WRF_BW_EXTRACTION - BW-Extraktion Retail: Erg�nzungsnachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_BW_EXTRACTION: BW-Extraktion Retail: Erg�nzungsnachrichten.
It is part of development package WRF_MASTERDATA_EXTRACTION in software component LO-RFM-BCT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Retail Fashion: BW Master Data Extraction".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Information missing in &1, field &2 for document &3, item &4!
002Data source &1 does not contain a field with the name &2
003Incorrect mehtod call; data source &1 is unknown
004No entry found for movement type: &1 &2 &3
005Superordinate item for material document not found: &1 &2 &3
006First start XPRA for LO extract structure changes
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