1
091Enter a material description for material &1 in language &2
092Language for material description of material &1 is blank
093Description of material &1 in system language &2 is not maintained
094Material &1: Language is not maintained for a long text
095Enter a hierarchy for node &1
096Hierarchy node &1 of hierarchy &2 is not an end node
097Category of global trade item number is missing for unit of measure &1
098Update of basic data failed
099Markdown profile &1 does not exist
100No quota scale found for characteristic &1
101Update of sales data failed
102Update of purchasing data failed
103Update of units of measure failed
104Update of markdown profile assignment failed
105Characteristic value &1 already exists
106Node &1 does not exist
107Node &1 assigned to PL is an end node; cannot change node &2
108Enter supplier and purchasing organization
109Component &1 of prepack &2 is locked. No changes are allowed.
110Enter sales price for material &1 sales org. &2 and distr. channel &3
111Planned material &1 cannot be assigned to article hierarchy node &2
112Enter status 01 or 04
113Enter a PLID with no more than 10 characters
114Undo not possible; no purchasing data exists in buffer for material &1
115Undo not possible; no sales data exists in buffer for material &1
116Hierarchy node &1 of hierarchy &2 is not subordinate to node &3
117Error with blocking of PRICAT material for catalog number &1 and EAN &2
118No variant defined for generic material &1
119Prices cannot be analyzed because material &1 is not a generic material
120No purchasing data exists for variant &1 of generic material &2
121No sales data exists for variant &1 of generic material &2
122Material &1 is flagged for deletion
123The prices are different
124Enter valid currency type: local currency, supplier currency or blank
125Enter at least one characteristic value
126Enter a distribution channel
127Enter either C for compare or S for sum
128Material type for EAN &1 does not exist
129Material &1 does not exist
130Material &1 refers to a PRICAT material; variant creation not allowed
131Material &1 refers to a PRICAT material; new char. values not allowed
132Enter hierarchy node manually, no default node can be determined
133Method &1 cannot be called for a planned material
134A main assignment already exists for hierarchy level &1 and node &2
137"Planning-only" prepack material &1 cannot be released
138Material &1 is not a "Planning-only" prepack material
139Creation of new characteristic value for material &1 is prohibited
140Prepack material &1 has not been released, since it is not assigned
141Maintain plant data for material &1 before adding it to the purch. list
142Maintain the prices at the material level first
143The prices at the characteristic levels will be deleted also
144Attributes for "Planning-only" prepack material &1 cannot be maintained
145Variant &1 cannot be a component of prepack material &2
146Combination mat. group &1 / char. profile &2 has &3 var.-creating chars.
147Material group &1 has &2 variant-creating characteristics
148More than 3 variant-creating characteristics are not possible
149Material group &1 has more than one characteristic typed as &2
150Planned material of category sales set is not supported
151Planned material of category display is not supported
152Planned material of category mixed prepack is not supported
153Select a material group. Class &1 is typed as &2
154Charact. of PRICAT item not assigned to mat. groups / char. profiles
155Plant &1: Procuremnt in consignmnt stock not poss. for value-only mat. &2
156Mat. &1, plant &2: Consignmnt control &3 will overwrite normal procuremnt
157Select mat. group / char. profile with 1 - 3 variant-creating charact.
