WRF_FOLUPART - Folge-/Ersatzartikel

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_FOLUPART: Folge-/Ersatzartikel.
It is part of development package WRF_FOLLOW_UP_ARTICLES in software component LO-RFM-MD-ART. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Maintain and Assign Follow-Up Material in Material Master".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error deleting the follow-up/replacement material relationships
002Follow-up category number & is not defined in Customizing
003You are not authorized to process follow-up/replacement material relat.
004Error updating table WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A
005Error inserting a new F/R Mat. in table WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A
006Error deleting an F/R mat. relationship in table WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A
008Follow-up/replacement material relationship has cycles
009Error creating the container object
010Error creating the SAP splitter container
011Error setting up the SAP grid control
012Error setting up the log object
013Error registering the ALV grid events
014"Valid From &" lies in the past
015"Valid To &" lies in the past
016"Valid From &" is later than "Valid To &"
017Original material & is flagged for deletion
018Follow-up/replacement material & is flagged for deletion
019Original material and follow-up/replacement material & are identical
020Follow-up/replacement material & is not listed for assortment &
021Original material & is a generic material
022Follow-up/replacement material & is a generic material
023Original material & is a value-only material
024Follow-up/replacement material & is a value-only material
025Original article & is a reference material
026Follow-up/replacement material & is a reference material
027No original material specified
028No follow-up/replacement material specified
029"Valid From" is not specified
030"Valid To" is not specified
031Specify an article hierarchy ID
032Specify an article hierarchy node
033Specify an article hierarchy ID for the original material
034Specify an article hierarchy node for the original material
035Specify an article hiearchy ID for the follow-up/replacement material
036Specify an article hierarchy node for the follow-up/replacement material
037No materials selected; select again
038Select the required material number
039The selected column does not contain any materials
040No material selected
041Select a follow-up/replacement material relationship
042Select at least one follow-up/replacement material relationship
043Original material & is a standard material
044Follow-up/replacement material & is a standard material
045No priority specified
046&: Two-level cycle exists
047&: Overlapping validity period
048&: Identical priority exists
049&: Duplicate key exists
050&: Follow-up/replacement mat. relationship at finer data retention level
051Follow-up/replacement material relationships posted
052Material category of original mat. & and follow-up mat. & not identical
053No follow-up/replacement material relationships for selected materials
054You can only process follow-up/repl. mat. for variants already in the DB
055Only materials from material master are possible as material master
056Could not block original material &
057&: Original material not specified in import file
058&: Follow-up/replacement material not specified in import file
059&: Follow-up category not specified in import file
060&: "Valid From" not specified in import file
061&: "Valid To" not specified in import file
062&: No priority specified in import file
063&: Follow-up category & from import file does not exist
064&: Original material & from import file does not exist
065&: Follow-up/replacement material & from import file does not exist
066&: Assortment & from import file does not exist
067&: Original material & in import file is a generic material
068&: Original material & in import file is a value-only material
069&: Original material & in import file is a reference material
070&: Original material & in import file is a standard material
071&: Follow-up/replacement material & in import file is a generic material
072&: Follow-up/replacement material & in import file is a value-only mat.
073&: Follow-up/replacement material & in import file is a reference mat.
074&: Invalid date & in import file
075&: Priority & in import file does not exist
076&: Import file does not contain a suitable X structure
077&: Follow-up/replacement material & in import file is a standard material
078&: Original mat. and follow-up/replacement mat. & identical in imp. file
079&: Valid From" date in import file lies in the past
080&: "Valid To" in import file lies in the past
081&: "Valid From" greater than "Valid To" in import file
082&: Follow-up/replacement mat. & is not listed for assortm. & import file
083Import file does not contain any entries
084& follow-up/replacement article relationships read
085Select a follow-up category number defined in Customizing
086No follow-up category numbers defined in Customizing
087Error uploading file &
088No follow-up/replacement material relationships created
089Process the selected follow-up/replacement material relationships first
090No follow-up/replacement material relationships exist for this material
091No follow-up/replacement material relationships exist for these variants
092It is not possible to maintain two identical relationships
093Temporal overlaps exist between the different priorities
094Data updated - data stored at more detailed data retention level
095Enter a conversion factor for the original article
096Enter a conversion factor for the follow-up/replacement material
097You may only create one substitution relationship
098The valid-to date may not be 12/31/9999
100Materials with empties cannot be assigned
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