WRF_MATERIAL - Additional Messages for Material Master (Retail)

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_MATERIAL: Additional Messages for Material Master (Retail).
It is part of development package WRF_ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE in software component LO-RFM-MD-MMM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Material Fast Entry: Retail Fashion".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Conversion error: Material &/table &
002Material & is not a Retail material
003The transfer parameters are not defined correctly
004Choose either internal or external number assignment
005You have to select the basic data view for new materials
006A reference material must be available to use the copy function
007Error during reduction of classification
008Only new segments will be copied for existing materials
009Material & is not valid in this transaction
010Select the desired key lists for referencing
011Class & is not a merchandise category
012Material type & does not exist
013Old (&) and new material ID (&) are not compatible
014Article hierarchy & does not exist
015Article hierarchy node & & does not exist
016Article hierarchy node & & does not have any assigned materials
017Characteristic & is not permitted
018Enter selection criteria
019Additional data records found for the selection criteria
020Material & already exists; you can only extend it
021Target and source materials are identical
022Enter a material or choose internal number assignment
023Internal number & calculated for the new material
024Enter a material category
025The reference material must have category 01 for the select mat. categ.
026The data does not permit constraints with variants
027All variants of material & will be copied
028Processing will be cancelled; changes will not be saved
029The data does not permit any constraints
030No reference data is available for the selected level
031To create a new variant, a generic material number must be available
032Cannot determine the internal material number
033& materials selected
034Article hierarchy assignments will only be copied for new materials
035Changes to purchasing info record & & & & were saved
036Material & is not a full product; BOMs will not be copied
037BOM header of material & with category & is inconsistent
038Source list copied for material & and plant &
039BOM & & & was copied for material &
040Maintenance group type & is not valid
041Maintenance group & does not exist or has wrong type
042Select a valid entry
043No data selected
044Field assignment of maintenance group & will be edited
045Application log & created
046Assignments to hierarchy & copied for material &
047You cannot change the material type of material &
050Processing terminated
051Enter a material number
052Enter a material number or material group/type/category
053Enter the material type, material group, and material category
054Material type, group, and category copied from material &
055Reference material and material to maintain are identical
056Initialization not possible due to an active update
057Could not determine BAdI instance (error code: &)
058Info record category & does not exist
059Info record category & is not allowed
060Data for material & is incomplete
061Distribution chain & & does not exist
062Changes to material & will not be saved
063Characteristic profile & does not exist
064Value & of field "&" is not valid
065Select at least one line
066New messages created; check the log
067Enter the permitted units of measure first
068Unit of measure & is not allowed
069Combination of language & and UoM & already exists
070Select a different node
071Function is deactivated
072Background processing started for material &
073Creating application log &
074First define the variants of the generic material
075Currency & is not allowed
076Enter a condition amount that is greater than or equal to 0
077Price unit & is not allowed
078Enter a date that is later than or equal to date &
079Assortment & is not allowed
080Conversion factors for the base unit of measure must be 1
081Conversion factors must be greater than 1
082Enter the base unit of measure
083The entered data is not consistent
084Maintain the classification data
085Maintain field "&"
086Specify the assortment assignment
087Assign the material to material hierarchy &
088Material & is not of the type Generic Material
089You are trying to assign variant & to an invalid characteristic valuation
090The material & is used in the allocation table item & &
091The material & is used with the sales unit & in the promotion &
092The material & is used in the purchase order item & &
093Characteristic value & does not exist
094Creation of new materials is not allowed
095Material changes are not allowed
096Enter the bill of material for material &
097EAN maintenance not possible with selected processing volume
098EAN maintenance can only be selected for new materials
099Also select the option "Alternative Variants"
100EAN maintenance is only possible for new variants
101The changes are accepted after reconfirmation
103Season assignments will only be copied for new materials
104Variant class type and variant class copied from material &
105Enter a valid variant class type and variant class
106Variant class &2 does not exist in variant class type &1
107Could not determine variant class type and variant class for material &1
108Cannot create article using &1 as it has batch-specific unit of measure
150************ Messages for Retail Demand Management ********************
151Enter a valid material ID
152Enter a valid material type, material group and material category
153Material &1 already exists
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