158Material &1 has no characteristic of type &2
159Enter a material category
160Purchasing Group &1 does not exist
161Organisational assignment of PL is not complete. Enter &1 &2 &3
165obsolete: PRICAT item &1: No category exists above hierarchy node &2 &3
166Rollout &1 is not valid for PRICAT item &2
168Check RFC destination &1 / remote user, logon failed
200**** From 201 to 399, the messages are reserved to purchasing list ****
201No planned data found for purchasing list item &1 &2
202Selected purchasing list &1 is empty
203Purchasing list item &1 &2 does not exist
204Purchasing list item &1 &2 already exists
205Purchasing list item &1 &2 does not exist in buffer
206Purchasing list item &1 &2 cannot be deleted
207Purchasing list item &1 &2 is already released
208Purchasing list item &1 &2 cannot be released
209Assign key figures to assortment type &1
210Material number not entered
211Purchasing list &1 could not be saved
212Season &1 &2 &3 not defined
213Hierarchy &1 does not exist
214Hierarchy node &1 for hierarchy &2 does not exist
215No header data found for purchasing list &1
216Hierarchy &1 is not active and therefore cannot be used
217There are no assortments for the current selection
218Material &1 cannot be used in assignments for purchasing list item &2 &3
219Key figure &1 cannot be used with purchasing list &2
220Assortment &1 cannot be used with purchasing list &2
221Key figure &1 cannot be used with assortment &2
222Another item with same &2 already exists for material &1
223No assignment data found for purchasing list item &1 &2
224Enter basic data to create the new planned material
225Characteristic &1 could not be deleted
226Characteristic &1 could not be deleted
227No reference plants found
228No reference store found. Scheduling not possible
229No reference distribution center found. Scheduling not possible
230Perform a scheduling first before you change the calculated dates
231Unable to read dates from previous scheduling, invalid dateline
232Expand not possible, material &1 has no characteristic &2
233Assign characteristic values to purchasing list item &1 &3
234You cannot copy assortment &1 to itself for the same key figure
235You do not have authorization for this transaction
236External purchasing list ID must include characters and numbers
237Planning not allowed for hierarchy &1, node &2 (hierarchy level)
238Planned quantity mismatch for key fig. &1 and assort. &2 at level &3
239Invalid purchasing list number &1: it contains only numbers
240Invalid header data; purchasing list could not be created
241Purchasing list reference &1 already exists
242No valid assortments assigned to the relevant nodes of hierarchy &1
243Purchasing list item &1 &2 is locked by user &3
244No ref. material found for material group &1; scheduling not possible
245Purchasing list &1 does not exist
246An application log has been generated for purchasing list &1
247No purchasing list could be selected
248Materials with category &1 cannot be added to a purchasing list
249Assortment type &1 does not exist
250Purchasing list &1 already exists; choose a different number
251Enter a supplier (tab Purchase/Sales) before creating a dateline
252Scheduling not possible, enter missing purch. organization in header data
253Error during scheduling
254Material &1 is assigned to a different season than this purchasing list
255Material &1 does not belong to hierarchy &2
256Material &1 does not belong to node &3 &2 or any subordinate nodes
257&4 &1 is outside the validity period of the rollout
258Selected assortments cannot be used for hierarchy &1 / node &2
259Dateline not yet created; display not possible
260Cannot undo the release of purchasing list item &1 &2
261Changes to purchasing list item &1 &2 are not allowed
262Purchasing list &1 with different header data has been selected
263Enter a &1 before creating a dateline
264No stores found for assortement &1 and distribution center &2
265No distribution center found for assortment &1
266No plant found for assortment &1
267&1 is not contained in data dictionary as name of a structure
268Structure &1 is not active
269Field catalog does not match structure &1
270Purchasing list &1 is not assigned to any sales or/and purchasing org.
271Quantity mismatch for key figure &1 and assortment &2 at level &3
272Quantity mismatch for key figure &1 and assortment &2
273No DCs assigned to the stores - assortments - hierarchy &1 node &2
274No difference between planned and assigned quantities
275No incoterms found for material &1 supplier &2 sales organisation &3
276This function is only available for items referring to a generic material
277No valid rollout for &2 &1
278Season &1 &2 &3 has expired, choose a valid one
279Purchasing list item &1 &4 cannot be transferred to purchasing list &2
280Selected purchasing list item can no longer be changed
281Choose PRICAT processing status: 01 (open) or 04 (forwarded)
282Target purchasing list &1 same as the current one; cannot transfer
283Duplicate entries for material &1, change presentation date &2
284Target PL &1 belongs to diff. hierarchy: &2, node &3; cannot transfer
285Planned quantities exceed target quantities for assortment &2, &1
286Planned quantities fall below target quantities for assortment &2, &1
287Rollout is initial
288No PRICAT material found
289Internal error updating purchase order quantities
290Material &1 already exists for catalog &2 and EAN/UPC code &3
291Planned material &1 already exists for catalog &2 and EAN/UPC code &3
292No scheduling available for selected purchasing list item
293Variant &1 already exists for catalog &2 and EAN/UPC code &3
294The assignment is locked. No changes allowed.
