WRF_MPA - Nachrichten zur Abschriftenprofilzuordnung

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_MPA: Nachrichten zur Abschriftenprofilzuordnung.
It is part of development package WRF_MPA in software component LO-RFM-MD-MPA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Merchandise Control: Markdown Profile Assignment".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter the article hierarchy completely or not at all
001You are not authorized to run the program
002Enter a hierarchy node
003Enter an article hierarchy
004Enter at least one existence check for the markdown profile
005Enter the material group, material number, or article hierarchy
006Markdown profile assignment is not activated in Customizing
007You are not authorized to change profile assignments
008You are not authorized to delete profile assignments
009You are not authorized to assign profiles
010Incorrect function code (&1) for change to phase 3
011Restrict the material selection
012You selection may exceed the permitted maximum of &1 records
013No data selected
014Profile assignment information is not consistent
015Error blocking data records; type: &1; error: &2
016No materials selected
017&1 materials selected for the worklist
018Error calling the "Mass Maintenance" selection screen
019Mass change not performed
020A total of &1 data records were selected
021You are not authorized to delete or create assignments
022Customizing for markdown profile assignment not configured
023No data records selected from the worklist
024&1 data records selected from worklist for profile assignment
025No materials available to process
026No variants available to process
027Old and new profile are identical
028Error calling the data backup
029There are no consistent assignments to save
030No data records selected for profile assignment
031Data saved
032Changes not saved
033Current layout to display worklist is not available
034Error calling the user data for user &1
035Error calling the check for price-only material &1
036Error calling the value help by RFC
037Error displaying the value help
038The specified profile is not allowed for the selected data records
039No valid profile exists for data records
040Error displaying the value help
041Error initializing instance G_BADI_CHCKCON
042Error initializing instance G_BADI_CHCKAUT
043Error initializing instance G_BADI_B1_TO_B2
044Error initializing instance G_BADI_B2_TO_B3
045Error initializing instance G_BADI_B1_TO_B3
046No materials were added to the worklist
047No materials found in the article hierarchy
048Distribution chain (&1, &2) does not exist in client
049You are not authorized to change or create assignments
050You are not authorized to edit assignments
051You are not authorized to delete or change assignments
052Hierarchy nodes are not available
053Selected rows do not contain a profile
060Sales organization &1 does not exist
061Distribution channel &1 does not exist
100Mat. no.: &1 - You are not authorized to delete assignments
101Mat. no.: &1 - Incorrect assignment level due to existing price-only mat.
102Mat.no.: &1 - Assigned profile is not allowed
103Mat.no.: &1
104Mat.no.: &1 - Assignment is not allowed; you must delete the profile
105Error: &1 &2
106No permissible profile found
107Enter a BW system in Customizing
108Profiles cannot be displayed or do not exist
109No profiles found
110Cannot connect to BW system
111Enter a valid BW system in Customizing
112Error connecting to the BW system
113Hierarchy &1 does not exist for distribution chain &2 &3
114Enter hierarchy &1 for the distribution chain
115Incorrect reassignments were reset
116Existing assignments were not checked completely
117Existing assignments were not checked
118Incorrect existing assignments were deleted
119Mat. no.: &1 - Profile assignment level inconsistent w/price mat. level
120Mat. no. &1 - You are not authorized to change assignments
121Enter a profile template
200&1 entries reorganized
201No current extract of the markdown profiles is presently available
202You are in test mode; &1 entries would be reorganized
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