WRF_WSUBST - Article Substitution: Messages Central Determination Logic

The following messages are stored in message class WRF_WSUBST: Article Substitution: Messages Central Determination Logic.
It is part of development package WRF_SUBST in software component LO-RFM-SUB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Substitute Article - Central Determination Logic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000'&1' '&2' '&3' '&4'
001Enter application in function module &1
002Enter date in function module &1
003Activate substitution for application &1
004Define the permitted document types for application &1
005Application &1 is invalid
006Disallowed PRE_STEP; Order '&1', Item '&2'
007Purchase order document type &1 not allowed; purchase order &2
008Substitution processing is not globally activated
009Material-plant data entered incorrectly; purchase order &1, item &2
010Substitution not permitted; purchase order &1, item &2
011Error triggered in BAdI implementation; purchase order &1, item &2
012Info displayed in BAdI implementation; purchase order &1, item &2
013Incorrect data from BAdI implementation; purchase order &1, item &2
014Import parameter incorrect; purchase order &1, item &2
015No substitution master data found; purchase order &1, item &2
016Master data filtered in BAdI; purchase order &1, item &2
017Database error; purchase order &1, item &2
018No substitution proposal created; purchase order &1, item &2
019Sortiment &1 not found
020Read material &1; data inconsistency
021Read material &1; database error
022Read material &1, delivering plant &2; data inconsistency
023Read material &1 delivering plant &2; database error
024Read material &1 receiving plant &2; no entry
025Read material &1 receiving plant &2; database error
026Read source list material &1 receiving plant &2; database error
027Read source list material &1 receiving plant &2; no entry
028No valid supply source: material &1, receiving plant &2
029Error reading supplying plants; material &1 receiving plant &2
030Material &1 in plant &2 not listed on &3
031Listing check; data inconsistency, material &1 in plant &2
032Daily listing; data inconsistency material &1 in plant &2
033Daily listing not active; material &1 in plant &2
034Daily listing not carried out; material &1 in plant &2
035Quantity control; data inconsistency purchase order &1, item &2
036Quantity control; data inconsistency material &1 in plant &2
037Quantity control; incorrect import parameter, purchase order &1, item &2
038Quantity determination not possible; original material &1, unit &2
039Quantity determination not possible; substitution material &1, unit &2
040Error checking availability; substitution material &1, distr. center &2
041Quantity not/not completely available; subst. material &1, distr. cent.&2
042Error triggered in BAdI implementation; purchase order &1, item &2
043Info displayed in BAdI implementation: purchase order &1, item &2
044Incorrect data from BAdI implementation; orig. mat. &1, orig. unit &2
045Substitution proposal rejected; PO &1, item &2, substitution material &3
046Purchasing document type &1 not permitted for application &2
047Material substitution not activated for application
048Define at least on control type (event-controlled, time-controlled)
049Forced switchover only allowed if 'Follow-up mat event-cntrld' flaggged
050Day listing only possible if 'Follow-up mat event-cntrld' flaggged
051'Quantity Check Replcmt Matl* only if 'Repl. matl event-cntrld' flaggged
052'Quantity Check Foll-up Matl* only if 'F-up matl event-cntrld' flaggged
053Select at least one inventory type for inventory check
054Inventory check is not always activated
055Deletion not permitted; still records in WRF_SUSBT_CTRL_D for application
056No substitution master data found; purchase order &1, item &2
057Master data filtered in BAdI; purchase order &1, item &2
058No substitution master data found; purchase order &1, item &2
059Master data filtered in BAdI; purchase order &1, item &2
060No subst. master data found (follow-up mat. event-contr.): PO &1, item &2
061Master data filtered in BAdI; purchase order &1, item &2
062No ordering method key maintained for material &1 at plant &2
063No valid ordering method key maintained for material &1 at plant &2
064Listing not performed: material &1, plant &2, subs. listing indicator &3
065Unable to determine unit of issue: subst. mat. &1, DC &2
066Inventory check not possible for subst. mat. &1 at DC &2
067Define value for quantity control follow-up material event-controlled
068Define value for quantity control replacement material event-controlled
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