295Materials &1 and &2 do not have the same material category
296Assignment for &1, key figure &2 and material &3 has not been copied
297Enter the date (&3) for purchasing list item &1 &2
298Create planned quantities for purchasing list item &1 &2
299Repeat scheduling for transferred item &1 &2 in purchasing list &3
300Neither supplier nor local currency found, cannot price material &1
301Supplier currency unknown, price for material &1 is in local currency
302Cannot make changes to material &1
303Local currency not found
304Item table of PRICAT is empty; blocking is not possible
305Variant &1 has no link to generic material; it cannot be loaded into PL
306Distributed putaway qty for item &1 &2 exceeds allowed qty in PL &3
307New target purchasing list for season &1 &2 &3 could not be created
308No header data found for catalog &1
309No supplier found for catalog &1
310EAN &1 already exists for material &2
311Calculating quantities bottom up only makes sense for generic materials
312Variant-creating characteristic &1 does not exist for EAN &2
313Supplier price for EAN &1 does not exist
314Supplier currency for EAN &1 does not exist
315No classification was found
316You are not authorized to process data for purchasing group &1
317No assortment defined for distribution center &1
318Assign at least one store to assortment &1
319&3 for purchasing list item &1 &2 is in the past
320You cannot create new assignments
321Target purchasing list &1 is already locked by user &2
322Putaway quantity distrib. for item &1 &2 failed because of the following
323Putaway quantities successfully distributed for item &1 &2
324Item &1 &2 created by previous distribution deleted from PL &3
325Distributed item &1 &2 successfully created in PL &3
326Last distribution of putaway quantities is not up to date for item &1 &2
327No distribution center is assigned to store &1 of assortment &2
328Planned quantities are defined for store(s) without delivering DCs
329At least one calculated date is in the past
330Create assigned quantities for purchasing list item &1 &2
331Material &1 is not assigned to node &2 &3 or any of its subordinate nodes
332No scheduling data contained in selected line
333No assignment exists, the copy has been aborted
334Assortment &1: new, contains store &2 with DC &3
335Assortment &1: deleted, affects store &2 with DC &3
336Store &1: new
337Store &1: deleted
338Distribution center &1: new
339Distribution center &1: deleted
340Assortment &1: Store &2 has new DC &3 instead of &4
341Assortment &1: Store &2 with DC &3 inserted
342Assortment &1: Store &2 with DC &3 removed
343Missing dates in date line. Check your transportation chains &1 and &2
344Update scheduling for purchasing list item &1 (see longtext)
345No scheduling has been performed for item &1 &2
346PL &1: No item for material &2, &4 &3 exists
347Target prices are not converted to local currency
348Unit Conversion for EAN &1, price catalog &3 failed (ISO = &2)
349Sales price without currency (EAN &1) in Pricat pricing data
350Target purchasing list &1 does not allow to add items manually
351Putaway quantities for item &1 &2 cannot be distributed, see long text
352Key fig. &1 cannot be used with PL item that originates from LWB
353Planned quantity mismatch for key figure &1 and assortment &2
354Assigned quantities do not match planned quantities for PL item &1 &2
355Distribution cannot be done due to quantity overflow in target PLs
356Transfer failed: Material &1 not assigned to node &2 for &4 &3
357PL item and/or material &1 &2 has successfully been unreleased
358Data has been saved
359Planned quantity for PL item &1 &2 / assortment &3 has been synchronised
360Assigned quantity for PL item &1 &2 / assortment &3 has been synchronised
361Synchronization for PL item &1 &2 failed
362Purchase order quantity for PL item &1 &2 has been recalculated
363PL item &1 &2 may contain some quantities for inconsistent assortments
364Maintain view &2 for reference material &1 in material master
365Distributed items generated from source item &1 &2 could not be deleted
