The following messages are stored in message class WRF_BUDGET: .
It is part of development package WRF_BUDGET in software component LO-RFM-PUR-OTB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework: Budget Processes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No budget numbers were passed on
002The deletion operation failed
003Application ID not filled
004Process ID for application PPW not filled
005The application ID is unknown
006Unexpected return code &1 during database access &2 to table &3
007No tables or budget type were passed on
008Could not select a valid budget type &1
009Selection failed (incorrect budget number or database error)
010No budget type was specified for planned bucket &1
011The application ID is not OTB
012Cannot determine any budgets for specified numbers for budget type &1
013Deletion failed for at least 1 budget
014Delete operation failed for the allocations
016No entry for number & in the database of target OTB values (&2)
017No entry for number & in the allocation database (&2)
018No entry for number & in the database of actual OTB values (&2)
019No suitable target values were found in the database
020No suitable actual values were found in the database
021No allocations found for budget &1
022No allocations found for budget numbers
023No budget type specified for budget number
024Selection of actual values failed (wrong budget number, database error)
025No allocation found for budget &1, order period &2 to &3
035Could not create target values
036&1 target values created
037Could not create any allocations
038&1 allocations created
040All allocations were created during the first call
041&1 more allocations were created
042All target values were created during the first call
043&1 more target values (OTB) were created
044&1 actual OTB values were created
045&1 actual values were already created in the first call
046&1 actual values were created
047Could not create any actual values
048Budget &1 was credited by &2 &3
049Budget &1 was charged with &2 &3
050There is no data record with budget number &1
051Values were updated for &1 data records
052&1 target budgets were deactivated
053&1 budgets were activated
054&1 allocations were updated
055&1 allocations were created
056No entry with budget &1 exists in the database of actual values
057&1 actual OTB values were updated
058There is no data record for number &1 and process ID &2 in the database
059&1 plan PPW values were updated
060There is no actual value for budget &1 and process ID &2 in the database
061&1 actual values (PPW) were updated
062Process ID missing for budget &1
065Target value budget &1 was updated - new budget: &2 &3
066Target value budget &1 was deactivated
067Target value budget &1 was activated
069Allocation budget negative: no. &1, order period &2 to &3, budget: &4
070Available budget &1 negative: &2 &3
071Budget &1 deactivated despite documents
072Budget &1 not deactivated: documents exist (for example, &2)
073Starting transmission: &1
074Transmission complete: &1
075Allocations with budget &1: No target value exists in the database
076Budget &1 not processed (due to locking problems)
090Error calling function module &1
091Budget &1 is already being processed by user &2 (blocked)
100Import parameter "Reference Date" is not filled
101Process ID for application PPW not filled
102Material number is not filled
103Budget type &1 is not active in the system
104Application &1 is not filled correctly
105Control structure is not filled
106No budget type found for material &1 and date &2
107No Customizing data found for budget type &1 and date &2
108No active budget type found for date &1
109No budget found for material &1 and date &2
110Error calling BAdI &1, method &2
111Check type for material &1 and budget type &2 is "No OTB Check"
112No unique budget found for article &1 budget type &2 date &3
113Table &1 not found
114No field found with name &1 in table &2
115Structure with fields at budget level not filled
116No active BAdI implementation exists for budget type &1
117No budget number found
118Maintain the planning table for budget type &1 in Customizing
119No (active) budget exists for material &1, budget type &2, date &3
120Material &1 is not assigned to material hierarchy &2 on date &3
121Material class &1 is not assigned to the material group hierarchy
122Budget selection cancelled by user
123Article hierarchy &1 used for budget determination is not active
124Article hierarchy &1 (from Customizing) is used instead of art. hier. &2
200Budget type was already transferred: date &1, time &2
201Budget type has status &1
202Update of Customizing entries in SAP ERP not necessary
300Error calling function module &1
301Unexpected return value &1 during database access &2 of table &3
302Unexpected logical expression &1 in routine &2
303No budget type could be selected
304Technical attributes of field &1 not identical to InfoObject &2
305Implementation &1 of BAdI &2 not active
306Unexpected return value &1 for function module &2
307Enter a valid budget type
308You cannot run the program in this system/client
309Table entries of budget type successfully written to request &1
310Budget type is still valid (end date = &1)
311Budget type &1 has status "Active"
312Budget type &1 has status "Inactive"
313&2 budgets exist for budget type &1
314It is not possible to reorganize the budget type
315Reorganization of budgets required
316Budget type was reorganized
317Budget type reorganization terminated with errors
318Could not delete table &1 &2 &3 &4
319Table &1 &2 &3 &4 was deleted
320Entries of Customizing table &1 &2 &3 &4 were deleted
321Prioritization of OTB budget types not unique
322Terminating program
323Assignments to InfoObject &1 fro budget level &2 are incomplete
324Budget ID of KPI &1 from key figure set &2 not maintained
325Activation of budget type not possible
326Budget type &1 was activated
327Customizing for application &1, budget type &2 not maintained fully
328Enter a BAdI implementation for field &1
329Only assign one field of budget level &1 a hierarchy &2 = &3
330No authorization for the selected budget type
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