WRF_PRC_POHF - Messages for Seasonal Purchase Order Processing

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_PRC_POHF: Messages for Seasonal Purchase Order Processing.
It is part of development package WRF_PRC_POHF_DDIC in software component LO-RFM-PUR-POF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects PO Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select at least one &1
001Propoerties of field &1 cannot be maintained for &2
002No document type selected
003Text does not exist yet
004More than one &1 selected
005&1 &2 &3 &4
006Error: &1 &2 &3 &4
007Item &1 of document &2 cannot be deleted
008Item &1 is a subitem; you can only delete/undelete main items
009Field &1 must be filled for transfer
010Document &1 cannot be deleted
011Application indicator &1 is not defined
012A grouped purchase order document cannot be created
013Grouped purchase order document created/changed under number &1
014T161: No item interval exists for subitems
015Document date &1 is in the past; rescheduling is not allowed
016Save data before executing the function
017At least one schedule line must exist for item &1 of document &2
018Splitting type for structured materials not defined in Customizing
019Rescheduling is not allowed for calling application &1
020Release document &1 individually as selection of release code is required
021No conditions
022No price could be found
023Enter a material number
024Enter a plant
025No vendor could be found
026Invalid contract number: &1
027Enter a vendor
028Contract currency cannot be determined
029Company code is incorrect/missing
030Print preview is not possible for document &1
031Message processing was terminated
032Message for document &1 cannot be printed
033Operation terminated
034Message for document &1 cannot be printed
035No message exists for document &1
036Printing error
037No suitable grouping criteria have been entered
038Item &1 cannot be grouped as a subitem of item &2
039Purchasing group &1 does not exist
040Item & cannot be grouped by delivery period
041&1 Function reports exception &2
042&1 &2
043Item &1 cannot be grouped by OTB-relevant budget number
044Item &1: Allocation table relevance indicator for material &2 is not set
045Set the origin indicator for item &1
046Plant &1 not maintained
047Error in function module &1 when reading table &2
048Error calling function module &1
049Error in function module &1; material number must be filled
050Error in function module &1; invalid activity type &2
051Error occurred in function module &1 when calling transaction &2
052Error in function module &1 when calling material core master data
053Schedule line &1 of item &2 cannot be deleted
054Rescheduling is not allowed as order date &1 is in the past
055Order list item &1 cannot be deleted
056No OTB check was carried out for the grouped purchase order document
057Specify the order type first: &1
058Incorrect or missing data in field 'Material': &1
059Incorrect or missing data for company code, purch.org, plant: &1 &2 &3
060No data was selected
061Item &1: Purch. group &2 is not responsible for material &3, plant &4
062Select at least one purchase order item
063Delivery period cannot be determined for schedule line &1 of item &2
064Grouping criterion PLANT infringed for purchasing document &1
065Grouping criterion CONTRACT infringed for purchasing document &1
066Grouping criterion ITEM CATEGORY infringed for purchasing document &1
067Grouping criterion BUDGET infringed for purchasing document &1
068Grouping criterion ALLOC.TABLE RELEVANCE infringed for purch. doc. &1
069Grouping criterion DELIVERY PERIOD infringed for purchasing document &1
070Grouping criterion DELIVERY DATE infringed for purchasing document &1
071Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because doc. types different
072Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because POrgs are different
073Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible as company codes different
074Sbitems of item &1 cannot be grouped because supply sources differ
075Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because purch.grps different
076Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because plants are different
077Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because contracts different
078Subitems of item &1 cannot be grouped because item categories different
079Subitems of item &1 cannot be grouped because fixed date purchases differ
080Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because order-rel IDs differ
081Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because dlvy dates different
082Grouping of subitems of item &1 not possible because dlvy periods differ
083subitems of item &1 cannot be grouped because OTB buckets different
084Purchasing group &1 is not responsible for material &2
085Purchasing group &1 is not responsible for material &2, plant &3
086Purchasing group could not be determined for material &1
087Errors occurred during updating
088Creation of GPO fro GPO not necessary
089No delivery date in scheduling. Delivery date determined internally
090Function not possible, domestic vendor
091Error calling function module &1 -->
092No OTB check needed according to Customizing table &1
093OTB error during generation of grouped purch.order document -->
094Error in function module &1: invalid Appl_Type &2
095Also process structure &1
096Function module &1 triggers exception &2 -->
097No item &2 could be found for schedule line &1
098No condition values exist
099Purchasing info record for material &1 vendor &2 does not exist
100Incoterms could not be determined
101No storage location could be found
102First maintain the control table for grouping for document type &1
103Select an order list item
104Only one property of field &1 can be maintained
105Net price could not be determined
106Error in list check
107Item saved successfully: &1
108No entry maintained for document type in table WRFT_POHF_INBD
109No Pol_id could be generated
110Error saving &1 &2
111Order list item was successfully deleted: &1
112For unsaved documents, delete items individually
113Item &1 does not come from the order list
114Plant &1 not entered or incorrect
115Check delivery date and order date
116Incorrect entries in field: &1 &2
117Document number &1 could not be updated
118Document number &1, item &2 could not be updated
119Document number &1, item &2, schedule line &3 could not be updated
120Enter a price for price fixing
121Material &1 is not intended for consignment procurement
122A grouped PO document was created as a result of negative OTB check
123A standard purchase order was created as a result of a positive OTB check
124Item &1 in document &2 is locked as a result of negative OTB check
125Lock on item &1 in document &2 was removed due to positive OTB check
126Variants can only be put back with generic materials
127PO document could not be generated due to negative OTB check
128No seasonal purchase order processing document; processing terminated
129Document type &1 is not intended for seasonal purchase order processing
130Document is not a purchasing document from seasonal procurement -->
131It is not possible to put back manually entered items
132Only one schedule line per item can be displayed
133Make an entry in mandatory field: &1
134Errors occurred when PO items were put back -->
135Variant matrix cannot be processed; parameter &1 not supplied
136Not possible to put item &1 back -->
137Enter a vendor
138No promotion could be found
139No contract could be found
140Incomplete contract data
141Allocation table relevance indicator was reset -->
142Allocation table relevance indicator incorrect
143Insufficient data for numbering: &1
144Variants can only be generated with generic material in follow-on docs
145Group check with errors in field: &1 &2
146Select at least one document for which OTB check was negative
147Inconsistent data transferred to numbering
148Schedule line &1 of deleted item &2 must not be deleted
149Schedule line &1 of locked item &2 must not be deleted
150Incorrect contract item
151No valid contract exists
152Item &1 already put back: deletion cannot be reversed
153Incorrect promotion
154No valid promotion available
155Function for &1 is not possible
156Item &1 is subitem. Only block/unblock main items
157Invalid combination of company code, plant, purch. org.