366For PL item &1 &2, no items from a putaway quantity distribution exist
367Planned structured material &1 cannot be added into a purchasing list
368Assortment &1: Assignment of customer &2 as assortment user not supported
369Lower limit greater than upper limit
370Purchasing list item &1 &2 is not released, unrelease not possible
371PL assignment locked by user &1 (hierarchy node/season/assortment type)
372Quantities have successfully been calculated bottom up for item &1 &2
373Item &1 &2 was successfully copied to purchasing list &3
374Item &1 &2 was successfully transferred to purchasing list &3
375Assortment &1 is not active (Status &2)
376Putaway distribution is not possible for material &1, see long text
377No application logs selected for display
378Assortment &1: Assignment of DC &2 as assortment user not supported
379Planning is disallowed for article hierarchy node &1 &2
380Rollout &1 is not valid for purchasing list &2
381Rollout &1 of material &2 is not consistent with rollout &3 of PL &4
382Set up the article hierarchy level relevant for planning
383Enter season, season year and (if appropriate) rollout
384There is more than one item for material &1 in purchasing list &2
385No category exists above hierarchy node &1 &2
386Enter an assortment type
387Rollout &1 is not valid for material &2
388All rollout assignments are consistent
389Rollout &1 of material &2 is not assigned to rollout group &3 of PL &4
391Rollout &1 of material &2 is assigned to rollout group &3 of PL &4
394You cannot remove supplier assignment, a dateline exists for the item
500**** From 501 to 699, messages are reserved to Dialog Processing ****
501You must enter a generic material
502Generic material does not correspond to purchasing list item
503You must enter a purchasing list item
504Purchasing list item must be linked to a generic material
505Select at least one characteristic value
506Select a higher-level node
507Select at least one prepack material
508This line is not relevant for the selected function
509Select at least one assortment
510Planning is not allowed at a lower planning level
511Select at least one prepack material and one characteristic value
512Select at least one valid row
513Enter supplier price and supplier currency
514Enter a supplier
515Enter a sales organization
516Local currency not found
517Amount in supplier currency could not be converted into local currency
518Material type, material group and material category are blank
519Material &1 is not generic; prepack material cannot be defined.
520Unable to create new planned material
522Select at least one value of characteristic &1
523Add next characteristic before distribution
524Select a valid row
525No data exists for hier ID &1 and node &2
526Hierarchy ID &1 cannot be changed
527You must enter a hierarchy ID and node
528Select a language to perform the desired action
529Select only one line to use the 'fast copy' function
530You cannot select a total line to use the 'fast copy' function
531This row cannot be selected for this function
532No long text exists for language &1
533You cannot change the markdown profile assignment for material &1
534Characteristic value &1 cannot be selected more than once
535Multiple values that have been cut cannot be pasted to one value
536Action cancelled
537Multiple selection is not allowed
538You have no authorization to maintain markdown profile assignments
539Maintain customizing for markdown profile maintenance
540Error during initializing of enhancement instance &1
541You have no authorization to change markdown profile assignment
542You have no authorization to assign markdown profile
543You have no authorization to delete markdown profile assignment
544Select only one assortment to use the copy function
545Characteristic values cannot be assigned to material &1
546Calculation is not completed because required fields are empty
547Purchasing price &1 is greater than sales price &2
548Purchasing price &1 is greater than net/net purchase price &2
549Net/net purchase price &1 is greater than sales price &2
550Net weight cannot be greater than the gross weight (BAdI Example)
551Net weight cannot be greater than 1000 (BAdI Example)
552Select exactly two columns
553Selected column is not a key field
554You must make entries in fields &1 &2 &3 &4
555Enter a characteristic profile during planned material creation
556Target value must be greater than &1
557Enter a purchasing organization
558No characteristic profile found
559Price calculation not possible; select a valid fixing scheme
560Enter a distribution channel for material &1
561Market buying number is not changeable; you cannot save your change
562Enter a valid currency
563Internal error; no material assigned to purchasing list item &1 &2
564Supplier &1 is not assigned to material &2; choose another supplier
565Enter a currency for supplier &1, purchasing organization &2
566Calculated purchase price net/net &1 is less than purchasing price &2
567Enter markup1 from interval &1 to &2
568Enter markup2 from interval &1 to &2
569Enter currency for purchasing price of the item
570Enter node ID
571Enter markup 1 greater than or equal to minimum markup &1
572Enter markup 2 greater than or equal to minimum markup &1
573Enter markup 1 less than or equal to maximum markup &1
574Enter markup 2 less than or equal to maximum markup &1
575Enter at least markup 1 and basic purchasing price
576Enter at least markup 2 and sales price
577Calculation is not possible
578Calculation is not possible
579Calculation is not possible
580Calculation is not possible
581Calculated markup 2 &1 is greater than max. markup &2; change your entry
582Calculated markup 2 &1 is less than minimum markup &2; change your entry
583Calculated markup 2 &1 is too large; change your entry
584Calculated markup 1 &1 is greater than max. markup &2; change your entry
585Calculated markup 1 &1 is less than minimum markup &2; change your entry
586Calculated markup 1 &1 is too large; change your entry
587Long text for language &1 already exists
588Target value must be greater than &1, to cover the locked components
589Target value &1 cannot be distributed
590Select at least one valid prepack component
591Prepack price does not exist
592Also check prices for the prepack materials
593Also check prices for the generic material
594Enter a supplier for material &1
595Enter units of measures and call up this screen again
596Enter &1 greater than or equal to minimum markup &2
597Calculated &1 &2 is less than minimum markup &3; change your entry
598Enter &1 less than or equal to maximum markup &2
599Calculated &1 &2 is greater than maximum markup &3; change your entry
600Enter markup1
601Enter markup2
602Enter markup greater than or equal to minimum markup &1
603Enter markup less than or equal to maximum markup &1
604Sales data already exists for material &1; cannot update the price
605No items selected for price calculation
606Enter supplier price and currency for material &1
607Enter supplier price for material &1
608Enter supplier price
609Enter supplier currency for material &1
610Enter supplier currency
611Purchasing list item &1 &2 cannot be changed
612Prices and markups already exist
613Sales data for distribution chain &1 &2 already exists
614No sales data exists for material &1 in distribution chain &2 &3
615Sales data already exists for distribution chain &1 / &2
616Calculated &1 &2 is too large; change your entry
617Material &1 cannot be expanded
618Calculated markup 1 &1 is not equal to markup 1 &2 in screen
619Calculated markup 2 &1 is not equal to markup 2 &2 in screen
620Enter a non-negative net/net purchasing price (your entry: &1)
621Enter a non-negative basic purchasing price (your entry: &1)
622Enter a non-negative sales price (your entry: &1)
623Enter appropriate characteristic profile or material group
624Select at least one valid variant
625Description in system language &1 cannot be deleted
626Markup1 &1 is negative; change your entry.
627Markup2 &1 is negative; change your entry.