158Invalid combination of material/procurement ID
159Vendor missing or incorrect
160Invalid combination of vendor/purchasing organization
161Material missing or incorrect
162Selected items: &1, grouped items: &2
163Messages for order list item &1
164Put-back item &1 ignored
165Unsaved item &1 is not grouped
166Purchase order &1 already released
167Document &1 only contains deleted/put-back items
168&1 OL item from &2 not processed because of lack of authorization
169&1 GPO and &2 GPO items ignored because of lack of authorization
170Check contract &1
171Variant matrix cannot be maintained with origin &1
172Dates were recalculated
173Deleted item &1 cannot be put back
174Function cannot be executed for this &1
175Check Incoterm2
176Delivery date before order date
177End of processing &1 / &2
178&1 &2 was released successfully
179&1 &2 could not be released
180You cannot delete schedule line &1 of generic material item &2
181You can only use structure name &1 in extension-in parameter internally
182Messages for document: &1
183Document &1 created
184Stock transport order does not exist (for &1, RC=&2)
185&1 document items exceed threshold value of &2
186Enter a currency for price fixing
187Cannot execute mass change: different &1 in document &2 for material &3
188Purchase order &1 contains &2 stores
189Enter a purchasing group
190Enter a purchasing document type
191No subitem exists
192Plant &1 in item &2 is not a store
193You must enter a store or customer number in item &1
194Collective numbering is not allowed for variant &1
195Vendor &1 with collective number &2 does not support collective numbering
196Collective number &1 is not within the number range &2
197Material &1 with collective no. &2 is not available for prepackaging
198Data to be changed is not identical
199Control table for grouping is currently being edited
200Incorrect call of scheduling
201Item &1: Incoterm2 copied in accordance with standard determination
202Grouping error: different plants for collective number &1
203Grouping error: different vendors for collective number &1
204Grouping error: different purchasing org. for collective number &1
205Grouping error: different company codes for collective number &1
206Grouping error: different order type for collective number &1
207The &1 include must not exceed &2 characters; your include has &3
208Enter customer number in item &1
209No more than &1 groups are permitted for collective numbering
210Processing method in item &1 is not permitted for collective numbering
211Allocation-relevance indicator &1 not permitted for collective numbering
212Item category &1 is not permitted in seasonal purchase order processing
213Enter item data
214Start reprocessing; erroneous collective numbering as grouped PO document
215Start processing for group &1
216Only distribution centers are permitted
217Store and recipient number in item &1 cannot both be filled
218Processing of the group of vendor orders failed
219Item & cannot be grouped because it is part of collective numbering &
220You cannot process ad hoc data
221Synchronization of allocation table is not possible (quantity change)
222The process of single-store vendor orders is inactive
223Synchronization of allocation table is not possible (site change)
224Synchronization of allocation table is not possible (unit of measure)
225Alloc. table synchronization not possible (alloc.table-relev.indicator)
226At least one follow-on/replacement material exists for material &1
227No follow-on/replacement materials exist for material &1
228Synchronization of allocation table is not possible (storage location)
229Synchronization of allocation table is not possible (deletion indicator)
230Synchronization of allocation table not possible (vendor date)
231For header data, you can only partially maintain foreign trade
232For item data, you can only partially maintain foreign trade
233Items in the collective numbering process cannot be removed
234A follow-on document &1 exists for this document
235You are processing a collective purchase order
236Documents already exist for collective number &1
237Conversion is not possible (&1)
238Contract &1 assigned to item &2
239Collective number &1 already exists, with different grouping values
240Check the PO quantity
241Quantity optimizing was performed
242Check whether proposed text should be accepted
243Internal error creating a generic material header schedule line (item &1)
244No creditor could be found for supplying plant &1
245No main item with SLS sub items. The document does not exist.
246For checking, the field must contain a value
247No item category could be determined for purchase order &1
248You are not authorized for &1 &2; submission no. &3 will not be processed
249Error with collective number &1: Items not processed
250Error with numbering. Item interval exceeded
251Grouping criterion VENDOR SUBRANGE infringed for purchase document &1
252Grouping subitem of position &1 impossible due to diff. vendor subrange
253Material &1 with category &2 is not processed in seasonal procurement
254Material &1 with type &2 is not processed in seasonal procurement
255Grouping criterion PLANT &1 infringed by material &2 (plant &3).
256Enter a purchasing organization
257Field "&1" is required
258Error Message exist in the log,
899Function module &1 is obsolete; use &2 instead
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