628Calculation not possible; this price combination is not valid
629Purchasing price in local currency &1 differs from supplier price &2
630Price for current PO &1 differs from purch. price in local currency &2
631Also check the purchasing price in local currency
632Purchasing data for material &1, supplier &2 and POrg. &3 does not exist
633Start of validity &1 of catalog &2 with EAN &3 lies in the future
634No data found for catalog &1 with EAN &2
635Material &2 has been created successfully for EAN &1
636No planned material could be created for EAN &1
637Messages for catalog &1 and EAN &2
638Description in system language does not exist for EAN &1
639Purchasing list &1
640Purchasing list item &1 &2
641No data found for catalog &1 with EAN &2 for validity date <= &3
642Material &1 already exists for catalog &2, EAN &3, suppl. generic mat. &4
643No characteristic value found for catalog &1 with EAN &2
644Enter a quota scale
645Characteristic value for characteristic &1 and EAN &2 does not exist
646EAN &1: characteristic &2 is not allowed for &3 &4
647No value has been found
648Characteristic for EAN &1 is initial
649&1 &2 is consistent
650Price on variant level differs from price of generic material
651Price on variant level is equal to price of generic material
652Prices exist on variant level
653No characteristic value or no new value has been chosen
654Select at least one quota scale
655Quota scale &1 does not exist or it is not allowed
656Select a different purchasing list
657You cannot copy prepack/variant information to a non-generic material
658Prices already exist for material &1 &2 &3
659Entered markup1 &1 differs from existing markup1 &2 for material &3 &4
660Entered markup2 &1 differs from existing markup2 &2 for material &3 &4
661Enter at least one markup
662No prices exist for material &1 &2 &3
663Prices for material &1 &2 &3 cannot be modified without markup1
664Prices for material &1 &2 &3 cannot be modified without markup2
665Contradicting calculation results: Purch. price net/net (material&1&2&3)
666Enter at least supplier or supplier currency
667Calculate basic purchasing price
668Conversion was not successful, check the conversion factors
669Distribution center &1 does not exist
670Assortment &1 is not a distribution center
671Enter price
672Supplier &1 is locked
673Supplier &1 is locked for purchasing organisation &2
674Supplier &1 is marked for deletion
675No automatic calculation, use fixing scheme and calculation button
676Supplier &1 is not assigned to purchasing organisation &2
677Enter supplier currency &1
678No inconsistencies found for item &1 &2
679Enter a presentation date or a purchasing list number
680Purchasing List &1: Only display possible, see appl. log for details
681You can only copy PL items that originate from layout workbench
682Review the prepack material(s), they contain invalid components
683Do not change &2 for items created from Layout Workbench
684Material &1 is not generic; variants cannot be displayed.
685You must enter a structured material.
686Material &1 is not a structured material; components cannot be displayed.
687No components found for material &1
688You cannot display purchasing list item &1 &3 from the current view
689Some PL items have been skipped because they cannot be displayed
690No more PL items available that can be displayed in the current view
691Use reference distr. channel &1 instead of &2 to create prices
692Planned quantity is too big
693Select one supplier and purchasing organization
694Select only one supplier and purchasing organization
700**** From 701 to 799, messages are reserved to Release Processing ****
702Error occurred while attempting to call function/method &1
703Generic material &1 for prepack &2 needs to be released first
704No authorization for processing purchasing lists &1, node &2
705Purchase price generation failed for mat. &1, supplier &2, purch. org. &3
706No sales currency found for sales org. &1, distribution channel &2
707Inconsistency: Only 1 variant can be saved for price catalog &1, EAN &2
708No listing performed because a link to layout module version exists
709No order list items generated
710For selection by purchasing lists, enter hierarchy ID and node ID
711Error while attempting to save confirmation for PL item &1 &2
712No logistics data found for purchasing list item
713Enter a hierarchy ID and a hierarchy node; generic access not allowed
714No purchasing lists have been selected for deletion
715Purchasing list item &1 &2 cannot be deleted
716Variant price without generic mat. price in distribution chain &1 / &2
717No char. value matching the selection found for material &1
718Material &1 does not exist
719Enter characteristic name and values; otherwise selection is ignored
720You are not authorized to release items of purchasing list &1
721You are not authorized to delete purchasing list &1
722EAN &1 for planned mat &2 already exists for mat &3, saving not possible
723No reference material could be determined, saving not possible
724Severe error during saving of planned mat &1 originating from PRICAT
725No PRICAT data for planned mat &1, now saving like non PRICAT item
726No deleted long text was found
727Transportation chains don't match / system recalculated the dateline
728Data for material &1 is not yet complete (creation status &2)
729Check fiscal year variant &1. Error while evaluating markdown profile &2
730Dateline has been recalculated for order list item &1 &2
731Selection not possible, enter at least one or more parameters
732Processing purchasing list &1
733Items successfully deleted from purchasing list &1
734Prepack &1, plant &2: No data created (no ref. data for generic mat. &3)
735Processing Purchasing List Item &1 &2
736Purchasing list item &1 &2 can be deleted
737Use function 'Maintain Purchasing List' to delete item &1 &2 in PL &3
738No purchase order has been generated for item &1 &2, plant &3, &4
739No allocation table has been generated for item &1 &2, plant &3, &4
740Selecting purchasing lists for deletion
741Actual delivery date is not in the past for item &1 &2, plant &3, &4
742PL Item &1 &2: Several purchase order items point to the same DC &3, &4
743Original DC &1, actual DC &2, &4 quantity &3
744Purchasing organization(s) not allowed for distribution chain &1/&2
745Distribution chain &1 is assigned to store &2 in assortment &3 (PL &4)
746Distribution chain &1 is assigned to DC &2 (see long text)
747Distribution channel &1 replaced by reference distr. channel &2
748Distribution chain &1/&2 is assigned to purchasing list &3
749Sales data exist for distribution chain &1/&2, material &3
750Enter a reference plant (pricing) for distribution chain &1/&2
751Assign components to structured material &1 before you order it
752Perform individual listing for components of prepack material &1
753Messages for &1 &2 &3 &4
754External transportation chain changed / system recalculated the dateline
755Internal transportation chain changed / system recalculated the dateline
800**** From 801 to 899, the messages are reserved to misc ****
801Entry successfully inserted in purchasing list inbound data (totals)
802Entry successfully updated in purchasing list inbound data (totals)
803Error occurred during update of purchasing list inbound data (totals)
804The extraction program does not support object &1
805Selection criterion &1 is missing in the data request
806Error in characteristics determination for material &1 / &2
807No data available
808Enter one of the following key figures: IF, IV, PA
809Enter both hierarchy ID and node, or neither
810Error during transfer to purchasing list; assortment is empty
811Inconsistency: No assortment type for assortment &1
812Set Assortm.Ratio/Putaway Distrib. indicator for no more than 1 record
813Set Target KeyFig./Putaway Distrib. indicator for no more than 1 record
814Enter only numeric values
815Enter different values for the priority of the key figures
816Enter different column position values (assortment type, hier. node)
817Select a purchasing list item for distribution
818Old distribution for selected purchasing list item is deleted
819No markdown profile/sales pattern found for selected purchasing list item
820Necessary rollouts for distribution are not defined in Customizing
821No stores assigned to assortment(s)
822Enter different sorting position values (assortment type, hier. node)
823Enter different charact. position values (assortment type, hier. node)
824No markdown profile/sales pattern found for material &1
825Markdown profile does not exist for year &1
826Error while deleting old distribution for purchasing list &1
827Not used
828Not used
829Fiscal year variant/date combination not maintained &1/&2.
830Rollout beginning with date &1 does not exist.
831Maintain a sorting position value
832Two rollouts exist with the same starting date &1
833Characteristics header data is not maintained for material &1.
834Planned putaway quantities on the planning levels involved do not match
835Enter planned quantities for key figure &1 to determine assortment ratio
836Settings for characteristics and markdown profile assignment do not match
837Maintain planned qties for item &1 &2, key figure &3 on planning level &4
838Distributed items could not be created, resulting quantities too small
839No materials exist for the current selection
840Item &1 in PL &2, level &4: Zero quantity for assortment &3 (rounding)
841Item &1 &3 in PL &2, level &4: Zero quantity for all assrtmnts (rounding)
842No distributed item created for season &1 &2 &3, all quantities are zero
843None of the active key figures of PL &1 can be target of a distribution
844None of the active key figures of PL &1 identifies the assortment ratios
845No purchasing lists exist for the current selection
846Specify a hierachy for the selected hierarchy node
847Specify a hierachy node for the selected hierarchy
848No PRICAT items exist for the current selection
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